cab [kæb] n. 出租汽车

【同】taxi, taxicab

cabbage ['kæbidʒ] n. 洋白菜,卷心菜

cabin ['kæbin] n. 船舱;小木屋

【同】cottage, hut

【习惯用语】①airtight cabin气密舱,密封舱②all-relay free lever cabin(自由)手柄式继电连锁信号楼 ③brake cabin制动间

cabinet ['kæbinət] n. 橱柜;政府内阁

【同】chest, closet, locker, ministry

【习惯用语】①inner cabinet核心内阁;(机构内部起参谋作用的)咨询组织 ②kitchen cabinet菜橱,碗柜 ③shadow cabinet影子内阁,在野内阁

cable ['keibl] n. ①缆索;钢丝绳





We have already advised you by cable.


【习惯用语】cut [slip] one's [the] cable [俚]死去

cadre ['kɑːdə(r)] n. ①干部;骨干分子②框架

cafe ['kæfei] n. 咖啡馆;小餐厅

【同】inn, pub

cafeteria ['kæfə'tiəriə] n. 自助餐馆,自助食堂

cage [keidʒ] n. ①笼子;鸟笼;兽笼

【同】box, jail, enclosure

a bird in a cage笼中鸟



cake [keik] n. ①蛋糕

【同】pastry, cookie

a piece of cream cake奶油蛋糕

②饼 ③块;块状物

【同】block, brick, lump

a cake of soap一块肥皂

【习惯用语】①a piece of cake [口]轻松的事,愉快的事 ②eat one's cake and have it同时做两件不相容的事而双收其利 ③go off [sell] like hot cakes畅销;敏捷迅速地处理[打发]

calamity [kə'læməti] n. 灾难,灾祸

【同】disaster, misfortune, tragedy


【真题链接】The earthquake happened in South Xinjiang on Feb. 24. This_____killed 266people.(2004年武汉大学考博试题)

A. causality

B. collapse

C. calamity

D. crater

【答案】C。本题意为“2月24日新疆南部发生地震,这场灾难使266人丧生”。calamity的意思是“灾难”,符合题意。如:A hurricane would be a calamity for this low-lying coastal region.(对于这地势很低的海滨地区,飓风将是一场灾难。)其他三项“casualty伤亡;collapse倒塌,崩溃;crater火山口,弹坑”都不正确。

calcium ['kælsiəm] n.

calculate ['kælkjuleit] vt. ①计算

【同】compute, figure

Has Edward calculated the result?



【同】count, estimate

to calculate the cost of a journey



【同】intend, anticipate, plot, scheme

The room is not calculated for such use.


【习惯用语】①be calculated for为适合……设计的;适合于 ②be calculated to目的在于,打算,蓄意 ③It is calculated that… 据计算……

【派】calculated, calculation, calculator

【考题精解】His advertisement is_____to attract much attention.

A. assigned

B. calculated

C. defined

D. contributed

【答案】B。calculate vt. 计划,打算(多用被动态,后面跟不定式);计算,核算;估计,推测(如:The speech was calculated to win votes. The remark was calculated to hurt my feelings.)。assign vt. 指派,选派;分配,布置(作业)(句型:assign sb. to+动词原形;assign sb. sth./sth. to sb.)。define vt. 给……下定义,解释;限定,规定。contribute (to) vt. 捐献,捐助,贡献;(向报刊)投稿。

calculator ['kælkjuleitə(r)] n. ①计算者②计算器

calendar ['kælində(r)] n. ①历法

From January 1st to February 1st is one calendar month. 从1月1日到2月1日是一个历月。


【同】timetable, agenda, schedule

calendar watch星期日历表


calm [kɑːm] a. 平静的;镇定的

【同】still, peaceful, restful

【反】rough, wild, excitable


【同】quiet, comfort, pacify

【反】worry, irritate

【习惯用语】①keep calm!安静!保持镇静!

②calm before the storm暴风雨前的平静

③calm down使平息,使平静

calorie ['kæləri] n. ①大卡(食物的热值)②卡(路里)

camel ['kæml] n. ①骆驼


【习惯用语】①it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than…绝不可能②swallow a camel默忍难以置信[容忍]的事

camera ['kæmərə] n. 照相机,摄像机

【习惯用语】in camera秘密地;私自地

camp [kæmp] n. 野营;营地


vi. 设营;宿营


【习惯用语】camp it up表现出是同性恋者;夸张地表演

campaign [kən, kæm'pein] aux.v. 战役;运动

【同】battle, fight, movement

【习惯用语】①enter upon a campaign发动运动,走上征途 ②on campaign出征,从军③smear (ing) campaign(借散布谣言等)损毁他人名誉的运动

campus ['kæmpəs] n.①校园,学校范围;大学②大学教育;高等教育campus activities校内活动

can [kən, kæn] aux. v. 能,会;可以;可能

【同】be able to, be capable of, may

n. ①容器

【同】container, vessel, bottle


【同】tin, bin

vt. (指食品)装罐

【同】preserve, bottle, keep

Canada ['kænədə] n. 加拿大

Canadian [kə'neidiən] a. 加拿大(人)的n. 加拿大人

canal [kə'næl] n. ①运河;沟渠

【同】channel, waterway

The canals take water to the rice fields.



the alimentary canal of the human body


cancel ['kænsl] vt. ①放弃


She cancelled her order. 她取消了订货。


【同】abolish, call off, cross out, delete a cancelled stamp用过的邮票

【习惯用语】cancel out抵偿


【考题精解】Our company decided to_____the contract because a number of the conditions in it had not been met.

A. delay

B. resist

C. violate

D. cancel

【答案】D。cancel vt. 取消,撤销;删去,划掉。delay vt. 推迟;耽搁,延误。resist vt. 抵抗,反抗;抵制,抗拒。violate vt. 违反,违背;侵犯,妨碍。

cancer ['kænsə(r)] n. 癌;端;社会恶习

Bureaucracy is the cancer of our society.


【长难例句】There ought to be less anxiety over the perceived risk of getting cancer than exists in the public mind today.


candidate ['kændidət] n.报考者;候选人

【同】nominee, contestant, campaigner, applicant

【考题精解】There were five hundred_____at the college entrance examination.

A. applicants

B. participants

C. candidates

D. students

【答案】C。candidate (for) n. 报考者;申请求职者;候选人(如:He is a candidate for mayor of Chicago. John was the strongest candidate for the job.)。applicant n. 申请人。participant n. 参加者,参与者。

candle ['kændl] n. ①蜡烛


③[物] 烛光(光强度单位)

【习惯用语】①a lighted candle招待会,盛大的宴会,晚会 ②burn the candle at both ends过分浪费精力[财产等] ③can not [be not fit to] hold [show] a candle to远不如;不能与……相比

candy ['kændi] n. 糖果


【习惯用语】①He’d take a candy from a baby. [美口] 他是个贪得无厌的人。②nose candy [美俚] 嗅用麻醉品 ③rock candy冰糖;钻石

cannon ['kænən] n. 大炮(=big gun)


canoe [kə'nuː] n.独木舟 vi.乘独木舟,划独木舟

canteen [kæn'tiːn] n. 食堂

canvas ['kænvəs] n. ①帆布(=sacking, sailcloth)


cap [kæp] n. ①帽子


He has two caps for cricket. 他有两顶板球帽。



the cap on the bottle瓶盖

capability ['keipə'biləti] n. ①能力,才能

【同】ability, capacity, competence, aptitude, talent, gift


【同】property, scope, space, volume

capable ['keipəbl] a. 有能力的,能……的;聪明的

【同】able, competent, efficient

【反】incapable, unable, incompetent

She is my most capable student.


【习惯用语】be capable of [指人]有……的能力;有……的倾向;[指物]易于;有……的余地;可以……

【考题精解】We must admit that the young man is highly_____in teaching English.

A. keen

B. capable

C. able

D. competent

【答案】D。competent a.(定语或表语)有能力的,胜任的,称职的(句型:competent for the job/in one's work/as a teacher/to teach English/in teaching English)。keen (on) a. 热心的,渴望的;激烈的,强烈的;敏锐的,敏捷的;锋利的(句型:be keen on sth.;keen on+动词ing形式;keen to+动词原形)。capable (of) a. 有……能力的;能……的,可……的。able (to+动词原形) a. 有能力的;出色的。

capitalism ['kæpitəlizəm] n. 资本主义

capsule ['kæpsjuːl] n. ①胶囊(剂)②航天舱,密封舱

captain ['kæptin] n. 队长;船长;上尉

【同】pilot, navigator, officer

【习惯用语】①a copper captain冒充有上尉军衔的人 ②channel captain商品流通渠道中的巨头

caption ['kæpʃn] n. 标题,说明文字;字幕

【同】title, heading, subtitle

captive ['kæptiv] n. 俘虏


a. 被俘虏的

【同】imprisoned, confined, caged



capture ['kæptʃə(r)] v./n. ①捉拿;俘获;夺取

【同】catch, take, occupy, seize, grab


The state visit by the premier captured the headlines of all newspapers.


【派】captive, captivate

【长难例句】While the leading actor on the stage captures our attention, we are aware of the importance of the supporting players and the scenery of the play itself.


car [kɑː(r)] n. ①汽车;小汽车;车辆 (=motor car)

【同】auto, automobile

Americans go to work by car.





caravan ['kærəvæn] n. 大篷车,活动房屋

【同】train, van

carbohydrate ['kɑːbəu'haidreit] n. ①碳水化合物,糖类


carbon ['kɑːbən] n.

复写纸 (=carbon paper)

副本;复写的副本 (=carbon copy)

David is almost a carbon of his father.


card [kɑːd] n. 卡片;名片

【同】invitation, ticket

【习惯用语】put one's cards on the table摊牌;公布自己的打算

They asked Smith to put his cards on the table.


cardinal ['kɑːdinl] a. 极其重要的,主要的,基本的

【同】fundamental, principal, central

care [kɛə(r)] vi. 喜欢;关心,介意

【同】mind, concern, like, love

n. 小心;关怀,照管

【同】anxiety, attention, concern, caution

【反】disregard, attendance, worry, bore, bother

【习惯用语】take into care(将小孩)送进公立机构照顾

【派】careful (ly), careless (ly), carelessness

【考题精解】Bill doesn't _____what people say about him. He’ll go on just the same.

A. care

B. concern

C. worry

D. trouble

【答案】A。care vi. 关心,介意(一般用于否定句或疑问句中)。concern vt. 使关心,使挂念。worry v.(使)担心,(使)发愁 (about)。trouble vt. 使烦恼,使苦恼;麻烦,费神。

career [kə'riə(r)] n. ①事业;职业

【同】profession, vocation, occupation

My grandfather was a career teacher;it's the only job he’d ever done. 我祖父教了一辈子书,教书是他所干过的唯一的工作。


Churchill's career丘吉尔的经历


The horse went at full career. 那马全速奔驰。

【习惯用语】①carve (out) a career for oneself闯出一番事业;谋求发迹 ②chequered career变幻无常的生涯;盛衰交错的生涯 ③in (the) full career开足马力地,全速地

【长难例句】Mr. Smith had an unusual career:he was first an office clerk, then a sailor, and ended up as a school teacher.


