- 高中英语词汇词根联想记忆法+同步学练测(乱序版)(全集)
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Word List 21

place/ pleIs /n. 地方,处所 vt. 放置,安置
[例] I had been driving for at least an hour when I finally found his place. 我至少开了一小时的车才找到他的住所。// He placed the vase in the middle of the table. 他把花瓶放在桌子中间。
[考] 1. take place 发生(不用于被动形式) 2. take the place of 取代
able/ ˋeIbl /adj. 有能力的;有才干的,有本事的
[用] able作“有才干的,有本事的”讲时,在句中可以作定语或表语。
[例] I think Linda should be able to pass the final exam. 我认为琳达应该能通过期末考试。
[考] be able to do sth. 能够做某事: I am afraid that I won't be able to visit you on Sunday. 恐怕我周日不能去拜访您了。
辨:able, capable
able强调人不但聪明,而且擅长做某事,很有本事,后面跟不定式to do; capable则是指某人具备的潜能或者经过培训后具备的能力,语气比较弱,后面跟of doing。另外,capable也可以指贬义的、带有讽刺意味的“才能”。
nearly/ ˋnIəli /adv. 将近;几乎
[例] This blue star sapphire is worth nearly six hundred thousand dollars. 这颗蓝宝石的价值将近60万美元。
辨:nearly, almost
这两个单词都有“几乎”的意思,在肯定句中和动词否定形式前可以互换,如: I almost/nearly didn't wake up on time. 我几乎睡过了头。主要不同在于:almost可以和any, no, none, never, nobody, nothing连用,但是nearly不可。如: Almost no one knows it. 几乎没人知道这件事。
power/ ˋpaʊə /n. 力量;动力
[例] come to power 掌权 // power station 发电站
[参] powerless(adj. 无能力的)
true/ truː /adj. 真正的,确实的;正确的
[例] true love/friendship 真正的爱情/友谊
[考] come true 成为现实
[参] untrue(adj. 不真实的,不正确的);truly(adv. 真正地,真实地)
vital/ ˋvaItl /adj. 重大的,生死攸关的
[记] 词根记忆:vit(生命)+al(…的)→事关生命的→生死攸关的
[例] a vital injury 致命伤

native/ ˋneItIv /adj. 本土的,本国的
[例] native language 母语
parcel/ ˋpaːsl / n. 包裹
[例] When I opened the door, a parcel on the floor caught my eye. 当我打开门的时候,看到地上有一个包裹。
material/ məˋtIəriəl / n. 材料,原料;物质
[例] building materials 建筑材料
likely/ ˋlaIkli / adj. 很可能的
[用] be likely to 很可能: Jim is likely to have a higher salary. 吉姆很有可能会得到更高的薪水。
cloudy/ ˋklaʊdi / adj. 多云的,阴天的
[例] Cloudy mornings give way to clear evenings. 早晨云遮日,晚上星满天。
system/ ˋsIstəm / n. 体系,系统
[记] 词根记忆:sy(看作syn,一起)+ste(站立)+m→站到一起→体系
[例] Language is a highly developed system of symbols. 语言是一种高度发达的符号系统。
late/ leIt / adj. 晚的,迟的 adv. 晚,迟
[例] Get up, or you will be late for school. 快起床,否则你上学要迟到了。
interpreter/ InˋtɜːprItə / n. 翻译员,口译人员
[例] He wants to work as an interpreter. 他想做一名翻译。
everybody/ ˋevribɒdi / pron. 每人,人人
[用] everybody在含义上是“人人”的意思,但用作主语的时候,谓语动词要用单数。比如: Everybody has to pay attention to the traffic lights. 人人都要注意交通信号灯。
[例] Everybody was asked to put forward his/her opinion on this issue in class. 课上,老师要求每个人就这个问题提出自己的看法。
harbour/ ˋhaːbə /(美harbor) n. 港口
[例] We can overlook the harbour from the window of our room. 从屋子的窗户我们可以俯瞰那个港口。
knee/ niː / n. 膝盖
[例] I got down on my knees and pleaded for help. 我跪下来寻求帮助。
talk/ tɔːk / v. 谈话,议论 n. 谈话,会谈;演讲
[例] talk show 脱口秀 // peace talks between two countries 两国间的和平对话
[考] 1. talk to/with sb. 和某人交谈 2. talk about sb./sth. 谈论某人/某事 3. give a talk 作讲座,演讲: I'm writing to ask you to come and give a talk on American films. 我写信是想邀请你来作一个有关美国电影的讲座。
before/ bIˋfɔː / prep. 在…以前,在…前面 adv. 以前 conj. 在…之前
[用] before作连词,引导时间状语从句,表示主句动作在从句所指时间之前发生: My husband rarely comes to bed before he finishes his job. 我丈夫很少在完成工作之前上床睡觉。也可以表示主句动作在从句所指时间之前持续: It will be years before we meet again. 我们要过好多年才会再见面。
辨: 1. long before, before long
long before意为“很久以前”,常与一般过去时或过去完成时连用,跟从句时也可用在现在进行时的句子里。before long意为“不久之后,很快”,在句中常作状语,多与动词一般过去时和一般将来时连用。
2. before, ago
before, ago都指“以前,…之前”。before一般指过去的一个时间点之前,多用过去完成时;ago指从现在起的以前,通常用一般过去时。
wild/ waIld / adj. 野生的
[参] wildlife(n. 野生生物)

