Ⅱ.Words and Expressions

courageous [kəˈreɪdʒəs]adj.brave; fearless 勇敢的;无畏的

dominate [ˈdɒmɪneɪt]v.have power over a country or a person; be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance 控制;支配;占优势

inferior [ɪnˈfɪəriə(r)]adj.of or characteristic of low rank or importance 差的;劣等的

ingredient [ɪnˈɡriːdiənt]n.a component of a mixture or compound; an essential part of something 原料;要素

guideline [ˈɡaɪdlaɪn]n.a general rule, principle, or piece of advice 指导方针;准则

limousine [ˈlɪməziːn]n.a large luxurious car 豪华轿车

paralyze [ˈpærəlaɪz]v.make someone or something unable to function properly; have no feeling in the body and be unable to move

because of an accident or an illness 使麻痹;使瘫痪hostage [ˈhɒstɪdʒ]n.人质

tenement [ˈtenəmənt]n.a run-down apartment house barely meeting minimal standards 廉价公寓

hang out spend time in a certain location or with certain people 闲逛

heroin [ˈherəʊɪn]n.海洛因

overdose [ˈəʊvədəʊs]n.(用药)过量

dude [duːd]n.a man; a guy(often as a form of address)哥们

jeopardy [ˈdʒepədi]n.danger 危险

swear [sweə(r)]v.(swore, sworn)promise solemnly; curse 发誓;咒骂on the prowl 徘徊;潜行

nude [njuːd]adj.naked, not wearing any clothes 裸体的

petrify [ˈpetrɪfaɪ]v.(cause someone to)feel very frightened(使)非常害怕

zip [zɪp]n.a device consisting of two flexible strips of metal or plastic with interlocking projections closed or opened by pulling a slide

along them 拉链

v.fasten with a zip 拉上拉链

lo and behold 你瞧(表示惊讶的感叹词)

remorse [rɪˈmɔːs]n.a feeling of deep regret(usually for some misdeed)懊悔,悔恨

tremendous [trəˈmendəs]adj.extraordinarily large in size, extent, etc.巨大的

envelop [ɪnˈveləp]v.cover or surround something completely 包围;包封;遮盖

epidemic [ˌepɪˈdemɪk]n.a widespread outbreak of an infectious disease 传染病;流行病

proportion [prəˈpɔːʃn]n.compared relationship between two things in regard to size, amount, force, importance, etc.; a part or share 比例;部分

envision [ɪnˈvɪʒn]v.imagine; conceive of 想象;预想

adhere to strongly favour and remain with; follow steadily; be faithful to(an idea, opinion, belief, etc.)坚持;固守;忠于