- The Poisoned Pen
- Arthur B Reeve
- 1117字
- 2016-03-02 16:32:46
"Nothing as yet," replied Craig, "but I have set certain things in motion which will give us a pretty good line on what is taking place in a day or so."Orton's face fell, but he said nothing.He bit his lip nervously and looked out of the sun-parlour at the roofs of New York around him.
"What has happened since last night to increase your anxiety, Jack?" asked Craig sympathetically.Orton wheeled his chair about slowly, faced us, and drew a letter from his pocket.Laying it flat on the table he covered the lower part with the envelope.
"Read that," he said.
"Dear Jack," it began.I saw at once that it was from Miss Taylor.
"Just a line," she wrote, "to let you know that I am thinking about you always and hoping that you are better than when I saw you this evening.Papa had the chairman of the board of directors of the Five-Borough here late to-night, and they were in the library for over an hour.For your sake, Jack, I played the eavesdropper, but they talked so low that I could hear nothing, though I know they were talking about you and the tunnel.When they came out, I had no time to escape, so I slipped behind a portiere.I heard father say: 'Yes, I guess you are right, Morris.The thing has gone on long enough.If there is one more big accident we shall have to compromise with the Inter-River and carry on the work jointly.We have given Orton his chance, and if they demand that this other fellow shall be put in, I suppose we shall have to concede it.'
Mr.Morris seemed pleased that father agreed with him and said so.
Oh, Jack, can't you do something to show them they are wrong, and do it quickly? I never miss an opportunity of telling papa it is not your fault that all these delays take place."The rest of the letter was covered by the envelope, and Orton would not have shown it for worlds.
"Orton," said Kennedy, after a few moments' reflection, "I will take a chance for your sake - a long chance, but I think a good one.
If you can pull yourself together by this afternoon, be over at your office at four.Be sure to have Shelton and Capps there, and you can tell Mr.Taylor that you have something very important to set before him.Now, I must hurry if I am to fulfil my part of the contract.Good-bye, Jack.Keep a stiff upper lip, old man.I'll have something that will surprise you this afternoon."Outside, as he hurried uptown, Craig was silent, but I could see his features working nervously, and as we parted he merely said:
"Of course, you'll be there, Walter.I'll put the finishing touches on your story of high finance."Slowly enough the few hours passed before I found myself again in Orton's office.He was there already, despite the orders of his physician, who was disgusted at this excursion from the hospital.
Kennedy was there, too, grim and silent.We sat watching the two indicators beside Orton's desk, which showed the air pressure in the two tubes.The needles were vibrating ever so little and tracing a red-ink line on the ruled paper that unwound from the drum.From the moment the tunnels were started, here was preserved a faithful record of every slightest variation of air pressure.
"Telephone down into the tube and have Capps come up," said Craig at length, glancing at Orton's desk clock."Taylor will be here pretty soon, and I want Capps to be out of the tunnel by the time he comes.Then get Shelton, too."In response to Orton's summons Capps and Shelton came into the office, just as a large town car pulled up outside the tunnel works.
A tall, distinguished-looking man stepped out and turned again toward the door of the car.
"There's Taylor," I remarked, for I had seen him often at investigations before the Public Service Commission.
"And Vivian, too," exclaimed Orton excitedly."Say, fellows, clear off these desks.Quick, before she gets up here.In the closet with these blueprints, Walter.There, that's a little better.If Ihad known she was coming I would at least have had the place swept out.Puff! look at the dust on this desk of mine.Well, there's no help for it.There they are at the door now.Why, Vivian, what a surprise.
"Jack!" she exclaimed, almost ignoring the rest of us and quickly crossing to his chair to lay a restraining hand on his shoulder as he vainly tried to stand up to welcome her.
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" he asked eagerly."Iwould have had the place fixed up a bit."I prefer it this way," she said, looking curiously around at the samples of tunnel paraphernalia and the charts and diagrams on the walls.
"Yes, Orton," said President Taylor, "she would come - dropped in at the office and when I tried to excuse myself for a business appointment, demanded which way I was going.When I said I was coming here, she insisted on coming, too."Orton smiled.He knew that she had taken this simple and direct means of being there, but he said nothing, and merely introduced us to the president and Miss Taylor.
An awkward silence followed.Orton cleared his throat."I think you all know why we are here," he began."We have been and are having altogether too many accidents in the tunnel, too many cases of the bends, too many deaths, too many delays to the work.Well - er - I - er - Mr.Kennedy has something to say about them, Ibelieve."
No sound was heard save the vibration of the air-compressors and an occasional shout of a workman at the shaft leading down to the air-locks.
"There is no need for me to say anything about caisson disease to you, gentlemen, or to you, Miss Taylor," began Kennedy."I think you all know how it is caused and a good deal about it already.
But, to be perfectly clear, I will say that there are live things that must, above all others, be looked after in tunnel work: the air pressure, the amount of carbon dioxide in the air, the length of the shifts which the men work, the state of health of the men as near as physical examination can determine it, and the rapidity with which the men come out of the air, so as to prevent carelessness which may cause the bends.