【词义辨析】career, occupation, profession, trade和vocation career:意为“事业,职业”,指一个人为之受过训练并愿终生或相当长一段时间从事的职业,还含有“生涯,生活历程”之意。occupation:意为“职业,工作”,较有概括性也较正式的词。即某人常做或训练有素的工作。profession:意为“职业”,指只有受过相当高的专门教育或训练,具有了某种专业知识和技能并有创造力的人才能从事的职业,过去专指法律、医学和神学,现在扩展到其他许多具有相当社会地位的工作如教育、演艺等。trade:意为“职业,手艺”,指要求具有手工或机械技巧的职业,如需熟练使用工具或操纵机器的手艺行当,还有“贸易、生意”的含义。vocation:意为“职业,才能”,暗示这种职业是为了帮助他人,或为他人作出贡献,也指长期投身却未能以此谋生的工作,偶尔可以泛指所有职业,是较为委婉的用法。

careful ['kɛəfl] a. ①用心从事工作的;切实的

【同】watchful, cautious, mindful

【反】careless, regardless, thoughtless, unmindful

a careful report切实的报告


careful research精细的研究


The physician made a careful examination for him.


careless ['kɛələs] a. ①由于粗心而犯的错误

【同】thoughtless, regardless, unmindful

【反】careful, mindful, watchful


careless life无忧无虑的生活


He is careless in speech. 他说话欠思考。

caress [kə'res] vt. 爱抚,抚摸

n. 爱抚,抚摸

carpet ['kɑːpit] n. 地毯


carrier ['kæriə(r)] n. ①运载工具

【同】bearer, vehicle


【同】porter, conveyor

carrot ['kærət] n. 胡萝卜

carry ['kæri] vt. ①携带;背着

【同】transport, deliver, transfer, spread, convey These bags carry easily. 这些包便于携带。

This wonderful plane can carry seven passengers.



Steam boats carried thousands of visitors across the channel from Europe. 轮船把成千上万的人从欧洲大陆送过英吉利海峡。


This pillar carries the whole roof.


【习惯用语】①carry all before one全胜;完全胜利 ②carry the can受责备;负责Why do we always have to carry the can when something goes wrong? 为什么出了事,总是由我们来承担罪责? ③carry weight (with) 有影响力

【考题精解】The newest satellites can_____a thousand telephone conversations and a colour TV program at the same time.

A. bring

B. extend

C. carry

D. take

【答案】C。carry vt. 传送,传输,输送;携带,运载。bring vt. 带来。extend vt. 扩大,扩充;延长,延伸;给予,致(敬、问候、感谢等)。take vt. 拿;带走,带去,携带。

cart [kɑːt] n. ①二轮运货马(或牛)车②手推车

【习惯用语】①in the cart [俚]在困境中②put sb. in the cart使某人陷于困境,使某人非常为难 ③put [set] the cart before the horse前后颠倒;本末倒置

cartoon [kɑː'tuːn] n. ①卡通片,动画片

【同】animated cartoon, cartoon film


【同】picture, sketch, drawing

【考题精解】A newspaper_____is an amusing drawing, usually about some events in the news.

A. sketch

B. cartoon

C. carton

D. caption

【答案】B。cartoon n. 漫画,幽默画;动画片。sketch n. 略图,草图;梗概,大意;素描,速写。carton n. (装货的)纸箱,纸盒。caption n. 图画说明;(电影的)字幕。

carve [kɑːv] v. ①刻,雕刻

【同】shape, model



She carved the chicken. 她把鸡切开。


He carved out a name for himself.


【习惯用语】①carve for oneself自由行动②carve out雕刻出;划出;开辟道路;为自己创立事业 ③carve up分割;划分,瓜分;[美方]挖掉,彻底消灭

【派】carving, carver

case [keis] n. 事实,情况;病例;案件,案例;盒子,箱子

【同】condition, fact, box, container

【习惯用语】①in case万一 ②in case of如果;万一In case of rain they can't go. 万一下雨,他们就不能去了。

cashier [kæ'ʃiə(r)] n. 出纳,收银员

cassette [kə'set] n. ①盒式录音带

【同】box, tape


cast [kɑːst] vt. ①扔,投;铸造

【同】throw, pitch, toss, shape, form


Every year the snake casts (off) its skin.



to cast a vote投票

【习惯用语】①a cast in the eye轻微的斜视②a cast of features面容,脸型 ③a cast of mind性情,气质

castle ['kɑːsl] n. ①城堡

【同】palace, fortress

②(国际象棋的)车 (=rook)

【习惯用语】①a castle in the air [in Spain] 空中楼阁,空 [梦,幻] 想 ②build castles in the air [in Spain] 抱幻想,存梦想 ③built like a castle(指马)体格健壮

casual ['kæʒuəl] a. ①随便的;偶然的

【同】random, indifferent, informal, accidental, occasional, incidental, temporary

【反】formal, permanent



He was wearing casual clothes, not his school ones.他穿着便服,而不是校服。

【真题链接】In the last few minutes the convers-ation has become seemingly_____as if the discussion were of some minor domestic matter and not survival itself.(2003年3月中国科学院考博试题)

A. crucial

B. central

C. casual

D. causal

【答案】C。本题的空格处是说谈话变得好像是拉家常(some minor domestic matter)。C项的“casual随便的”符合题意,如:The casual newspaper readers wouldn't like long articles on serious subjects every day.(随便看看报纸的人不愿每天看那些有关严肃主题的长文章。)其他三项“crucial关键的;central中心的,主要的;causal原因的,因果的”都不正确。

casualty ['kæʒuəlti] n. ①伤亡人员,死伤者



【同】victims, loss


【同】fluke, mishap, injury

cat [kæt] n.

catalog (ue) ['kætəlɔg] n. 目录 v. 把……编入目录

【同】directory, list, register, index

catastrophe [kə'tæstrəfi] n. 大灾难,灾祸

【真题链接 1】There are different_____of books in a library.(2007年中国矿业大学考博试题)

A. species

B. biographies

C. categories

D. catastrophes


【真题链接 2】I had to take a step, even though I understand that that step was in the direction of_____rather than success.(2003年西南财经大学考博试题)

A. prestige

B. coefficient

C. catastrophe

D. compliment

【答案】C。本题空格处是说“通向灾难的方向”。C项的“catastrophe大灾难,大祸”符合题意。如:Their English party turned out to be a catastrophe.(他们的英语晚会结局糟透了。)其他三项“prestige声望;coefficient系数;compliment称赞”都不正确。

catch [kætʃ] v. ①抓住;赶上;染患

【同】arrest, seize, capture, grasp, understand, attract, be infected with, get, affect



A rabbit was caught in a snare. 一只兔子被陷阱捕获了。


Mother caught me stealing. 母亲发现我偷东西。

【习惯用语】catch one's breath喘气;吓一跳;(由于惊吓)暂时停止呼吸

【考题精解】He spoke so rapidly that I didn't _____the meaning of what he said.

A. capture

B. seize

C. catch

D. receive

【答案】C。catch vt. 听清,领会(话语的意思)(如:He murmured something she didn't quite catch. Do you catch my meaning?)。capture vt. 捕获,俘获。seize vt. 抓住,捉住;夺取,占据。receive vt. 收到,接到;遭受,受到;接待,接见。

category ['kætəɡəri] n. 种类,类别

【同】class, group, type, section, division

【词义辨析】category, species和variety


【考题精解】Helen groups all people into two_____:those she likes and those she dislikes.

A. hierarchy

B. catalogues

C. categories

D. species

【答案】C。category n. 类,种类,类别(如:Concrete nouns may be subdivided into two categories. Party committee meetings can be divided into two categories: standing committee meetings and plenary sessions.)。hierarchy n. (社会的)等级制度,等级森严的组织;统治集团,领导层。catalogue n. 目录(册)。species n.(单复数不变)(生物的)种,物种。

cater ['keitə(r)] v. ①(+for) 满足,迎合,投合

【同】supply, furnish, serve


【真题链接 1】This is a market in which enterprising businesses_____for the demands of teenagers and older youths in all their rock mania and pop-art forms. (2004年中国社会科学院考博试题)

A. cater

B. entitle

C. appeal

D. subject

【答案】A。本题的空格处是说“迎合青少年的需要”。A项“cater迎合”符合题意,如:cater for the need of the customers(迎合顾客的需求)。其他三项“entitle给……权利;appeal请求,呼吁;subject科目,使隶属”都不正确。

【真题链接 2】It is important that novelists meet the demands of the people in general, but they should not_____to vulgar and unhealthy taste of some people.(2007年中国矿业大学考博试题)

A. comply

B. entertain

C. provide

D. cater


cathedral [kə'θiːdrəl] n.(天主教、英国国教等的)大教堂


Catholic ['kæθlik] n. 天主教徒

a. 天主教的;(catholic)广泛的

cattle ['kætl] n. 牛(总称)

【习惯用语】be kittle cattle to shoe难以对付的人

cause [kɔːz] vt. ①原因;导致某事发生的人、事等

【同】effect, bring about, lead to, result in, give rise to, reason, in purpose, goal

The heavy rain was the cause of the flood.



There is no cause for anxiety. 不必焦虑。


fight for the cause of world peace为世界和平而战

【习惯用语】①give cause for引起;成为……的原因 ②have cause for有理由…… ③in the cause of为……而……

【考题精解】We can't get rid of war unless we get rid of the_____of war.

A. reasons

B. implications

C. causes

D. course

【答案】C。cause n. 造成……的原因,理由,根源(如:One little mistake was the cause of all her trouble.)。reason n. (做某事的)理由,原因。implication n. 含义,暗示,暗指。course n. 过程,进程。

【真题链接】Censorship, a word that seems to be_____quite a controversy over certain people,may not be such a bad idea.(2010年中国人民大学考博试题)

A. arguing

B. attacking

C. causing

D. discussing


caution ['kɔːʃn] n. 小心,谨慎

【同】prudence, heed, care

v. 告诫,警告

【同】warning, notice

【习惯用语】①cast [throw, fling] caution to the winds不顾一切,莽撞从事 ②Caution is the parent of safety. (=Caution is the mother of security.) [谚]谨慎为安全之本。③with a caution加以警告



【真题链接】The veteran worker_____me not to inspect the machine tool without first turning off power.(2007年中国矿业大学考博试题)

A. reminded

B. suggested

C. intimidated

D. cautioned


cautious ['kɔːʃəs] a. 谨慎的,小心的

【同】careful, prudent, discreet, wary


【考题精解】My brother is a_____motorist.He never does any dangerous driving.

A. reckless

B. conscientious

C. timid

D. cautious

【答案】D。cautious (of) a.(由于唯恐出差错而)十分小心的,谨慎的(如:He was a cautious investor who studied the market before buying. Perhaps he was over-cautious. She is cautious of telling secrets.)。reckless (of) a. 鲁莽的,不顾后果的。conscientious a. 认真的,勤勤恳恳的。 timid a.(贬)羞怯的,易受惊的。

cave [ keiv ] n. 洞,穴

【同】hole, den, hollow, cavity

【习惯用语】①cave in坍陷,凹进去;[口]屈服,投降 ②cave (back) over倒下,翻转

cease [siːs] v. 停止,结束

【同】stop, pause, end

【习惯用语】①cease out绝迹 ②cease to be不再是 ③cease to be in force [effect]失效

【派】ceaseless (ly)

【真题链接】This idea, in the avowed pantheism of Spinoza, was suffered to lapse during the 18th century, was revived again by Lessing and Herder, and became one of the central ideas of the great Romantic and Hegelian movements in Germany in the 19th century.(2013年社科院考博试题)

A. cease

B. thrive

C. supersede

D. deplete


celebrate ['selibreit] vt. ①庆祝

【同】honor, observe, praise



Lu Xun will be for ever celebrated as the glorious harbinger of a new Chinese cultural movement.



celebration ['seli'breiʃn] n. 庆祝会,典礼,宗教仪式

【同】party, ceremony, ritual

celebrity [sə'lebrəti] n. 著名人士,名人,显要

【同】notable, renown, popularity, honor, glory

【反】disgrace, obscurity

cell [sel] n. ①细胞;电池






【习惯用语】①absorption cell吸收池

②accessory cell附件电池

③accumulator cell蓄电池

cellar ['selə(r)] n. 地窖,地下室

Celsius ['selsiəs] a. 摄氏温度的,摄氏的


cement [si'ment] n. ①水泥




vt. 粘接

【习惯用语】①cement in用水泥灌入②cement out置换出来,沉淀析出

cemetery ['semətri] n. 公墓,墓地(=graveyard, burial ground)

【同】graveyard, tomb

census ['sensəs] n. 人口普查 (=count)

【同】poll, survey

cent [sent] n. ①分币(货币单位)


③【音】森特(等于半音程的百分之一)per cent百分之……

【习惯用语】①not care a cent毫不在乎②not worth a red cent [美口]一文不值,毫无用处 ③put in one's two cents(未经邀请而)发表意见;插言

center/-tre ['sentə(r)] n. ①中心,中央


The doctors worked at the health center.这些医生们在医疗中心工作。


The centre parties are hoping to win the next election.中间派政党希望能在下次大选中获胜。


vi. 居中

vt. 使集中,把……放在中部

【同】concentrate, converge, pool

centigrade ['sentiɡreid] n./a. 摄氏温度(的)

centimeter/-tre ['sentimiːtə(r)] n. 厘米

central ['sentrəl] a. ①中央的,中心的;主要的

【同】middle, mid, chief, main, primary, basic, principal, major, capital


The shops are in a central position in the city.



