- 从4到7:核心雅思语法,看我36招
- 孙良晨 闻特编著
- 2679字
- 2020-06-25 22:43:50
7分 独辟蹊径 不用if如何虚拟
Everybody thinks it's about time the school improved its meal service.
我们在使用It is(about/high) time (that) 这个词组时,后面接过去时的从句,表达建议或忠告,也是虚拟语气的重要用法。意思是“早该做这件事了”,既然想表达“早该”,用过去时就是虚拟语气的一种体现,其实还没做,但是早该做了。
It's time we stopped. 早该停了。
It's about time you had your hair cut. 你该找时间理理发了。
1.Nowadays, many people complain about the air pollution. Do you have any good suggestions?
2.Do you think the museum should be free?
1.我们早该这样治理雾霾了。It's high time we dealt with haze and smog.
2.我们早该让博物馆免费了。It's about time that museum provided free entrance.
第二个特别常见的虚拟语气是I wish I could句型,表达“我希望我能够”,但是事实往往和希望的不太一样。比如:
I wish I could live here forever. 我希望我能在这儿住一辈子。(只是说说,没法实现)
I wish I could walk with you hand-in-hand till the end of the time. (分手时候才说,表示遗憾)
口语考试中可以用虚拟语气来表达强烈渴望,别忘了在考官问你Do you have any plans for the future? 时,轻描淡写地要个分儿,让考官知道你的心意,暗送秋波。
I wish I could get a 7 on this exam. (未来打算)
或者在所有Part 2描述未来住的房子,未来的法律,以及表达对某事的怀念时,说:
I wish I could afford this house before 40 years old. (未来想住的房子)
I wish I could experience this all over again. (开心的事儿)
I wish I lived near New York. 我希望我住的离纽约近一点儿
I wish he could have come and seen this. 要是他那时能来看到这个就好了。(死去的爷爷)
I wish I had never lent him anything. 我真希望我没借给他。(生气经历)
She wishes she hadn't said that. 她希望他没有说过那样的话。(道歉经历)
但是,注意,纯粹希望将来将如何的时候就不能虚拟语气了!不能用wish,要用hope,如:I hope you like this house.
虚拟语气条件句,有一些是不需要用if来引导的,可作条件状语成分的词有:without,but for, under…condition, otherwise, but。这些句子与if引导的虚拟条件句有一定的转化关系。比如:
if引导:If I had had enough money, I would have bought the car.
不由if引导:I would have bought the car, but I didn't have enough money.
if引导:if something went against my conscience, I would never do it.
不由if引导:I would never do anything that went against my conscience.
if引导:One would believe that only if one were a fool.
不由if引导:Who but a fool would believe that?
I could do nothing without you. (事实上我已经成功了,do nothing是与现实相反的假设)
We could have done better under more favorable conditions. (事实上已经做不了更好的了)
英语中有个很常见的插入语大家应该很熟悉,in fact,as a matter of fact, indeed, in reality。这些短语如何在虚拟语气中使用呢?先看它的另一个用法:
They agreed to buy the house as it is. 看样子他们同意买那套房子。
但如果我想表达“在某种程度上说”,“可以说”,但是表达的内容不是真实的,是夸大的。我就可以用as it were这个插入语。比如描述你最喜欢的朋友:
He's my best friend, my brother as it were. 他是我最好的朋友,就好像是我的兄弟。
01 改错:口语挑错
What's your plan for the future?
Well, hopefully, if everything goes smoothly, I wish I could become an engineer.
02 大闯关:口语闯关
01 题目中问plan,表示的是清晰的计划,虚拟语气通常用来表达不太可能发生的事,遥不可及的奢望。那么回答部分倒不能算错,就是表达的意思会有歧义,考官会觉得,你到底想不想做engineer?正确的说法应该用表示更肯定意思的hope:I hope to become an engineer. 或者I'll be doing engineering work.(将来进行时)
02 1) I would have been abroad, but I didn't get a 6.5 on the IELTS test.
2) I would have exploded in anger, but for the sake that we were friends, I had to save her face.
3) The person that I spend the most time with is my father, who is a soul mate to me, as it were.
1 表达“像……”的含义时
I always eat as much as I can in the buffet as though my stomach was bottomless.
这句话中,as though引导的从句里(胃是无底洞)是和现实不符的、虚拟的。这种用法实际是用比喻的方式进行说明,可以在议论文中用于逻辑展开。
表达“像……一样”的含义时,我们使用的是as though或者as if,后面接的从句的时态是:

2015年5月30日 对国际旅游的负面看法的由来和解决方法
Some foreign tourists behave randomly regardless of local religious requirements and cultural backgrounds as if they were in their own country.
2 和条件状语从句结合
There is no chance for me to marry Angelina Jolie, unless she is crazy.
我是没机会娶Angelina Jolie的,除非她疯了。
2016年2月20日 针对小孩的广告需要被禁止吗?
The sales in related industries, such as toy production, definitely will drop after imposing bans on advertising, unless alternative marketing channels are available.
3 和让步状语从句结合
Whether it be in medical practice or English teaching, I can garner a reputation.
这句话包含了由whether引导的让步状语从句,其中虚拟语气的用法和上面条件状语从句一样,当从句是“主+系+表”结构时,系动词可以用be,表达虚拟的含义。同样的还包括了由even though引导的从句。这一句可以用于强调作用范围。
2016年2月18日 环境破坏是无药可救了还是尚有可为?
Vegetation planting changed the environment conditions in the worst zones like Chernobyl even though the process was very slow.
01 改错:写作挑错
2016年1月23日 新闻媒体对人们的影响增大是负面变化吗?
During the Gulf War, audiences all over the world would never get a chance to keep updated of what was going on in Iraq if it wasn't for the continuous reports from the mass media like CNN, BBC and NBC.
02 大闯关:写作闯关
2016年2月13日 同意应该鼓励建筑地方化、多样化吗?
01 but for或者without引导的条件状语表达的也是一种虚拟的状态,对过去情况进行假设时(比如上面句子里的“世界的观众绝对没机会……”),主句需要用would, could, should, might + 现在完成时,那么上面的句子应该是:
During the Gulf War, audiences all over the world would never have gotten a chance to keep abreast of what was going on in Iraq if it wasn't for the continuous reports from the mass media like CNN, BBC and NBC.
02 Whether the appearance is unique or common, to control the cost and maximize market price are the only criterion for choosing the corresponding designs.