语用能力:外语教学的瓶颈(Pragmatic CompetenceThe Bottleneck of FL/EFL Teaching)
更新时间:2019-09-06 16:25:51
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research background
1.2 Objectives of the study
1.3 Significance of the study
1.4 Organization of the book
Chapter Two Theoretical Developments of Pragmatic Competence in FL/EFL Teaching
2.1 The study of pragmatic competence in second or foreign language learning
2.2 The issue of pragmatic competence in second or foreign language teaching
2.3 The distinction between SL/ESL and FL/EFL in light of pragmatic competence
2.4 Pragmatic competence:A serious challenge to current FL/EFL teaching
2.5 Summary
Chapter Three The Need for Reconsidering the Construct of Pragmatic Competence
3.1 The concept of pragmatic competence in the development of language competence
3.2 Pragmatic competence:The source of controversies about communicative competence
3.3 Features reflected in various models and interpretations of communicative competence
3.4 Reconsidering the construct of pragmatic competence
Chapter Four Rationales Underlying a Cognitive Approach to the Construct of Pragmatic Competence
4.1 Pragmatic theories applied to the current construct of pragmatic competence
4.2 A cognitive linguistics approach to the study of pragmatics
4.3 The theoretical significance of SCA for the theme of this research
4.4 Theoretical explanation for the extended construct of pragmatic competence
4.5 Summary
Chapter Five The Experiment
5.1 Research questions of the experimental test
5.2 Research methodology
5.3 Discussion
5.4 Summary
Chapter Six Conclusion
6.1 General summary
6.2 Implications for foreign language education
6.3 Limitations and directions for future studies
更新时间:2019-09-06 16:25:51