Our apartment is very central for the shops.


century ['sentʃəri] n. 世纪,一百年

cereal ['siəriəl] n./a. 谷类(的),谷物(的)

【同】corn, grain, grist

ceremony ['serəməni] n. 仪式,典礼

【同】celebration, ritual, custom, politeness

【习惯用语】stand on ceremony拘于形式;讲究客套(而不亲切)

【长难例句】Although I had been invited to the opening ceremony, I was unable to attend on such short notice.


【考题精解】Since we are good friends, you needn't stand on_____with us.

A. politeness

B. ceremony

C. courtesy

D. manners

【答案】B。ceremony n. 礼节,礼仪;典礼,仪式(stand [up] on ceremony客气,讲究礼节)。politeness n. 礼貌,彬彬有礼。courtesy n. 谦恭有礼;有礼貌的举止(或言辞)。manner n.态度,举止;(pl.) 礼貌,规矩(后三个名词不与stand on搭配)。

certain ['səːtn] a. ①确实的,肯定的;某一(些)

【同】sure, assured, some

【反】uncertain, doubtful, questionable


【同】absolute, inevitable

I'm certain she saw me. 我确信她看到我了。

【习惯用语】①be certain of确信,深信②be certain to必然;一定③be not certain whether…不能确定是否……

【派】certainty, uncertainty, ascertain

【词义辨析】certain, positive和sure


certainly ['səːtnli] ad. ①一定,必定

【同】inevitably, definitely


【同】indeed, surely, of course

【长难例句】Certainly people do not seem less interested in success and its signs now than formerly. Summer homes, European travel, BMWs. The locations, place names and name brands may change, but such items do not seem less in demand today than a decade or two years ago.


certainty ['səːtnti] n.①必然的事,确定的事实②确信,确实

【真题链接】It's a (n)_____that our team will win the game this time, for we have confidence as well as the ability.(2006年中国矿业大学考博试题)

A. confirmation

B. affirmation

C. assessment

D. certainty

【答案】D。四个选项中,A项confirmation的意思是“确定,确证,批准”,B项affirmation的意思是“断言,肯定,证实,批准”,C项assessment的意思是“评价,估计”,D项certainty的意思是“确实,必然”。根据题意, D项为正确答案。

certify ['səːtifai] vt. ①证明,证实

【同】confirm, guarantee, vouch


【真题链接】This diploma is important, which_____that you have completed high school.(2006年中国矿业大学考博试题)

A. amplifies

B. certifies

C. clarifies

D. magnifies


chair [tʃɛə(r)] n. ①椅子;(会议)主席

【同】seat, bench, stool, chairman, preside

②教授的职位the chair of chemistry化学教授

【习惯用语】①above [past] the chair有市长经历的,曾任过市长的 ②address the chair向主席表示要发言,向主席建议 ③appeal to the chair请主席裁决

chairman ['tʃɛəmən] n. 主席,议长


【习惯用语】①shop chairman(资本主义国家)工厂[车间]的工人代表 ②shop steward(工会的)工厂代表

chalk [tʃɔːk] n. 粉笔

challenge ['tʃælindʒ] vt. ①向……挑战

【同】dispute, dare, confront



I did not think he was right, so I challenged him.


n. 挑战(书)

【同】task, venture

【习惯用语】①beyond challenge无与伦比,无可非议 ②fling down a challenge(戏剧性地)提出挑战;应付某种复杂的局面③peremptory challenge [律]不述理由而要求陪审员回避

【长难例句1】Interest in historical methods has arisen less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves.


【长难例句2】In dealing with a challenge on such a scale, it is no exaggeration to say,“United we stand, divided we fall.”


【考题精解】In early times an armed contest was sometimes initiated by a (n)_____to fight and decide the issue.

A. challenge

B. call

C. appeal

D. cheer

【答案】A。challenge n. 挑战 (give a challenge to sb./receive a challenge from sb. to do sth.)。call n. 喊叫,呼叫;号召,召唤(for/to+动词原形)。appeal n. 呼吁,要求(to sb. for/to+动词原形);吸引力 (for/to sb.)。cheer n. 振奋;欢呼,喝彩 (of/from sb./to sb.)。

chamber ['tʃeimbə(r)] n. ①腔,室



champ [tʃæmp] vt. 大声地咀嚼

【同】fasten, fix, secure

n. 咀嚼(声)

champagne [ʃæm'pein] n. 香槟酒

champion ['tʃæmpiən] n. ①冠军;拥护者

【同】winner, supporter, advocate, protector, defender



【考题精解】Mr. Smith is a (n)_____of equal rights for women.

A. liberal

B. champion

C. organizer

D. sponsor

【答案】B。champion n. (本义)冠军;(引申)捍卫者,拥护者(如:Joe Louis was the world heavyweight boxing champion for many years. a champion of peaceful relations among all nations.)。liberal n. 自由主义者,开明人士。organizer n. 组织者。sponsor n. 发起者,主办者。

championship ['tʃæmpiənʃip] n. ①冠军称号,冠军地位




chance [tʃɑːns] n. 偶然性;机会,运气

【同】opportunity, occasion, luck, possibility, probability, likelihood

v. 碰巧,偶然发生

I haven't had a chance to read my letter.


【习惯用语】①a dog's chance极微小的一点儿机会 ②a fat chance [口]良机 ③a fifty-fifty chance一半的可能性

【长难例句】Straitford's briefs don't sound like the usual Washington back-and-forth whereby agencies avoid dramatic declarations on the chance they might be wrong.


【考题精解】We will take a (n)_____on the weather and have the party outdoors.

A. opportunity

B. luck

C. chance

D. reliance

【答案】C。take a/the chance/chances碰碰运气,冒冒风险(也许不会)(如:Don't take chances by driving too fast. We mustn't take chances. we’d better play safe.)。opportunity n.机会,时机( have / give / take / seize an opportunity for sth./of+动词ing形式/to+动词原形)。luck n. 运气;好运,幸运。reliance n.依靠,依赖。

chancellor ['tʃɑːnsələ(r)] n. 大臣,大法官

【同】judge, officer, magistrate

channel ['tʃænl] n.①海峡;渠道;频道;途径

【同】canal, pipeline, route, strait, band


【长难例句】But it is the arrival of new satellite channels—funded partly by advertising and partly by viewers’ subscriptions—which will bring about the biggest changes in the long term.


chant [tʃɑːnt] vt. ①反复有节奏地喊或叫(唱)②吟诵,咏唱


n. ①反复有节奏的喊叫



chaos ['keiɔs] n. 混沌,混乱

【同】disorder, confusion

【词义辨析】chaos, confusion和disorder


【考题精解】Without rules, people would live in a state of_____.

A. commotion

B. contradiction

C. riot

D. chaos

【答案】D。chaos n. 混乱,紊乱(如:The country was in chaos. The house was in a state of chaos when the burglars had left.)。commotion n. 混乱,动乱,骚动。contradiction n. 矛盾,不一致。riot n. 聚众闹事,骚乱。

chap [tʃæp] n. 小伙子,男人,家伙

chapter ['tʃæptə(r)] n. ①(书的)章,回

【同】section, part


【习惯用语】①a chapter of accidents一连串意外的(不幸的)事故,接二连三的灾祸②be in the chapter of possibilities事态发展的可能性;有可能③enough on that chapter这个问题就到此为止

character ['kærəktə(r)] n. ①性格;特性;人物;(汉)字

【同】quality, nature, identity, characteristic, property, feature, attribute, figure, role, part, letter


③(书、剧中的)人物;怪人;滑稽的人物I find all the characters in his new play very real.我觉得他那出新戏中所有的人物都很真实。

【习惯用语】①bad character [口]坏蛋,坏人②by character根据传闻 ③gain the character (of) 博得……的名声

【长难例句】Rather, we have a certain conception of the American citizen, a character who is incomplete if he cannot competently assess how his livelihood and happiness are affected by things outside of himself.


characteristic ['kærəktə'ristik] a. 特有的,典型的

【同】particular, typical, representative, distinctive n. 特征,特性

【同】attribute, distinction, feature, property, peculiarity

【长难例句】There was a very interesting remark in a book by an Englishman that I read recently giving what he thought was a reason for this American characteristic.


【词义辨析】characteristic, feature和trait


【考题精解】Apart from blue eyes, blonde hair is also_____of Swedish people.

A. specific

B. characteristic

C. peculiar

D. particular

【答案】B。characteristic (of) a.……特有的,典型的;n. 特征,特性(如:In this they showed their characteristic features. Windy days are characteristic of March. That behavior is characteristic of him. the essential characteristics of life. The gerund has most of the characteristics of a noun.)。specific (about) a.(多作定语)明确的,具体的;特定的,特有的。peculiar (in sth./to sb.) a. 奇怪的,古怪的;特殊的,独特的。particular (about) a. 特定的;特殊的,特有的;过分讲究的,挑剔的。

characterise/characterize ['kærəktəraiz] vt.表示……的特征,描述……的特征

【考题精解】The camel is_____by the humps on its back and an ability to go without water for days at a time.

A. described

B. characterized

C. symbolized

D. personified

【答案】B。characterize vt. 以……为特征,是……的特征(如:What characterizes the current world situation is the danger of war. Your work is characterized by lack of attention to detail.)。describe (as) vt. 形容,描写。symbolize vt. 象征,代表。personify vt. 象征;使人格化。

charity ['tʃærəti] n. ①仁慈,宽厚

【同】kindness, generosity



charm [tʃɑːm] vt. 使着迷,使陶醉

【同】fascinate, delight, captivate

n. 招人喜欢之处,魅力

【同】fascination, grace, magic, attractiveness

【派】charming, charmingly

【考题精解】With all its defects the little play has a real_____; it attracts a lot of people every day.

A. quality

B. charm

C. theme

D. exposition

【答案】B。charm n. 魅力;引人喜爱的特征,迷人的特性(如:Her charm of manner made her very popular. I found the greatest charm of the place to lie in its scenery.)。quality n. 质量;品质,特性。theme n. 主题,题目。exposition n.阐述,讲解。

charming ['tʃɑːmiŋ] a. 迷人的,可爱的

【习惯用语】prince charming女子理想中的求婚者,对女子假装殷勤的男子

chart [tʃɑːt] n. ①海图;水路图



【同】table, outline, diagram

a weather chart天气图

charter ['tʃɑːtə(r)] n. 宪章,特许状


vt. ①特许,发执照给……



【同】hire, rent

【考题精解】The members of the club_____a plane to take them on holiday to France.

