《犹太难民与上海》 编委会
德领馆至今悬挂木刻画 宋庆龄抗议迫害犹太人 Woodcut Showing Soong Ching-ling Protesting against Judenhetze is Still Hanging in the German Consulate
何凤山奋笔签证 犹太人虎口逃生 He Fengshan Issued Visas against All Odds Helping Jews Flee from the Clutches of Death
如果不是上海 我不可能活着 I Would not Be Alive But for Shanghai
上海不要签证 避难幸运八年 Not a Visa Needed Shanghai Provided Easy Access to 8-Year Refuge
永远感恩上海 拯救我的生命 Perpetual Gratitude for Shanghai for Saving My Life
不安中初识上海 烧竹席引来日军 Arriving in Shanghai in Turbulence the Refugees’ Attempt of Bamboo Mat Burning Attracted the Japanese over
亲眼见到日寇施暴 一刀砍下父亲胡子 The Japanese Invaders Committed Violence—A Jewish Child Witnessed her Father’s Beard Chopped off in a Cut
华沙屠夫来沪屠犹 罪恶计划幸未实施 Butchers from Warsaw to Shanghai for a Jewish Slaughter Kept from Evil Committing
踏上上海土地 听到犹太乡音 Setting Foot into Shanghai to Hear the Jewish Accent
嘉道理办学 小难民欢颜 Kadoorie Ran the School to Make the Little Refugees Happy
艺术家爱多难土地 清贫中播艺术种子 Art Seeding in Poverty with the Love for the Land of Misfortune
难民音乐家作曲上海 《玫瑰,玫瑰,我爱你》传世 Refugee Musician in Shanghai Composed the Legendary Rose Rose I Love You
苦中作乐有选美 歌手裁缝成皇后 A Singer and Seamstress Became the First Beauty Queen of the Jewish Community in Shanghai
弗洛伊德弟子 在沪创办《黄报》 A Disciple of Freud Started Die Gelbe Post in Shanghai
隔离区的摄影师 避难上海见证人 A Photographer in the Ghetto Witnessed the Refugees’ Life
隔离区里的犹太人 重视医疗教育文化 Jews in the Ghetto—Attention was Paid to Health Education and Culture
难民乃创业能手 维也纳头巾畅销 The Refugees were Good Entrepreneurs Making the Viennese Scarf a Hit on the Market
犹太人生意经 重信誉亲情轻 The Jewish’s Business Knack: Honesty First and Family Second
买卖煤炭求生上海 习惯中国商人礼仪 Making a Living in Shanghai by Doing Coal Business and Learning Chinese Business Etiquettes
犹太难民文明 善在困境求生 The Jewish Refugee Civilization—a Strong Willpower of Survival in the Plight
六七岁犹太小孩 凄苦街头卖面包 A Young Jewish Boy Sold Bread Desolately on the Street
沈石蒂乱世不苟 摄影师瞬间永恒 Sanzetti the Photographer Left an Eternal Moment in Days of Turbulence
佐拉赫艰辛奔波 救同胞避难上海 Zorach Strived through Hardships to Help Compatriots Take Refuge in Shanghai
德国拳王施计谋 犹太孩童躲劫难 German Boxing Champion Made Attempts to Help Jewish Children Survive
莱卡老板担风险 犹太员工离魔窟 The Leica Boss Took the Risk to Help the Jewish Employees Escape from the Den of Monsters
难民饥饿穷困 劳拉艰辛行善 Laura Raised Money in Hardships to Help Those in Hunger and Poverty
犹太难民伊马斯 他将根留在中国 Jewish Refugee Imas Rooted in China
天亮前惨遭空袭 霎时间血肉横飞 Raid Before Dawn Caused Appalling Bloodshed
上海迎来胜利 恶魔合屋挨揍 Triumph Welcomed in Shanghai the Evil Force Wailed out Aloud
德国日本投降日 犹太难民喜庆时 Jewish Refugees Joyously Celebrated the V-J Day
“自由战士”傅莱 深深眷恋中国 Soldier of Freedom — Frey’s Deep Connection with China
犹太难民罗生特 新四军中白求恩 Jacob Rosenfeld a Jewish Refugee and “Bethune” of the New Fourth Army
犹太姑娘朱迪丝 抗日情报女战士 Judith a Jewish Girl and Intelligencer of the Anti-Japanese War