dangerous/ ˋdeIndʒərəs / adj. 危险的
[例] dangerous condition/situation 危险的情况
[考] be dangerous to 对…是危险的
[参] dangerously(adv. 危险地)
temporary/ ˋtemprəri / adj. 暂时的,临时(性) 的
[记] 词根记忆:tempor(时间)+ary(…的)→时间很短的→暂时的
[例] temporary workers 临时工
[参] permanent(adj. 永久的)
compare/ kəmˋpeə / vt. 比较,对照
[记] 词根记忆:com(表加强)+par(平等)+e→看是否相等→比较
[用] 1. compared with/to 和…比较起来: Compared with/to the whole human history, our own lives seem so short. 与整个人类历史相比,我们自己的生命是如此短暂。2. compare...to... 把…比作/比喻成…: Poets often compare death to sleep. 诗人常把死亡比作长眠。3. compare...with... 把…与…相比较: I am comparing your notes with mine. 我正在比较我们的笔记。
[参] comparable(adj. 可比较的,比得上的)
辨:compare... with... ,compare... to... ,compared with/to
这些结构都可以表示比较。compare是及物动词,compare... with... 是把两者进行对比;compare...to... 是把某事物比喻成另外一种事物: He compared her to a rose. 他把她比作玫瑰。而compared with/to相当于介词短语,表示“与…相比”,此时to和with可以互换: Living in a town can't compare with living in the country in many respects. 在许多方面,城市生活比不上乡村生活。

plot/ plɒt / vt.(plotted, plotted, plotting) 密谋 n. 情节
[例] The plot is pretty boring. 故事情节枯燥无味。
rest/ rest / n. 休息;剩余的部分,其余的人(或物) vi. 休息,歇息
[例] Take what you want and throw the rest away.
[考] 1. the rest of... 剩余的…: The rest of the students will take part in the competition. 剩下的学生将参加竞赛。2. rest on/upon... 依据;停留在: Your argument rests on a statement that can't be proved. 你的论点是以一项无法证明的陈述为依据的。

endless/ ˋendləs / adj. 无止境的;没完没了的
[记] 词根记忆:end(尽头)+less(没有的)→没有尽头的→无止境的
[例] Harry has given his children and wife endless love all his life. 哈里一生给了他的妻儿无尽的爱。
type/ taIp / vt. 打字,用打字机打出
[例] This file needs to be typed out again because there are some errors in it. 这份文件需要再打一遍,因为里边有一些错误。
[参] typist(n. 打字员)
worry/ ˋwʌri / v./n. 担忧,烦恼
[用] worry about... 担心…: Many people worried about the existence of wildlife. 许多人担心野生动物的生存问题。
junior/ ˋdʒuːniə / adj. 初级的;年少的
[记] 联想记忆:jun(看作June, 六月) + ior → 小孩子过六一儿童节→年少的
[例] junior high school 初中
dialogue/ ˋdaIəlɒg /(美dialog) n. 对话
[例] political dialogue 政治对话
second/ ˋsekənd / n. 秒 num. 第二 adj. 二等的
[例] We learn English as our second language. 我们把英语作为第二语言来学习。
[考] second to none 最棒的: Fred is second to none in math in our class. 弗雷德是我们班数学学得最好的。
[参] secondly(adv. 第二,其次);millisecond(n. 毫秒)
envy/ ˋenvi / n./v. 嫉妒,羡慕
[例] His success made others envy him. 他的成功让别人嫉妒。