A. bought

B. chartered

C. leased

D. borrowed

【答案】B。charter vt. 包租(飞机、车、船等)(如:Our school chartered three buses for the trip.)。lease vt. 租得(一般指房屋或土地) (注:buy和borrow均不可能)。

【真题链接】It is agreed that all nations should take measures against terrorism on the basis of the UN_____and other international laws.(2002年中国人民大学考博试题)

A. Charter

B. Constitution

C. Concordance

D. Custody

【答案】A。本题意为“各国达成协议,所有的国家都应以联合国宪章和其他国际法为基础来反对恐怖主义”。charter的意思是“宪章”,the UN Charter的意思是“联合国宪章”;constitution的意思是“宪法,章程,惯例”;concordance的意思是“和谐”;custody的意思是“保管”。四个选项中只有A为正确答案。

chase [tʃeis] vt./n. ①追猎,追赶

【同】pursue, hunt, track, trail, seek, pursuit, hunt



【习惯用语】①give chase (to) 追赶;追击 ②go (and) chase yourself [口]走开,滚开 ③in chase of追赶[击]


【考题精解】The noise was caused by a dog_____a cat through the garden.

A. chasing

B. fighting

C. catching

D. following

【答案】A。chase vt. 追逐,追赶。fight v. 斗争,打架,战斗。catch vt. 捉住,抓住。follow v. 跟随,紧跟;跟在……后面。

【真题链接】In his_____to further knowledge of the universe, man has now begun to explore space.(2003年南京大学考博试题)

A. attempt

B. expedition

C. trial

D. chase


chat [tʃæt] n. 闲谈


【习惯用语】①chat show(电台或电视台的)现场采访节目 ②chat sb. up同某人闲谈以取得好感[信任]

【考题精解】The two friends sat in a corner and_____away to each other about the weather.

A. talked

B. chatted

C. muttered

D. whispered

【答案】B。chat vi./n. 闲谈,聊天(如:They were chatting away about old times. He dropped in for a chat last night.)。talk vi. 讲话,交谈;谈论(注:talk要比chat稍正式点;chat是闲聊的意思)。mutter vi. 轻声低语,小声抱怨。whisper v. 低语,耳语。

chatter ['tʃætə(r)] v. 唠叨、饶舌、牙齿打颤

cheap [tʃiːp] a. ①便宜的;劣质的

【同】inexpensive, poor, inferior, mean

【反】costly, valuable, priceless



The army won a cheap victory. 军队轻易获胜了。

【习惯用语】①dirt cheap很便宜;便宜得很②feel cheap自惭形秽的 ③on the cheap便宜;低廉

cheat [tʃiːt] v. ①欺骗:作弊

【同】entrap, trick, deceive

n. 骗子;欺骗行为

【同】deception, trick, cheater, fraud


He always cheats at cards;so I never play with him.



The sailors cheated death in the stormy seas.


【习惯用语】①put a cheat on使……上当,欺骗 ②topping cheat [俚]绞刑架[台]

【词义辨析】cheat, deceive和betray


【考题精解】The boy_____his friend out of the apple by insisting that it was rotten, if not poisonous.

A. frightened

B. forced

C. cheated

D. deceived

【答案】C。cheat vt. 欺骗,骗取(尤指骗人钱财)(如:That shop often cheats its customers.to cheat sb. out of his money.)。frighten vt. 吓唬,使惊恐(句型:frighten sb.;frighten sb. into/out of+动词ing形式;be frightened of)。force vt. 强迫,迫使(某人做某事)(句型:force sb. to+动词原形;force sth. on sb.)。deceive vt. 欺骗,蒙骗(句型:deceive sb.;deceive sb. into+动词ing形式)。

cheek [tʃiːk] n. ①面颊




【习惯用语】cheek by jowl (with) 亲密地;和……紧靠着

cheer [tʃiə(r)] v./n. ①(使)振作;喝彩

【同】charm, amuse, delight, enliven, entertain, shout, salute, roar, excitement



He's always full of cheer at Christmas.


【习惯用语】①be of good cheer兴致勃勃;充满欢乐精神;振作起来,鼓起勇气②Bronx cheer表示嘲笑的嘘嘘声[倒好声]

【派】cheerless, cheerfully

【考题精解】He was in low spirits. Try as we would, we couldn't get him to_____up.

A. pick

B. turn

C. show

D. cheer

【答案】D。cheer up(使)高兴起来,(使)振作起来(如:I cheered up at the good news. The news cheered him up.)。pick up拿起,捡起;(停下车)让人上车;好转,改进,提高(速度)。turn up到达(约定地点),出现;(东西)被找到;开大,调大(音量等)。show up(按约定)来到,露面。

cheerful ['tʃiəfl] a. 快乐的,高兴的

【同】light-hearted, jolly, lively, spirited, pleasant


cheese [tʃiːz] n. ①干酪,乳酪②(形状、质地等)像干酪的东西;干酪片

【习惯用语】①bread and cheese普通食品,生计 ②get the cheese碰钉子,失望 ③hard cheese倒霉,不幸

chef [ʃef] n. 厨师,厨师长


chemical ['kemikl] a. ①化学的



n. 化学制品

chemist ['kemist] n. 化学家;药剂师


chemistry ['kemistri] n. ①化学②化学性质;化学组成与化学反应

cherish ['tʃeriʃ] vt. ①抱有,怀有(希望,想法,感情等)


【同】treasure, value

【真题链接】Even 30 years later, he still_____the memory of his happy and care-free childhood spent in that small wooden house with his grandparents.(2006年财政部财政研究所考博试题)

A. reminded

B. memorized

C. cherished

D. fancied

【答案】C。cherish the memory of意为“怀念……”。remind sb. of sb./sth. 意为“使某人回想起……”;memorise意为“记忆,记起”;fancy意为“想象,幻想”。

cherry ['tʃeri] n. 樱桃

chess [tʃes] n. 国际象棋

chest [tʃest] n. 柜子;胸腔

【同】cabinet, box, treasury

【习惯用语】get (sth.) off one's chest吐出心里的话;把要讲的话讲完(才舒服)

chew [tʃuː] v. 咀嚼

【同】grind with teeth

chicken ['tʃikin] n. ①小鸡;鸡肉


【习惯用语】count one's chickens before they’re hatched打如意算盘;过早乐观;蛋尚未孵先算鸡

chief [tʃiːf] n. ①领袖,首领

【同】leader, director



“Where to, Chief?”the taxi driver asked me.


a. 首要的,主要的

【同】main, major, principal, primary, central, leading

【习惯用语】①in chief主要地,尤其;在首席地位 ②chief itch and rub [美俚]头子

【词义辨析】chief, main, major和principal


child [tʃaild] (pl.) children n. ①小孩,儿童

【同】kid, infant




I have to say I am a child in these matters.


【习惯用语】get sb. child (=be with child) 怀孕

childhood ['tʃaildhud] n. 童年


【习惯用语】second childhood老年的心智衰退时期

childish ['tʃaildiʃ] a. 孩子气的,幼稚的

chill [tʃil] n. 寒气,寒冷

【同】coldness, coolness


【同】cool, freeze


chilly ['tʃili] a. ①寒冷的


He was given a chilly welcome.


【派】chilliness, chilling, chill

【真题链接】She felt a bit_____in the autumn air so she went in to fetch a coat.(2003年西南财经大学考博试题)

A. chilly

B. fresh

C. shivering

D. cool


chimney ['tʃimni] n. 烟囱

【习惯用语】smoke like a chimney烟抽得很多,不停地抽烟

chin [tʃin] n. ①下巴


【习惯用语】Keep your chin up!振作点!

china ['tʃainə] n. 瓷器

【同】porcelain, pottery, clayware

【习惯用语】from China to Peru到处,举世,普天之下

China ['tʃainə] n. 中国

Chinese [tʃai'niːz] a. 中国(人)的;中文的n. 中国人;中文

chip [tʃip] n. ①碎屑,碎片

【同】slice, bit


【同】flake, slice, piece



v. 切为薄片

【同】break, crack

【考题精解】My father_____the old paint off his bedroom door and had it repainted.

A. chopped

B. carved

C. chipped

D. smashed

【答案】C。chip vt. 削下,凿下(屑片、碎片)(chip a piece from the edge of a cup;chip the old paint from the side of a ship)。chop vt. (用斧头)砍,劈,斩。carve vt. 雕刻;把……切成碎片。smash vt. 粉碎;打碎。

chocolate ['tʃɔklət] n. ①巧克力;深褐色




choice [tʃɔis] n. 选择;供选择的东西

【同】selection, option, alternative

a. 精选的,上等的

【词义辨析】alternative, choice, option和preference alternative:意为“挑选,选择”,郑重强调限于在相互排斥的两者之间作出选择,通常的隐含意思是其他可相比较的事物已被环境或个人感情排除在外了。偶尔用于两者以上的选择,常与介词to搭配。choice:意为“选择,挑选”,普通用词。指以某种方式从任何数量的事物中选择,通常表示有自由挑选的权力。option:意为“选择权,选择物”,着重强调其有权力或力量进行自由选择,可以从两个或多个相互排斥的做法或行动中选出一个。preference:意为“选择权,挑选机会,偏爱”,强调凭个人的癖好、偏爱或满意程度进行的选择。

【考题精解】I'm afraid you have no_____but to come along with us.

A. possibility

B. chance

C. choice

D. selection

【答案】C。choice n. 选择,抉择;供选择的东西(have no choice but to+动词原形:除做……外别无他法;非……不可;只有……才行;另一说法是There is no choice for sb. but to+动词原形;类似的说法还有:have no alternative but to+动词原形)(其他两个名词不是习惯搭配)。

choke [tʃəuk] v. ①(使)窒息,(使)噎住

【同】strangle, stop, block

【反】clear, unblock


【同】build up, cork jam

【考题精解】He grasped her by the throat and started to_____the life out of her.

A. press

B. squeeze

C. choke

D. block

【答案】C。choke vt. 使窒息,使噎住;塞满,塞住(如:The smoke almost choked me. He choked when he ate his food too quickly.)。press vt. 催促,逼迫;(用手)按,压。squeeze vt. 用力挤压;压缩;压榨。block vt. 堵塞,阻塞。

choose [tʃuːz] v. ①挑选;甘愿

【同】select, pick, opt

【反】reject, discard, abandon


【同】desire, wish, decide

He chose not to go home. 他决定不回家了。

【习惯用语】①as you choose随你喜欢;随你的便 ②cannot choose but不得不,只好③Let's choose up to see…看是选定……呢,究竟是让……呢

【派】choosy, choice

【考题精解】You can make it very difficult

for me to speak to you if you_____to misunderstand me.

A. happen

B. choose

C. select

D. get

【答案】B。choose to (do sth.)宁愿,决定,愿意;偏要(做某事)(后面跟不定式)(如:It's riot my business how she chooses to live. She did not choose to accept my present.)。happen(to+动词原形)碰巧,恰好(后面跟不定式)(如:I happened to be out when you called.)。get to+动词原形(表示一个渐进的变化过程,如:get to know sb.)(select后面不能跟不定式)。

chop [tʃɔp] v. 砍,劈,剁碎

【同】cut, punch, slice

n. ①砍,劈,剁




chore [tʃɔː(r)] n. (pl.) ①家庭杂务

【同】task, job, duty


【同】bore, unpleasant task

chorus ['kɔːrəs] n. ①合唱




Christ [kraist] n. 耶稣,基督

Christian ['kristʃən] n.①信基督教的;基督教的



【习惯用语】rice Christian为物质利益而接受洗礼的基督教徒

Christmas ['krisməs] n. 圣诞节

【习惯用语】①Christmas comes but once a year.