日军手榴弹 为何炸不响 Why the Japanese Army’s Grenades Didn’t Explode
犹太难民新生命 “上海宝贝”五百余 New Lives Welcomed — the Number of “Shanghai Babies” Exceeded 500
我们生于战乱 都是“上海宝贝” Born in the Upheavals We were All “Shanghai Babies”
四位当年“上海宝贝” 再聚洛克菲勒中心 Four “Shanghai Babies” of those Years Reunited at the Rockefeller Center
中犹爱侣天各一方 小爱曲折大爱圆满 Happy Ending of a Sino-Jewish Couple through Twists and Turns
犹太画家牵手上海姑娘 聋哑情侣演绎相爱终生 Lifelong Love Story of a Deaf-mute Jewish Painter and His Shanghai Lover
犹太艺术大师 青睐上海画家 Young Shanghai Painter Rated by a Jewish Art Master
著名犹太画家 寻找上海阿妈 A Renowned Jewish Artist Looks for his “Shanghai Amah”
犹太“女孩”薇拉 找到上海“爷叔” Vera — A Jewish Girl who Found Her Shanghai “Uncle”
犹太美女婚纱 回到上海娘家 The Wedding Dress of a Fair Jewish Lady Came Back to its Original Place Shanghai
犹太难民结婚 家父担任主婚 My Father Presided over a Wedding between a Jewish Couple
上海犹太母亲 特别热爱上海 The Intense Affection of the “Jewish Mother of Shanghai” towards the City
一把剃头刀 珍藏七十年 A Razor Treasured for 70 Years
为了一句承诺 三代护书千册 Three Generations Preserved 1 000 Books in Fulfilment of a Promise
老上海人一碗茶 暖人心头七十年 One Bowl of Tea from a Shanghainese Keeps Alive 70 Years of Heart-Warming Memories
铜牌纪念何凤山 上海放在中心点 Shanghai was Placed at the Center of the He Fengshan Monumental Bronze Medal
我家六位犹太房客 个个都是手巧艺精 The Six Families of Jewish Lodgers in My House were All Dexterous and Skillful
你给我白面包 我给你六谷饼 I Shall Repay You with My Six-grain Cakes for Your White Bread
谭冰若难忘犹太老友 黄鱼车接送音乐大师 Tan Bingruo’s Unforgettable Old Jewish Friend — a Great Musician Picked up by Jinrikisha EveryDay to Work
一张逃亡旧船票 两代犹太参观人 An Old Ship Ticket of Exiles Attracted Interest of Two Generations of Jewish Visitors
九旬犹太老人 访沪就像回家 A 90-Year Old Jewish Senior Visited the Homelike Shanghai
弗雷德写自传 再现颠沛历史 Fred Wrote a Biography to Recur the Vagrant Past
收藏一块墓碑 留下一段史痕 Keeping a Gravestone to Preserve a Trace of History
八旬犹太人 一颗中国心 The Connection with China of an 80-Year Old Jew
寻根女大使 惊喜海门路 A Homesick Woman Ambassador Got Surprises on Haimen Road
邻居再忆抗战胜利日 犹见外国弄堂欢呼时 Neighbors Recalled the V-J Day and Cheering in Foreign Lanes
库尔特写信致上海市长 犹太难民碑立霍山公园 Initiator of the Commemorative Plaque in Hongkou
七十年前旧上海 犹太报纸登些啥 What Appeared on the Jewish Newspapers in Shanghai 70 Years Ago
旧闻三篇录世实 犹太难民显精神 Three Old Pieces of News Recorded the Truth and Jewish Refugees Showed Their Spirit
生存艰难志不移 “重回祖国”藏心底 Survived the Hard Times Telling Stories of Back-to-Motherland Dreams
失国民族黄连苦 沪上媒体齐声援 Shanghai Media Jointly Supported the Nation Suffering from the Pain of Defeat
纪念品留下战争回忆 火柴盒记载日军野心 The Souvenirs Keep the War Memories while the Matchboxes Record the Ambitions of the Japanese Invaders
犹太孩子忆童年 香烟壳子难忘怀 The Unforgettable Cigarette Pack in the Childhood of Jewish Children
隔都的文具 你可还记得 Do You Still Remember the Stationery in the Ghetto
聚居区群星闪耀 音乐会抚平伤痕 Star-studded Concert Soothed the Broken Hearts
护照承载逃亡岁月 七十年后失而复得 Passport Recording the Exile Days Regained after 70 Years
