- 常春藤英语 四级·下(常春藤英语系列)
- 聂成军总主编 毛筠主编
- 979字
- 2020-08-30 03:05:48
Lesson 6 Hero
Hero is our dog, the best dog in the world we think.
Here is a picture of him.
See how large he is!
What a fine head he has!
His name was Jack when he was a little fellow. Uncle Jack gave him to us when he went away.
“Here, children!” he said, “here is a playfellow for you. I must go away to sea. I cannot play with you nor take care of you again for a long time.”
“But this fellow; this Jack, will take my place. He will play all the time, if you like. And he will help to take care of you, too.” So he did. When we were out at play, Jack was with us. If we went to the woods for flowers, Jack went too.

If we were sent to get the milk, Jack ran along. If we went to school, Jack went too, and lay down by the door until recess.
Everybody liked Jack, but Jack liked us best of all.
If any boy wanted to tease① Jack, he played that he meant to hurt us.
Then Jack would stay close beside us, and growl at him until he became afraid and stopped his fun.
“Good Jack! Good old fellow!” we would say, patting him upon the head. “We are safe when you are with us.” But I must tell you how we came to call him Hero.
Baby May was playing in the yard. We were taking care of her, Helen and I. After a while we began to play tag.
Of course May could not run fast, but she tried to play, because she liked to do what we did.
She toddled after us, but we ran so fast that we were out of her sight before we knew it.
We did not know what happened until afterwards.
Baby toddled out into the road, and tried to follow us. She did not see the runaway horses that came rushing down the road toward her.
She only saw Helen and me running away from her.
On ran the horses! They were our own, and father was holding the reins; but the horses were mad with fear, and he could not guide them.
Father saw Baby in the road. He shouted to her to run, but she only looked up, and stood still with fright in the middle of the road.
The tramping② feet were close upon our baby, but help was nearer yet.
Jack had heard the shout, he had seen little May, and he sprang③ to save her.
With one bound he reached the middle of the road. He seized the baby’s dress with his teeth, and dragged her out of the horses’ path.
The wheels touched her dress as they passed.
The horses ran to the barn and stopped. Father sprang to the ground and ran back to find Baby.
She was safe and sound, but crying with fear.
Brave old Jack stood beside her, licking her hand, and trying to say, “Don’t be afraid; don’t cry, I am here.” You can see now why we changed Jack’s name. Uncle Jack said we ought to call him Hero, because he saved Baby May’s life.
Nobody ever said anything to us about running away and leaving Baby; but how Helen and I wished that we had been as faithful as Hero!
(589 words)
① tease [tiːz] vt.& n. 取笑;戏弄;梳理;欺负;强求
② tramp ['træmp] v. 踩;步行
③ sprang [spræŋ] vi. 跳跃;弹起(spring的过去式)
Ⅰ. How well did you read?
1. [Give the reason] Why did uncle Jack give us Jack?
A. He didn’t like Jack.
B. He didn’t want to play with us.
C. He hoped Jack would play and take care of us.
2. [Check the details] Which of the statements is not true?
A. Jack would be with us at any time.
B. Jack seized the baby’s dress with his teeth, and dragged her out of the horses’ path.
C. May only looked up and stood still in the middle of the road.
3. [Understand the main idea] What’s the best title?
A. The Best Dog B. Hero Is Our Dog C. A Hero’s Story
Ⅱ. Read for words.
Choose the best paraphrase or Chinese meaning for the underlined words or expressions.
1. If we went to school, Jack went too, and lay down by the door until recess. (Para. 8, Line 2)
A. period of time when work or business is stopped
B. secret place
C. break between classes at school
2. Then Jack would stay close beside us, and growl at him until he became afraid and stopped his fun. (Para. 11, Line 1)
A. make a happy sound
B. make a low sound
C. make a wonderful sound
3. She toddled after us, but we ran so fast that we were out of her sight before we knew it. (Para. 15, Line 1)
A. walked with short unsteady steps
B. ran quickly
C. walked with short steady steps
4. With one bound he reached the middle of the road. (Para. 23, Line 1)
A. Running with jumping movements
B. Walking with jumping movements
C. Flying with jumping movements
Ⅲ. Writing practice.
Do you have a pet dog? Please tell us a story about it.
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