【谚】圣诞节每年只有一次;[喻]好景不常在,不能天天过节。②Father Christmas圣诞老人

chronic ['krɔnik] a. 长期的,慢性的

【同】constant, established, set

【真题链接】Millions of people in the United States suffer from_____back pain that comes from sitting too long at a desk.(2004年西南财经大学考博试题)

A. chronic

B. casual

C. catastrophic

D. elastic

【答案】A。本题空格处是忍受长期的背痛。A项的“chronic慢性的、长期的”符合题意,如:chronic colitis(慢性结肠炎)。其他三项“casual偶然的、临时的;catastrophic悲惨的、灾难的;elastic弹性的”都不正确。

church [tʃəːtʃ] n. ①教堂



Aunt Mary goes to church every Sunday.



When he graduated from the university he joined the church and two years later became a priest.


【习惯用语】①after church做完礼拜之后

②as poor as a church mouse一贫如洗,赤贫的

③ask in church由教堂公布订婚的姓名(目的在于弄清楚是否有人对此提出异议)

cigar [si'ɡɑː(r)] n. 雪茄烟

cigaret/cigarette ['siɡə'ret] n. 香烟


cinema ['sinəmə] n. ①电影院


②电影业 (=movies)

【同】film, movie

【习惯用语】go to cinema去看电影

circle ['səːkl] n. ①圆(周);圈子,阶层

【同】ring, circuit, round, group, field


They sat in a circle round the fire.



v. 环绕,旋转

【同】surround, revolve, encircle, orbit

【习惯用语】①argue [reason] in circle用循环论证法来辩论(先假设结论是前提的证据,再利用前提去证明结论)②come full circle兜了一圈,回到原位,绕……转一周,周而复始③dress circle(=upper circle)(剧院的)楼座前排(甲级座)

circuit ['səːkit] n. ①电路;环行

【同】route, wiring


【同】round trip, journey, tour

the circuit of the old city walls沿旧城墙绕行一周

The old scientist used to run three circuits of the track every morning.



circular ['səːkjələ(r)] a. ①圆形的;循环的


circular railway环形铁路


n. ①代传单;报单


【同】around, ring-shaped

circumstance ['səːkəmstəns] n. ①情况;(pl.) 环境;状况

【同】environment, condition, situation


③(pl.) 经济状况;物质环境

easy circumstances经济状况优裕

【习惯用语】in no circumstances决不

【词义辨析】circumstance, environment, setting和surroundings circumstance:指能影响某人行为或某事的发展的所有事实、条件的总和,通常被认为是人所无法控制的。environment:指人生活所处的所有自然和社会,尤指能对人的情感和人类发展产生影响外部条件,也指人及动植物所生存的自然条件的总和。setting:原指工艺品的金属底座和戏剧中的舞台布景和道具。引申为文学艺术作品中所表现事件的背景情况,如时间、空间和条件。surroundings:只用复数,指人或事物周围尤其是能够影响到人的生活质量的一切物质性东西。

【考题精解】Don't judge a crime until you know all the_____.

A. circumstances

B. situations

C. conditions

D. surroundings

【答案】A。circumstance n. (一般用复数) (与某人或某事相关的)条件,情况;(pl.)境遇,经济状况(如:I don't remember all the circumstances of the quarrel. If you knew all the circumstances you would excuse me. to be in easy/difficult circumstances. under/in the circumstances在目前情况下;under/in no circumstances意为“在任何情况下都不”,放在句首时句子要用倒装语序)。situation n.形势,局面,环境,状况。condition n. (先决)条件;(pl.) 环境;状态,状况。surroundings n. (pl.) 周围的事物,环境。

【真题链接】In no_____should you do this without help and advice from your doctor—restricting the diet of small children can be very dangerous.(2002年10月中国科学院考博试题)

A. perspectives

B. restrictions

C. circumstances

D. consequences

【答案】C。本题空格处是说在任何情况下都不该这么做。四个选项中,in (under) no circumstances的意思是“在任何情况下都不”,是固定搭配;perspectives的意思是“观点,想法”;restrictions的意思是“限制”;consequences的意思是“后果,结果”。只有C项符合题意。

circus ['səːkəs] n. ①杂技场,马戏场

【同】entertainment, show


【同】ringside, tan

cite [sait] v. 举例;引证,引用

【同】quote, point out, mention, instance

【派】citation, recite, recitation

【考题精解】The minister_____the latest crime figures as proof of the need for more police.

A. cited

B. offered

C. illustrated

D. depicted

【答案】A。cite vt. 引用,引证;传讯,传唤(如:The lawyer cited a previous case to support his argument. It's no use citing the Bible to someone who doesn't believe in God.)。offer vt. 给予,提供,提出。illustrate vt. 对……作插图说明;说明,阐明。depict vt. 描绘;描写,描述。

【真题链接】She_____the high unemployment figures as evidence of the failure of the government policy.(2002年上海交通大学考博试题)

A. cited

B. recited

C. listed

D. lifted

【答案】A。本题空格处是说“引证了高失业的数据”。A项的“cited引证”符合题意。如:It's no use citing the Bible to a non-Christian.(对非基督徒引用《圣经》是没用的。)其他三项“recited背诵,朗读;listed列出;lifted提高”都不正确。

citizen ['sitizn] n. 公民,市民

【同】resident, inhabitant, civilian


city ['siti] n. 城市


【反】country, countryside

civil ['sivl] a. ①民用的;公民的;国内的

【同】national, public, domestic, internal, polite, civilized, civilian

【反】foreign, uncivilized, rude, military

He left the army and resumed civil life.



civil case民事案件

The lecturer continued that civil law was different to criminal law.


【习惯用语】①be civil to对……有礼貌②say sth. civil说奉承[恭维]话

civilian [sə'viliən] a. 平民的,民用的,民众的

【同】popular, civil

【考题精解】What does it feel like to be a_____after 20 years in the army?

A. citizen

B. populace

C. civilian

D. commonplace

【答案】C。civilian n. (与军人相对的)平民,百姓(如:armymen and civilians. In modern wars civilians as well as soldiers get killed.)。citizen n.公民,市民,居民。populace n. 平民,大众。commonplace n. 寻常的事物,常见的事物。

civilization ['sivəlai'zeiʃn] n. ①文明,文化;开化

【同】educate, refine



civilize ['sivəlaiz] vt. ①使文明,使开化②在教养及礼貌上有所改进

Many a rough man has been civilized by his wife.许多粗野的男人在其妻子的影响下变得文雅了。

clam [klæm] v. ①挖/拾/捞蛤 ②闭嘴不言,保持沉默(+up)n. ①蛤、蚌 ②沉默寡言的人,守口如瓶的人 ③钳,夹具[C]

class [klɑːs] n. ①班级;种类;等级,阶级

【同】grade, division, lesson, category, group, type


lower-class life低层阶级的生活


【习惯用语】①at the top of one's class出类拔萃,居首位 ②be no class [俚]不足道,无价值,低劣的 ③be classed with归 [列]入……类[等级]

【派】classify, classification

classic ['klæsik] a. ①传统的,不朽的,古典的

【同】traditional, time-honored

②最优秀的 (=best)

【同】excellent, superior

n. ( pl.) 杰作,名著


【考题精解】Although it was written over one hundred years ago, it is still the_____history text in many schools.

A. typical

B. customary

C. practical

D. classic

【答案】D。classic标准的,权威性的(如:The suit was a classic style. a classic example of bureaucratic inefficiency)。typical (of) a. 典型的,有代表性的。customary a. 习惯性的,习俗性的。practical a. 实际的,实用的。

classical ['klæsikl] a. ①古典的,经典的



Both Bach and Beethoven wrote classical music.



classification ['klæsifi'keiʃn] n. 分类,分等级

classify ['klæsifai] vt. ①分类,把……分等级

【同】assort, arrange


【考题精解】Children in school are_____into grades, according to how much they know.

A. clarified

B. classified

C. identified

D. sorted

【答案】B。classify vt. 把……分类,把……分级 (be classified into grades/according to size/as middle peasants)。clarify vt. 澄清;阐明。identify vt. 认出;鉴定;认为……等同于(with)。sort (out) vt. 分类,整理。

classmate ['klɑːsmeit] n. 同班同学

classroom ['klɑːsruːm] n. 教室

claw [klɔː] n.

【同】foot, hand, heel, trotter

clay [klei] n. 黏土,泥土

【同】mud, earth

clean [kliːn] a. ①清洁的,干净的

【同】meat, tidy



a clean copy of the report一份没有错误的报告


a clean life洁身自爱的生活

She has a clean record. 她的历史清白。

v. 打扫



【习惯用语】①be cleaned out把钱花光;输光②cut clean through穿透 ③give it a clean [口]把它弄干净

【派】unclean, cleaning, cleanly

clear [kliə(r)] a. ①晴朗的;清楚的,明白的

【同】bright, brilliant, distinct, plain, fine


clear eyes清澈的眼睛


a clear thinker头脑清楚的思想家

ad. 清楚地

v. 使清楚;清除

【同】rid, eliminate, clarify

【习惯用语】clear the air使空气清洁;消除误解

【派】clarify, clarity, clearance, clearing

clergy ['kləːdʒi] n. 神职人员

clerk [klɑːk] n. ①书记;秘书;文书




【习惯用语】①clerk in holy orders [正式用语]牧师,教士 ②Clerk of the Weather风伯雨师;[美谚]气象台长 ③clerk it [口]当店员

clever ['klevə(r)] a. ①聪明的,机敏的

【同】bright, brilliant, intelligent, acute

【反】senseless, stupid, dull


a clever worker熟练工人


a clever speech机敏的谈话

click [klik] v.(使)发出咔嗒声

n. 咔嗒声

cliff [klif] n. 悬崖,峭壁

climate ['klaimət] n. ①气候


②(社会)风气;一般(社会)趋势political climate政治风气

【长难例句1】Scientists generally agree that the Earth's climate will warm up over the next 50 to 100 years as much as it has warmed in the 20,000 years since the Ice Age.


【长难例句2】Often they chose—and still are choosing—somewhat colder climates such as Oregon, Idaho and Alaska in order to escape smog, crime and other plagues of urbanization in the Golden State.


【考题精解】The current political_____of our country is favourable for foreign investments.

A. weather

B. temperature

C. climate

D. status

【答案】C。climate n. 气候。weather n. 天气。temperature n. 温度。status n.(在社会上的)地位,身份。

climax ['klaimæks] n. ①顶点,极点

【同】peak, summit

【反】base, bottom



v.(使)达到顶点,(使)达到高潮 (=get/reach the peak/summit)


climb [klaim] v./n. ①爬,攀登

【同】mount, scale, ascend, rise, increase, ascent

【反】descend, descent, decrease


Do you think you can climb that steep cliff ?



【习惯用语】①at the climb(黑话)当飞贼;专干从屋顶侵入盗窃的勾当②on the climb有迁升的希望 ③climb aboard [美]上车

【派】climber, climbable

cling [kliŋ] vi. ①缠住,粘住

【同】stick, attach, grasp, grip, clasp


【同】depend, rely



clinic ['klinik] n. ①门诊所


clip [klip] vt. ①剪短,修剪

【同】cut, curtail, trim

②夹住 (=fasten, attach)

【同】clasp, hook, grip

n. ①曲别针,夹,钳

【同】clip, fastener, pin


cloak [kləuk] n. 斗篷,覆盖

v. ①覆盖,掩盖


【真题链接】In order to get the business done, he tried to_____his evil intentions with apparent friendliness.(2006年厦门大学考博试题)

A. cloak

B. protect

C. devise

D. fix


clock [klɔk] n. ①(时)钟

【同】timer, timekeeper, watch



【习惯用语】①around the clock夜以继日;整日整夜 (=round the clock) ②put the clock back将时钟拨回一两小时(日光节约);不识时务;倒行逆施;不顺应时势

Any efforts to try to put the clock back will come to no good end.


clockwise ['klɔkwaiz] a./ ad. 顺时针方向的/地

clone [kləun] n. ①无性繁殖系(的个体)


【同】duplicate, copy


close [kləuz] v. 关,关闭;结束,终止

【同】shut, block, end, conclude


a. 接近的;亲近的;严密的

【同】near, familiar, intimate, loving, careful, concluding, end, conclusion


【习惯用语】①close to home接近事实

②What she said was very close to home. 她说的情况非常接近事实。

【派】closed, closely, closeness, disclose, enclose

【考题精解】The detectives kept a_____watch of the suspect's house.

