- 信息系统学报(第11辑)
- 清华大学经济管理学院
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- 2025-02-28 12:46:27
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Research of E-business Technology Diffusion's Influence Factors Based on TOE Model
LIU Maochang1 JU Xiaofeng2
(1.Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China 2.Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China)
Abstract Based on Rogers's innovation diffusion theory, the paper adopts Technology-Organization-Environment Model to analyze the influence of technical factors, organizational factors and environmental factors on both technology adoption of e-business technology diffusion and technology integration stages.The paper takes empirical analysis according to SEM analysis on the enterprises in Heilongjiang province.The result indicates that on one hand the influences of most factors are consistent in the different diffusion stages, such as the comparative advantages of technology, complexity, e-business technology level of enterprises, trust factor and integration of information technology, and so on; on the other hand, the influences of some factors are diverse in the different diffusion stages, such as senior executives'support, the size of an enterprise, enterprise's idle resources, competitive pressure, the readiness of trading partner and agency, and so on.While, other factors have no influence in the different diffusion stages, such as compatibility, network externality and environmental infrastructures.
Key words e-business, technology diffusion, Technology-Organization-Environment(TOE)Model, technology adoption, technology integration