- 联合国教科文组织吴哥古迹国际保护行动研究
- 王毅
- 1313字
- 2025-02-18 02:56:14
前言 Introduction
柬埔寨的吴哥古迹举世闻名,但由于战乱和疏于保护,它于1992年被世界遗产委员会以濒危遗产的形式列入《世界遗产名录》。1993年,联合国教科文组织(以下简称UNESCO)出面,由法国和日本牵头,组织国际上多个国家和国际组织发起拯救吴哥保护行动,并成立了保护吴哥古迹国际协调委员会(International Co-ordinating Committee for the Safeguarding of the Historic Site of Angkor,以下简称ICC),从而揭开了有史以来规模最大的国际文化遗产保护行动的序幕。1995年,为回应世界遗产委员会决议的要求,柬埔寨政府成立了吴哥与暹粒地区保护与管理局(Authority for Protection and Management of Angkor and the Region of Siem Reap,以下简称APSARA局),专门负责吴哥古迹及周边地区的保护和发展事宜,进一步完善了吴哥古迹的保护管理体制。
The international programme for safeguarding Angkor Historic Site, with the mode of international assistance through the mechanism of an international coordination committee (ICC-Angkor), and the multidisciplinary method for protecting the site in a sustainable way, has become a real example for cultural heritage protection all over the world.
With the continuous joint efforts from the Cambodian government represented by the Authority for Protection and Management of Angkor and the Region of Siem Reap (APSARA Authority), ICC-Angkor, and work teams from more than 30 countries, the international programme is going to welcome its 25th anniversary in 2018. This book is prepared to celebrate this exciting moment.
Through collecting and studying documents and other research materials from the APSARA Authority, ICC, and a number of international work teams, as well as articles written by international peers, and interviewing people engaged in the Angkor programme, this book traces the history of the international programme, and outlines its current situation. It is divided into three parts. The first part introduces the basic information of Angkor Historic Site, and summarizes the 25 years' history of the international programme, as well as important research achievements made both in China and abroad. The second part focuses on the APSARA Authority, which is a pioneering institution for cultural heritage conservation, management and development. This part looks at the history of APSARA Authority, and summarizes the experiences learnt. Meanwhile, thematic studies are made here on some of the important projects, such as the Heritage Management Framework and the Tourism Management Plan. The third part explores the mechanism of ICC-Angkor, as well as the characters of various international work teams, and makes suggestions for China's future international collaboration on cultural heritage.