A. keen

B. complete

C. thorough

D. close

【答案】D。close a. 严密的,密切的。keen a.热心的,渴望的 (on);敏锐的,敏捷的 (of)。complete a. 完全的,完整的。thorough a. 彻底的,完全的。

closet ['klɔzit] n. 小房间,壁橱,厕所

【同】secret, private


cloth [klɔθ] n. ①布,衣料;织物

【同】fabric, material



【习惯用语】①all cloth made满帆;鼓着风

②American cloth彩色漆布(主要作台布用)

③back cloth背景幕

clothe [kləuð] vt. ①给……穿衣,为……提供衣服



The sun clothed the hill with light.


【习惯用语】①be clothed on [upon]穿衣服;被覆盖;使带有 ②be clothed with被……所覆盖,长满;蒙受;赋有(品格等);被赋予(权力等)

clothes [kləuz] n. 衣服,服装

clothing ['kləuðiŋ] n. 衣服,衣着(总称)


cloud [klaud] n. ①云,云状物;一大群

【同】crowd, multitude


【同】shadow, gloom

under the cloud of night夜色朦胧中


The clouds of war hang over the east.


【习惯用语】on cloud nine极快乐;狂喜状态;

cloudy ['klaudi] a. ①多云的;模糊的


【反】fair, bright


【同】foggy, muddy, unclear

clown [klaun] n. ①小丑,丑角



vt. 扮小丑,装傻


club [klʌb] n. ①棍,球棒;俱乐部

【同】nightclub, bat, stick

②俱乐部的会址 (=clubhouse)


【习惯用语】in the club(未婚少女)怀孕

clue [kluː] n. 线索;思路;暗示

【同】hint, evidence, trace

【习惯用语】①give a clue to sth. 提供关于某事的线索 ②not have a clue毫无头绪,什么也不知道 ③clue in [俚]向某人提供情况

【考题精解】The police searched all the houses but found no_____.

A. connections

B. clues

C. relationships

D. ties

【答案】B。clue (to) n. 线索,提示(如:The clue to solving our energy problem lies in conservation.)。connection n. 连接,关系。relationship n. 关系,联系。tie n. 联系,纽带;领带。

clumsy ['klʌmzi] a.①行动笨拙的;手脚不灵活的

【同】awkward, unskilled

【反】handy, skillful

You are clumsy! You’re knocked over my cup of coffee! 你真笨手笨脚!把我的这杯咖啡撞翻了。


【派】clumsily, clumsiness

cluster ['klʌstə(r)] n. 丛,群,串

【同】bunch, group, collection, band


【同】gather, collect, group


【真题链接】Many skiers_____around the fire and drink hot chocolate in the evenings. (2003年中国社会科学院考博试题)

A. pad

B. pack

C. squeeze

D. cluster

【答案】D。本题空格处是说“许多滑雪者成群地围在火堆边”。D项“cluster丛生,成群”符合题意,如:The boys and girls clustered together round the camp fire telling stories and singing songs.(孩子们成群地围着营火堆讲着故事唱着歌。)其他三项“pad加上垫衬;pack包装;squeeze压榨”都不正确。

clutch [klʌtʃ] v. 抓住,攫住

【同】clasp, clench, grab, grasp, snatch, seize

n. ①抓紧,紧握

【同】grasp, grip, clasp, hold


coach [kəutʃ] n. ①长途汽车;教练

【同】instructor, trainer



【同】carriage, bus

v. 训练,辅导,指导

【同】train, drill, instruct, guide

【习惯用语】①a slow coach动作[头脑]迟钝的人,落后分子 ②drive a coach-and-four [six] through找出漏洞;挑剔其文字上的严重错误以打击(某一法规等)的意图;钻空子,逃避法律、协定、条约、规章等 ③ride in the marrow-bone coach [谚]坐“两脚车”去,步行

coal [kəul] n. ①煤;木炭


【习惯用语】①a cold coal to blow at无成功希望的工作 ②as black as coal漆黑如煤③blind coal无烟煤

coalition ['kəuə'liʃn] n. ①结合体,同盟

【同】alliance, union, combination, league,association, federation


coarse [kɔːs] a. ①粗糙的;粗俗的

【同】crude, rough, harsh, unpolished

【反】refined, delicate


coarse cloth粗织的布

【考题精解】A substance such as sand may be either fine or_____.

A. coarse

B. course

C. large

D. tough

【答案】A。coarse a. 粗的,粗糙的;粗劣的;粗俗的 (a coarse woollen garment;coarse salt/sand/cloth/skin;coarse manners/language)。course n. 过程,进程;航程;课程;一道(菜)。large a. 大的。tough a. 坚韧的,牢固的;强壮的,坚强的。

coast [kəust] n. ①海岸;海滨

【同】shore, beach, seaside


a town on the coast海滨城镇

【习惯用语】the coast is clear已无危险,畅通无阻

coat [kəut] n. ①上衣,外套;覆盖物

【同】overcoat, jacket, cover, coating, layer

vt. ②涂上,覆盖

【同】dress, clothe, cover, paint


【考题精解】To obtain a satisfactory result, you must apply two_____of paint on a clean surface.

A. levels

B. coats

C. times

D. courses

【答案】B。coat n. (油漆、涂料的)涂层。level n. 水平,等级;水平面,水平线。time n. 次数。course n. 过程,进程,航程;(一道)菜。

cocaine [kəu'kein] n. 可卡因

【同】drugs, heroine

cock [kɔk] n. ①公鸡;旋塞



cocktail ['kɔkteil] n. 鸡尾酒


code [kəud] n. ①代码,密码;法规

【同】key, law


The letter was written in code and I could not understand it. 信是用密码写的,我看不懂。


a code of behavior行为规范

【习惯用语】①Black Code [美]“黑人法典”(奴隶制取消前南部某些州的奴隶法)

②break a code识破密码 ③penal code [律]刑法,刑事法典

coercion [kəu'əːʃn] n. ①强制压制 ②高压统治

coffee ['kɔfi] n. 咖啡

cognitive ['kɔɡnətiv ] a. 认识的

【同】mental, perceptual

coherent [kəu'hiərənt] a. ①黏着的,黏附的②连贯的


【反】inconsistent, illogical

【派】coherence, coherently

【真题链接】He became aware that he had lost his audience since he had not been able to talk_____around one topic.(2004年武汉大学考博试题)

A. coherently

B. initiatively

C. flexibly

D. pointedly


cohesive [kəu'hiːsiv] a. 黏合性的,有结合力的

【真题链接】The author skillfully fuses these fragments into a_____whole.(2013年10月中国科学院考博试题)

A. congestive

B. corporate

C. collaborative

D. cohesive


coil [kɔil] n. 线圈

【同】ring, circle, roll

v. 卷,盘绕

【同】crook, curl, entwine

coin [kɔin] n. 硬币


vt. 创造(新词)

【习惯用语】①pay sb. back in his own coin一报还一报,以其人之道还治其人之身 ②ring a coin敲响硬币查真伪 ③spin [toss up] a coin做猜钱币反正面的赌博;抛钱落地看其反正面以决断某个问题

【考题精解】This was a term he_____and brought into popular usage.

A. made

B. concocted

C. coined

D. fabricated

【答案】C。coin vt.(本义)铸造(钱币);(引申)创造(新词语)(如:He coined the word. Who coined the phrase“Life is not a bowl of cherries”?)。make vt. 做,造。concoct vt. 编造(借口、谎话、小说情节等);策划。fabricate vt. 捏造,编造(谎言、借口等);建造,制造。

coincide ['kəuin'said] vi. ①同时发生



【同】agree, accord, correspond, match


【真题链接 1】It is fortunate for the old couple that their son's career goals and their wishes for him_____.(2006年中南大学考博试题)

A. coincide

B. comply

C. conform

D. collaborate

【答案】A。此题为动词辨析题。句子的意思是令这两位老人感到幸运的是儿子在事业上树立的目标与他们的期盼相一致。A项coincide意为“一致,巧合”,既可用于A coincide with B,也可用于A and B coincide,如:My opinion doesn't coincide with yours. B项comply意为“遵守,照做,顺从”;C项conform意为“使……一致,使……适合”,既可与介词with搭配,也可与介词to搭配,如:conform to rules遵守规则;conform to (with) the interests of the people符合人民利益;D项collaborate意为“与……合作,与……协作”。

【真题链接 2】It is unfortunate that the members of the committee do not_____in opinion.(2008年四川大学考博试题)

A. coincide

B. conform

C. comply

D. collaborate

【答案】A。coincide符合,与……一致;conform遵守,使一致;comply顺从,答应;collaborate合作,协作。根据题意,应是意见不统一,即do not coincide in opinion,故正确答案为A。

coincidence [kəu'insidəns] n. ①巧合,巧事②(意见、爱好等的)一致,符合

【真题链接】It is no_____that his car was seen near the bank at the time of the robbery. (2004年湖北省考博试题)

A. coincidence

B. inspiration

C. correspondence

D. intuition

【答案】A。本题意为“抢劫发生时,有人看见他的车停在银行附近,这绝非巧合”。A项的“coincidence巧合,同时发生或存在的偶然的事”符合题意,如:What a coincidence that I was in Paris at the same time as you!(我在巴黎时你也正在那里,多巧啊!)其他三项“inspiration鼓舞,激励;correspondence通信;intuition直觉”都不正确。

coke [kəuk] n. 焦炭

cold [kəuld] a. ①冷的;冷淡的

【同】cool, icy, freezing, unfriendly, indifferent, calm, cool

【反】hot, warm, friendly, considerate, thoughtful, excited

n. 伤风,感冒;寒冷

【同】flu, coldness


The enemy troops had a cold realization of their hard situation.



【习惯用语】①in the cold无情地;无动于衷地 ②out in the cold遭冷落;被撇在一边

collaborate [kə'læbəreit] vi. 合作,协作



【派】collaborator, collaboration

【真题链接】Mary once_____with another musician to compose a piece of music.(2005年电子科技大学考博试题)

A. merged

B. collaborated

C. coincided

D. constituted

【答案】B。本题是说Mary曾经与另一位音乐家合作谱写了一支流行乐曲。B项“collaborated合作,通敌”符合题意,如:collaborate on a book with sb.(与某人合著一本书。)其他三项“merged合并,并入,结合;coincided一致,符合;constituted制定(法律),建立(政府),组成,任命”都不正确。

collapse [kə'læps] vt.


【同】fall down, break down


③折叠 (fold up)

n. 倒塌,崩溃

【同】crash, downfall, breakdown

collar ['kɔlə(r)] n. 衣领


colleague ['kɔliːɡ] n. 同事

【同】associate, partner, fellow

【长难例句】Many of life’ s problems which were solved by asking family members, friends or colleagues are beyond the capability of the extended family to resolve.


collective [kə'lektiv] a. ①集体的,共同的





our collective mistakes我们大家共同所犯的错误


【派】collectively, collectivism

n. 集体,团体



college ['kɔlidʒ] n. ①学院,大学




the Royal College of Nurses皇家护士协会

collide [kə'laid] vi. ①猛撞,碰撞

【同】bang, bump, clash


【同】hit, conflict

【反】miss, fit

【真题链接】Two trucks were reported to have head-on yesterday.(2002年武汉大学考博试题)

A. bumped

B. crashed

C. collided

D. struck

【答案】C。本题意为“据报道,昨天两辆卡车迎头相撞”。C项的“collide车/船相撞”符合题意,其他三项“bump碰撞,撞见;crash (飞机)坠毁,撞坏;strike撞,后接against”都不正确。

collision [kə'liʒn] n. 碰撞,冲突

【考题精解】People with radical ideas may find themselves in_____with the forces of the law.