everything/ ˋevriϑIŋ / pron. 每件事;一切,所有的东西
[用] everything作主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。比如: Everything goes well. 一切顺利。另外,everything与not连用表示部分否定,全部否定要用nothing。比如: I don't know everything about him. 我并不了解他的每一件事。(言外之意是,只知道一部分。) 而I know nothing about him. 我对他一无所知。
[例] The museum nearly contains everything. 博物馆里真可谓包罗万象。
entrance/ ˋentrəns / n. 入口;入场;入学许可
[例] entrance to the museum博物馆入口 // entrance fees 入场费 // an entrance examination 入学考试
pavement/ ˋpeIvmənt / n. 人行道
[例] George was riding his small tricycle along the pavement. 乔治正在人行道上骑他的小三轮车呢。
register/ˋredʒIstə / n. 记录,登记簿 v. 登记,注册
[例] a register of births and deaths 出生和死亡记录 // He registered the birth of his child. 他给孩子做了出生登记。
active/ ˋæktIv / adj. 积极的,主动的
[记] 词根记忆:act(行动)+ive(形容词后缀)→积极的
[例] You are not active enough in putting forward your suggestions. 在提出自己的建议方面你不够积极。
reliable/ rIˋlaIəbl / adj. 可靠的
[例] The boss is looking for a reliable employee to be an accountant of his company. 老板正在找一个可信赖的雇员做他公司的会计。
1. I'm sorry you've been waiting so long, but it'll still be some time ______ Brian gets back.(2008全国2卷)
A. before
B. since
C. till
D. after
2. We haven't enough books for ______;some of you will have to share.(2005全国1卷)
A. somebody
B. anybody
C. everybody
D. nobody
3. — Victor looks unhappy.
— Yes. He always ______ our success.
A. cheers
B. envies
C. admires
D. stops
4. Michael's new house is like a huge palace, ______ with his old one.(2009重庆)
A. comparing
B. compares
C. to compare
D. compared
5. — Tony said he could fix my bicycle, but I really doubt it.
— ______. He's very good at this sort of thing.(2007辽宁)
A. Don't worry
B. I couldn't agree more
C. Of course
D. A piece of cake
6. Make sure you've got the passports and tickets and ______ before you leave.(2008山东)
A. something
B. anything
C. everything
D. nothing
7. Studies show that people are more ______ to suffer from back problems if they always sit before computer screens for long hours.(2010陕西)
A. likely
B. possible
C. probable
D. sure
8. Doctors cannot explain why some people lack the ______ to fight off the disease.
A. will
B. ability
C. force
D. power
9. John is very ______ ,if he promises to do something he'll do it.(2009浙江)
A. independent
B. confident
C. reliable
D. flexible
10. Up to now, the program _______ thousands of children who would otherwise have died.(2010山东)
A. would save
B. saves
C. had saved
D. has saved
11. Interest is as ______ to learning as the ability to understand, even more so.(2012安徽)
A. vital
B. available
C. specific
D. similar
12. We'll have tea in the garden ______ the house.
A. in the place of
B. instead of in
C. instead in
D. in place of
13. — Will you be able to finish your report today?
— ______.(2006全国2卷)
A. I like it
B. I hope so
C. I'll do so
D. I'd love it
14. The life of London is made up of many different ______.(2001上海)
A. elements
B. sections
C. materials
D. realities
15. I wasn't blaming anyone; I ______ said errors like this could be avoided.(2010湖北)
A. merely
B. mostly
C. rarely
D. nearly