Lesson 17 The Courageous Boy

In England, one day, a farmer at work in his fields saw a party of huntsmen riding over his farm. He had a field in which the wheat was just coming up, and he was anxious that the gentlemen should not go into that, as the trampling of the horses and dogs would spoil the crop.

So he sent one of his farm hands, a bright young boy, to shut the gate of that field and to keep guard over it. He told him that he must on no account permit the gate to be opened.

As soon as the boy reached the field and closed the gate, the huntsmen came galloping up and ordered him to open it. The boy declined to do.

“Master,” said he, “has ordered me to permit no one to pass through this gate, and I can neither open it myself nor allow anyone else to do so. ”

First one gentleman threatened to thrash him if he did not open it; then another offered him a sovereign; but all to no effect. The brave boy was neither to be frightened nor bribed.

Then a grand and stately gentleman came forward and said: “My boy, do you not know me? I am the Duke of Wellington—one not accustomed to be disobeyed; and I command you to open that gate, that I and my friends may pass.”

The boy took off his hat to the great man whom all England delighted to honour, and answered:

“I am sure the Duke of Wellington would not wish me to disobey orders. I must keep this gate shut, and permit no one to pass without my master’s permission. ”

The brave old gentleman was greatly pleased at the boy’s answer, and lifting his own hat he said:

“I honour the man or the boy who can neither be bribed nor frightened into doing wrong. With an army of such soldiers I could conquer not only the French but the whole world. ”

As the party galloped away, the boy ran off to his work, shouting at the top of his voice, “Hurrah! hurrah for the Duke of Wellington!”

(379 words)


① huntsman [hʌntsmən] n. 猎人

② wheat [wiːt] n. 小麦

③ spoil [spɔɪl] vt. 损坏,糟蹋

④ permit [pə'mɪt] vt. 许可,准许;默许,放任;允许,容许

⑤ gallop ['ɡæləp] vi. (使马)飞奔,奔驰;快速做(说)某事

⑥ threaten ['θretn] vt.& vi. 恐吓;危及;预示凶兆

⑦ thrash [θræʃ] vt. (用棍、鞭等)痛打,责打;彻底打败

⑧ sovereign ['sɒvrɪn] n. 旧时价值为一镑的英国金币

⑨ accustomed [ə'kʌstəmd] adj. 习惯的;通常的;独有的;适应的


Ⅰ. How well did you read?

1. [Give the reason] Why did the farmer send the boy to keep guard of the door?

A. Because he was afraid the huntsmen may spoil the crop.

B. Because he was afraid of the huntsmen.

C. Because he was afraid the horses and dogs.

2. [Check the details] What did one gentleman use to bribe the boy?

A. A hat.                      B. A sovereign.                   C. A Duke.

3. [Check the details] Which statement is NOT true?

A. The brave boy was neither to be frightened nor bribed.

B. The Duke of Wellington was greatly honoured.

C. At last the boy opened the gate for the Duke.

4. [Draw a conclusion] What do you think of the boy?

A. He was bright and brave.

B. He was gentle and honest.

C. He was lovely and polite.

Ⅱ. Read for words.

Choose the best Chinese meaning for the underlined words or expressions.

1. He was anxious that the gentlemen should not go into that, as the trampling of the horses and dogs would spoil the crop. (Para. 1, Line 3)

A. 踩                    B. 无视                            C. 脚印

2. He told him that he must on no account permit the gate to be opened. (Para. 2, Line 2)

A. 无条件的                  B. 无论如何                     C. 绝不

3. The boy declined to do. (Para. 3, Line 2)

A. agreed                     B. refused                    C. decided

4. The brave boy was neither to be frightened nor bribed. (Para. 5, Line 3)

A. 赶走                   B. 打倒                        C. 贿赂

5. I am the Duke of Wellington—one not accustomed to be disobeyed. (Para. 6, Line 2)

A. 服从                  B. 不服从                      C. 不听话

6. With an army of such soldiers I could conquer not only the French but the whole world. (Para. 10, Line 2)

A. 改变                     B. 征服                      C. 走遍

Ⅲ. Writing practice.

1. What did the farmer see?

2. Why was he afraid of the huntsmen?

3. What did the farmer ask the boy to do?

4. When the huntsmen came, what did the boy say to them?

5. What did one gentleman say to the boy?

6. What did the Duke say to the boy?

7. What did the boy say to the Duke?

8. What do you think of the boy and the Duke?

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