A. collision

B. contrast

C. opposition

D. comparison

【答案】A。collision (with) n. 碰撞;冲突(如:A collision with Parliament could ruin the government's plans. Two cars were broken to pieces in the collision. A liner is reported to have been in collision with an oil-tanker.)。contrast n. 对比,对照(in contrast to/with和……形成对比,与……相反)。opposition n. 反对,反抗;反对党(in opposition to反对;与……持相反意见)。comparison n. 比较,对比;比拟(in comparison with与……比起来)。

colonel ['kəːnl] n. 上校 (=captain)

colonial [kə'ləuniəl] a. 殖民地的

colony ['kɔləni] n. ①殖民地;聚居区

【同】territory, community, settlement


the Chinese colony in New York纽约的中国侨民


【派】colonize, colonization, colonist

colo (u)r ['kʌlə(r)] n. 颜色;色彩;肤色

【同】paint, skin color

vt. 给……着色,染色

【同】dye, paint


【派】colo (u) rfully, colo (u) rless

column ['kɔləm] n. ①柱;纵队;专栏

【同】post, pillar, article, commentary


a column of smoke烟柱


【考题精解】The page of a newspaper is divided into_____.

A. lines

B. headlines

C. volumes

D. columns

【答案】D。column n. 柱,圆柱;(文章的)栏,专栏。line n. 行。headline n. 大字标题;(pl.) 新闻提要。volume n. 体积,容积,容量;音量。

comb [kəum] n. ①梳子


vt. ②梳理

【同】arrange, dress


【习惯用语】①cut the comb of sb. (=cut sb.'s comb)挫其锐气,使屈辱;灭……的威风;杀高傲气焰②go over [through] with a fine-tooth [fine-toothed] comb仔细查,彻底搜查③set up one's comb趾高气扬,神气起来

combat ['kɔmbæt] v. 与……战斗,搏斗

【同】battle, fight, struggle, contend

n. 战斗,斗争,搏斗

【同】battle, warfare, fighting

【反】peace, agreement, accord

【考题精解】We must recognize difficulties,analyse them and_____them.

A. prevail

B. win

C. combat

D. contend

【答案】C。combat vt. 与……战斗,与……斗争(如:We must combat our own shortcomings and errors. The nation will combat all invaders.)。prevail (over/against) vi. 获胜,占优势。win vi. 获胜 vt. 赢得,获得。contend (against sb./for sth.) vi. 搏斗,争斗;争夺,竞争。

combination ['kɔmbi'neiʃn] n. ①结合,联合;化合物

【同】association, merger, union, mixture, synthetic




【习惯用语】①at press time在发稿时,到发稿时为止 ②at (the) press (=in press;come to the press) 已付印,在印刷中 ③be hard pressed受到猛烈攻击,面临强大的攻势;被逼得很紧,经济困难

combine [kəm'bain] v. 结合;化合

【同】connect, link, associate, synthesize, mix

【习惯用语】①be combined in化合成 ②be combined with与……结合着 ③combine with… 把……与……结合起来

【派】combinable, combinative

【长难例句】Nowhere in nature is aluminum found free, owing to its always being combined with other elements, most commonly with oxygen.


come [kʌm] vi. ①来;来临

【同】arrive, appear, show up, become, turn

【反】depart, leave, disappear

“Come here Mary, I want to speak to you!”



The mad man came at us with a knife.



The water came to my neck. 水深及我的脖子。

【习惯用语】①come full circle绕回原处;毫无进展 ②come home to完全理解;领悟③come and go来来去去;变来变去;转瞬消失

comedy ['kɔmədi] n. 喜剧


【派】comic, comedian

【考题精解】The actor liked working on_____because he loved to make people laugh.

A. comedy

B. remedy

C. melody

D. tragedy

【答案】A。comedy n. 喜剧;喜剧性事件(如:Shakespeare wrote comedies, histories and tragedies. The seriousness of the situation left no room for comedy.)。remedy n. 补救办法;治疗措施。melody n. 旋律,曲调。tragedy n. 悲剧;惨事,灾祸。

comfort ['kʌmfət] n. 安慰;舒适

【同】ease, relief

【反】discomfort, distress, unease

vt. ①安慰;使舒适

【同】calm, quiet, ease

【反】discomfort, disquiet, bother


She was a great comfort to me when I was ill.


【习惯用语】①be of good comfort振作起来,鼓起勇气 ②cold comfort简直不起作用的安慰 ③creature comforts物质享受,使生活舒适的东西(如鲜衣美食等)

【派】comfortless, uncomfortable, discomfort



comfortable ['kʌmftəbl] a. ①舒适的


【反】uncomfortable, uneasy

②令人安慰的;没遭受痛苦的;觉得舒服的be comfortable in new shoes穿了新鞋觉得舒服

【习惯用语】be comfortably off收入多而生活舒适

【长难例句】Towns like Bournemouth and Eastboume sprang up to house large“Comfortable”classes who had retired on their incomes, and who had no relation to the rest of the community except that of drawing dividends and occasionally attending a shareholders’ meeting to dictate their orders to the management.


comic ['kɔmik] a. ①喜剧的

【同】amusing, humorous




command [kə'mɑːnd;(US) kə'mænd]v. ①命令,指挥

【同】order, direct, control, rule, dominate, govern

【反】comply, obey, observe, submit


to command respect使人不得不肃然起敬


to command oneself控制自己

n. 命令;掌握,运用能力


【习惯用语】①at command掌握,可自由使用 ②at [by] sb.'s command听某人支配 ③at the word of command 【军】一声令下

【派】commander, commanding (ly)

【考题精解】By working hard he acquired an extraordinary_____of the English language.

A. proficiency

B. efficiency

C. effectiveness

D. command

【答案】D。command n. 掌握,运用能力;命令,指挥(如:He has [a] good command of spoken French. Who issued the command to fire? take/assume/be in command of; He has a hundred men under his command. 在他的指挥下。I'm at your command. 听候你的差遣。It was done by the Queen's command. 根据女王的命令。)proficiency n. 熟练程度,掌握程度,精通。efficiency n. 效率;功效。effectiveness n.效力,有效。

commander [kə'mɑːndə(r)] n. ①指挥官②海军中校

commemorate [kə'meməreit] vt. 纪念,庆祝

【同】honor, celebrate, observe


【派】commemoration, commemorative

commence [kə'mens] v. 开始

【同】begin, start, take off

【真题链接】The Space Age_____in October1957 when the first artificial satellite was launched by the Soviet Union.(2011年四川大学考博试题)

A. initiated

B. embarked

C. originated

D. commenced


commend [kə'mend] v. ①赞扬

praise, compliment





【同】commit, assign, trust

【派】commendable, commendation

comment ['kɔment] n./vi. 评论,意见

【同】remark, criticism

【习惯用语】①ask for comment征求意见

②make comments on [upon] sth.评论某事

③offer comments提意见

【词义辨析】comment, commentary和remark comment:意为“解释,评论,批评”,指对事物进行的批评和解释说明,也指在阐述某事时所发表的议论或意见。commentary:意为“注释,按语,评语,解说词”,还常指对文章、教材及文学作品等所做的解释或评语,也常指新闻、体育等节目的实况解说或口头评论。remark:意为“评论,言语”,指对一个观点或事物以口头或书面形式随意发表的意见,一般不表示最终的或经过深思熟虑的看法。

【考题精解】The Prime Minister refused to_____f on the rumour that he had planned to resign.

A. comment

B. explain

C. tell

D. talk

【答案】A。comment (on) vi. 对……发表评论。explain vt. 解释,说明(句型:explain sth. to sb.;explain to sb. that…)。tell vt. 告诉;吩咐,命令;辨别 (from)。talk v. 讲话,交谈;谈论。

commentary ['kɔməntri] n. ①评论,评注

【同】review, critic


【同】review, interpretation

commentator ['kɔmənteitə(r)] n. ①评论员

【同】critic, observer, analyst



commit [kə'mit] vt.①犯(错、罪);使承担义务

【同】do, perform, submit, entrust


to commit him to jail将他监禁


to commit oneself to a promise受诺言的约束

【习惯用语】①commit oneself (on) 表达个人的意见Chairman refused to commit himself on the controversial subject before making due investigations. 主席拒绝在作必要的调查研究之前对这个有争论的问题表态。②commit to memory记住;牢记

【长难例句】Since it is too late to change my mind now, I am committed to carrying out the plan.


【考题精解】A violent crime was_____every 32 seconds in this city last year.

A. conducted

B. performed

C. committed

D. executed

【答案】C。commit vt. 犯(罪),干(坏事) (注:commit常与下面名词连用:commit a crime/murder/an error/a discourtesy/a breach of rules/suicide)。conduct vt. 指挥,引导;传导;处理,管理。perform vt. 做,履行;演出,表演。execute vt. 实施,执行;处死,处决。

commitment [kə'mitmənt] n. 承担义务,许诺

【同】responsibility, promise, pledge

【考题精解】By signing the lease you made a(n)_____to pay$300 a month rent.

A. commission

B. commitment

C. offer

D. obligation

【答案】B。commitment (to) n. 保证;承担的义务(如:I must honour my commitments to him. He avoided making any commitments.)。commission n. 授权,委托;佣金,回扣。offer n. 提议;提供(物)。obligation n. 责任,义务。

committee [kə'miti] n. 委员会

【同】council, board, cabinet

【习惯用语】①be [sit] on a committee任委员会委员 ②go into committee(在英国议会中)交委员会详细审查 ③in committee在委员会审议中

【长难例句】A sketch of the long report by the budget committed was submitted to the mayor for approval.


common ['kɔmən] a. ①共同的;普通的

【同】average, ordinary, public

【反】rare, extraordinary, exceptional, private


Snow is common in cold countries.



the common man普通人

【习惯用语】①be (put) on short commons吃不饱,被减食 ②Doctors’ Common [史] 伦敦民事律师公会 ③have nothing in common (with) (与……)没有共同之处

commonplace ['kɔmənpleis] a. ①平凡的

【同】ordinary, usual, routine, dull

【反】uncommon, unusual



【真题链接】In the late 19th century, Jules Verne, the master of science fiction, foresaw many of the technological wonders that are_____today.(2014年厦门大学考博试题)

A. transient

B. commonplace

C. implicit

D. elementary


commonwealth ['kɔmənwelθ] n. 英联邦


communicate [kə'mjuːnikeit] vt. ①告知;传达(意见、感受)

Generally speaking, teachers are able to communicate their ideas clearly. 一般来说教师能把自己的意思表达清楚。



【同】share, inform, convey, deliver, transit, correspond

to communicate with a person与人联络

【派】communication, communicative (ly), communicator

【考题精解】Language can be defined as a tool by which human beings_____with one another.