“信使”关注新论 “时代”传播要闻 The Messenger Focused on New Theories and the Times Communicated Important News
犹太青年戴斯君 环球骑车战火中 The Jewish Youth Deiss Cycled Globally in the War
捐建犹童学校 惜因战事关闭 Established by Donation the Jewish School Pitifully Closed in War
犹太国队虽输球 无国有队喜欲狂 Lost in the Match Jews Celebrated Joyously for Having a National Team before Establishing the State
寻找童年小伙伴 重洋难隔儿时情 Search for Childhood Companions—Old Memories Could never be Severed by a Distance of Oceans Apart
犹太商人落难 变卖家当求存 Caught up in Calamity Jewish Businessman Sold out All Properties for Survival
我家三件传家宝 陪伴全家过难关 My Family’s Three Heirlooms Accompanied the Whole Family through Hard Times
禁谈逃亡经历 努力找活谋生 Never Talk about Escaping Try to Make a Living
三条大街留难民 五百行业谋生计 Make a Living in 500 Trades and Seek Shelter on Three Streets
木偶戏抒发乡愁 经典剧好评如潮 Classics of Nostalgia-rich Puppet Plays Obtained Raves
刻骨铭心小街景 握手鞠躬芭蕉扇 Unforgettable Street Scenes: Handshakes Bows and Palm-Leaf Fans
犹太难民在上海 《申报》记录全过程 Stories of the Jewish Refugees in Shanghai Completely Recorded by Shun Pao
走过磨合期融入上海 欲组犹太军共斗纳粹 Assimilate into Shanghai through the Run-in Period with an Attempt to Organize an Jewish Army against Nazism
逃出集中营 又进隔离区 Escape from the Concentration Camp Just to be Forced into the Ghetto
春节平静刚过 隔都囚禁难民 A Peaceful Spring Festival Followed by Refugee Imprisonment in the Ghetto
捐赠合屋漫画 永记日寇蛮横 Never Forget the Outrageousness of Japanese Invaders
战后难民寻方向 媒体说美谈欧洲 Media Discussion about the US and Europe Provided Guidance for Refugees after War
布鲁门撒尔:最知名的上海犹太难民 Blumenthal: Shanghai’s Best-known Jewish Refugee
隔都遗迹与拉宾们 The Old Ghetto: Relics and Statesmen
渡堂海:一切源于1919 Haim Dotan: it All Started In 1919
霍却斯达特:在名单墙上找到祖父母 Hochstadt Found his Grandparents’ Names on the Shanghai Jewish Name Wall
摩西会堂修缮记 Please Preserve the Shop Sign of the Café Atlantic
请留下大西洋咖啡馆店招 Please Preserve the Shop Sign of the Café Atlantic
“上海故事”感动美国国会山 “Shanghai Stories” Move Capitol Hill
潘光:在联合国讲犹太故事 Pan Guang Told Jewish Stories in the United Nations
陈俭:与时间赛跑的办馆历程 Chen Jian: Build a Museum against Time
何宁:“比80%犹太人更懂犹太史” He Ning: Knows Jewish History Better than 80% of Jews
林勇:营造“拯救与温暖” Lin Yong: Create Salvation and Kindness
白马咖啡馆的前世 The Origin of the White Horse Café
“黄包车”拉到今天 The “Rickshaws” Still Popular Nowadays
十年前,就有人发掘犹太人史料 Someone was Collecting Jewish Historical Materials as Early as a Decade Ago
原先这幢房子是白色的 The White House
杰里·摩西的乡愁 The Nostalgia of Jerry Moses
附录 虹口地图上的犹太文化地标 Appendix The Jewish Cultural Landmark on the Map of Hongkou District
后记:征集故事中的故事 Postscript: Stories in Collecting Stories
序一 这段光辉历程珍藏在犹太人民心中
PrefaceⅠ This glorious period in Shanghai history will always be cherished by the Jewish people
序二 和平·友善·包容
PrefaceⅡ Peace·Friendliness·Tolerance
自序 缘分·邂逅·情结
Author’s Preface Fate·Encounter·Obsession
附录 艺术家陆志德
Appendix Artist Lu Zhide
更新时间:2019-11-19 10:09:03