A. associate

B. communicate

C. exchange

D. correspond

【答案】B。communicate (with) vi. 通信,交流,交际,(思想上)沟通 vt. 传达,传播。associate vi.(与……)交往(with) vt. (在思想上)把……联系在一起,使结合在一起(句型:associate A with B)。exchange vt. 交换,交流,调换(句型:exchange A for B;exchange things with sb.)。correspond vi. (与……)相符合,(与……)相一致(with sth.);(与……)通信(with sb.);(与……)相当,相类似 (to sth.)。

communication [kə'mjuːni'keiʃn]

n. ①通信,交流;联络;传达

(pl.) 通信联系;交通工具


【习惯用语】①be in communication with与……通信,与……保持联系②mass communication面向广大群众而有广泛影响的宣传工具③privileged [confidential] communication受到法律保护的私下交谈

【长难例句1】It was during the same time that the communications revolution speeded up, beginning with transport, the railway, and leading on through the telegraph, the telephone, radio, and motion pictures into the 20th-century world of the motor car and the air plane.


【长难例句2】Thus, things once learned subconsci-ously through the casual communications of the ex-tended family must be consciously learned.


communism ['kɔmjunizəm] n. ①共产主义



communist ['kɔmjənist] a. 共产主义的n. 共产主义者

community [kə'mjuːnəti] n. ①社区;社会

【同】society, neighborhood, district



He did it for the interests of the community.


【习惯用语】①community of goods公有财产 ②community of interest (s) 利害一致,利害相通 ③speech community使用某种语言的社区

【长难例句1】There are many valuable services which the public are willing pay for, but which do not bring a return in money to the community.


【长难例句2】With economic growth has come centralization; fully 76 percent of Japan's 119 million citizens live in cities where community and the extended family have been abandoned in favor of isolated, two generation households.


commute [kə'mjuːt] vi. 乘公交车上下班,经常乘车(或船等)往返于两地

【同】travel, go back and forth

vt. ①减(刑)



n. 上下班交通


compact [kəm'pækt] a. ①紧密的


【同】close, tight, dense, solid




【同】concise, brief

['kɔmpækt] n. 协定

vt. 使紧凑,压缩

【真题链接 1】The kitchen was small and_____so that the disabled woman could reach everything without difficulty.(2003年中国科学院考博试题)

A. complete

B. complex

C. composite

D. compact


【真题链接 2】The kitchen was small and_____so that the disabled could reach everything without difficulty.(2011年四川大学考博试题)

A. conventional

B. compact

C. compatible

D. concise


companion [kəm'pæniən] n. ①同伴,伴侣

【同】ally, partner, colleague, associate



Here's the glove for my left hand, but where's the companion?


【习惯用语】①boon companion好友,吃喝玩乐的伙伴,志趣相投的朋友 ②free companion中世纪的雇佣兵 ③stable companion [mate]同一马厩的马;住在一起的伙伴;同学;俱乐部同人

【考题精解】He had always considered her an ideal_____for his brother.

A. company

B. accompaniment

C. companion

D. companionship

【答案】C。companion n. 同伴,伴侣。company n. 同伴,陪伴;客人(们)。accompaniment n. 伴奏;伴随发生的情况。companionship n. 伴侣关系;友谊。

company ['kʌmpəni] n. ①公司;陪伴;客人

【同】corporation, firm, business, fellowship, companionship


【同】crew, team, crowd


【长难例句】The winner, by a large margin, was a tiny Virginia company called Open-Source Solutions,whose clear advantage was its mastery of the electronic world.


【真题链接】Haven't I told you I don't want you keeping_____with those awful riding-about bicycle boys?(2002年中国科学院考博试题)

A. company

B. acquaintance

C. friends

D. place

【答案】A。本题中,keep company with sb.的意思是“与某人为伴,交往”,因此A项符合题意。keep friends with的意思是“与某人保持友好关系”,不如keep company with意义确切;acquaintance常用于make somebody's acquaintance结构中,意为“初次结识某人”。

comparable ['kɔmpərəbl] a. 可比较的,比得上的

【同】analogous, equivalent

【考题精解】Being granted a yearly bonus can be considered_____to getting a raise in pay.

A. same

B. next

C. comparable

D. accessible

【答案】C。comparable (to/with) a. 比得上;可比较的,类似的(如:The music of Irving Berlin is scarcely comparable to that of Beethoven. This dinner is comparable to the best French cooking.)。same (as) a. 相同的,同一个(same需与定冠词连用)。next (to) a. 仅次于。accessible (to) a. 可接近的。

comparative [kəm'pærətiv] a. ①比较的,比较而言的

【同】relative, analogous


【同】corresponding, similar, approximate


compare [kəm'pɛə(r)] v. ①比较



【同】match, equate

Man's life is often compared to a candle.


③(常与with连用)与……比较;比得上Walking can't compare with flying. 走路比不上飞行。

【习惯用语】①(as) compared with和……比较起来 ②beyond [past, without] compare无与伦比的,不可及的 ③compare favourably with似优于;不亚于

comparison [kəm'pærisn] n. ①比较;对照(指行为)


My shoes are small in comparison with my sister’s. 我的鞋子比我妹妹的要小。



There is no comparison between them.


【习惯用语】①bear [stand] comparison with不亚于,比得上 ②beyond comparison天壤之别,不可相比 ③bring into comparison拿来作比较

【长难例句】As can be seen from the comparison of these figures, the principle involves the active participation of the patient in the modification of his condition.


compartment [kəm'pɑːtmənt] n. ①卧车包房,(客车车厢内的)隔间


compass ['kʌmpəs] n. 指南针;(pl.) 圆规类似指南针的仪器

【习惯用语】①beyond sb.'s compass某人力所不及 ②box the compass 【航海】依次背出罗盘的32方位;依次探讨不同意见,最后回到原来的出发点,(风)轮流从各方面吹来③cast a compass兜圈子,绕道,转弯抹角,扯得很远

compassion [kəm'pæʃn] n. 同情,怜悯

compatible [kəm'pætəbl] a. 兼容的,适合的

【同】agreeing, harmonious

【派】compatibility, in compatibility

compel [kəm'pel] vt. 强迫

【同】force, drive

【习惯用语】①compel sb. to do sth. 强迫某人做某事 ②be compelled to (do) 不得不(做)

【派】compulsion, compulsory

【考题精解】They were often_____to work twelve or fourteen hours a day.

A. have

B. determined

C. compelled

D. used

【答案】C。compel vt. 强迫,迫使 (to compel sb. to+动词原形;be compelled [by…] to+动词原形;compel sb.'s obedience/obedience from sb.)。be determined to+动词原形 决心做……(根据句子意思用determined不合适)。be used to+动词ing形式 习惯于做……(此处不适合用此句型)。

【真题链接】Researchers at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh announced they had discovered_____evidence that a virus is involved in what used to be called juvenile diabetes.(2004年四川大学考博试题)

A. incessant

B. compelling

C. identical

D. problematic


compelling [kəm'peliŋ] ①强迫性的 ②令人信服的,引人入胜的

competent ['kɔmpitənt] a. ①有能力的;有技能的


Two competent witnesses testified.



She always does a competent job.


complement ['kɔmplimənt] n. ①补足(物)

【同】supplement, addition


【同】balance, remainder


complete [kəm'pliːt] a. 完整的;完成的

【同】total, whole, entire, concluded, finished,

absolute, thorough

【反】partial, incomplete

vt. 完成,使完整(结束)

【同】finish, end, fulfil, conclude

【习惯用语】complete with包括,连同

【派】completion, completeness, completely, incomplete

complicate ['kɔmplikeit] vt. 使复杂化,使混乱,使难懂

【同】confuse, compound


【派】complication, complicated (ly)

complicated ['kɔmplikeitid] a. 复杂的,难懂的;棘手的

complication ['kɔmpli'keiʃn] n. 复杂,纠纷

compliment ['kɔmplimənt] n. 赞扬,恭维

【同】praise, commendation, greetings, flatter



comply [kəm'plai] vt. (+with)遵守,照办

【同】follow, conform, observe, assent

【反】disobey, oppose


【真题链接】It goes without saying that people who refuse to_____with the law will be punished.(2006年中国矿业大学考博试题)

A. conceal

B. consent

C. abide

D. comply

【答案】D。四个选项中,A项conceal的意思是“隐蔽,隐藏;隐瞒”,B项consent的意思是“同意”,C项abide的意思是“忍受,容忍”,D项comply的意思是“(对要求、命令等)依从,顺从,遵从 (+with)”。根据题意,D项为正确答案。

component [kəm'pəunənt] n.(尤指机器或系统的)组成部分,成分 (=basis, constituent, element)

【同】part, element, segment, ingredient

a. 构成的,组成的

【同】constitutional, elemental

【考题精解】The engine has more than 300_____, made of a number of different materials.

A. portions

B. ingredients

C. components

D. shares

【答案】C。component n. 组成部分,部件,元件(如:Salt is a component of sea water. The army is the chief component of state power.)。portion n. 一部分,一份(如:The money was divided into seven portions.)。ingredient n.(混合物的)组成部分,成分;(烹调的)原料。share n. 一份,份额;股份。

compose [kəm'pəuz] v. ①由……组成;写作,作曲

【同】constitute, form, comprise, create



Mary soon composed herself.


【习惯用语】①be composed of由……组成②compose oneself使自己镇定下来

【词义辨析】compose和consist compose:意为“组成”,及物动词,正式用语态be composed of,不用进行时态。consist:意为“由……构成”,及物动词,普通用词,表示一个整体是由不同部分或材料构成的,与of连用,不用进行时态和被动语态。

【考题精解】England, Scotland and Wales the island of Great Britain.

A. consist

B. compose

C. make

D. combine

【答案】B。compose vt. (若干部分)组成,构成(整体);创作(音乐、文学作品) (如:Twelve men compose a jury. The jury is composed of twelve men.)(注意变被动态时后面需加of)。consist of(整体)由……组成,由……构成。make up(部分)组成,构成(整体)。combine vt. 联合,结合。

composer [kəm'pəuzə(r)] n. 作曲家,创作者

【同】musician, creator, author

composite ['kɔmpəzit] a. 合成的,复合的

composition ['kɔmpə'ziʃn] n. ①构成;作文;乐曲

【同】essay, writing, work of art, constitution, ingredient





compound ['kɔmpaund] a. 复合的;合成的

【同】combined, mixed, composite, synthetic

n. 化合物;复合词(句)

【同】composite, mixture, blend, synthesis

【真题链接】The isolation of the rural world because of distance and the lack of transport facilities is_____by the shortage of the information media.(2011年华东师范大学试题)

A. compounded

B. highlighted

C. minimized

D. dwarfed


comprehend ['kɔmpri'hend] vt. ①理解,领悟

【同】understand, realize, know


【同】include, contain, cover

comprehension ['kɔmpri'henʃn] n. ①理解,领悟




【习惯用语】①be above comprehension难理解的 ②be beyond sb.'s comprehension不可理解的 ③be low of comprehension理解力迟钝的

【长难例句】Darwin had a phrase to describe those ignorant of evolution: they “look at an organic being as average looks at a ship, as at something wholly beyond his comprehension.”


【考题精解】To the boy's surprise, the teacher had no_____of his problems at home.

A. doubt

B. comprehension

C. sympathy

D. intention

【答案】B。comprehension (of) n. 理解(力),领悟,了解(如:Algebra is beyond the comprehension of fourth-grade pupils.)。doubt (about/of/as to) n. 疑惑,疑问。sympathy n.同情,同情心 (have sympathy for/with sb.) (注:如果有形容词修饰,则前面可加不定冠词,如:He had a natural sympathy for the poor.)。intention n. 意图,目的。

comprehensive ['kɔmpri'hensiv] a. ①广泛的,综合的

【同】complete, extensive


【习惯用语】be comprehensive of包含……

【考题精解】Henry's news report covering the conference was so_____that nothing had been omitted.

A. comprehensive

B. inclusive

C. concise

D. precise

【答案】A。comprehensive a. 广泛的,综合的,全面的。inclusive (of) a. 一切费用包括在内的;首末(日、页码等)包括在内的。concise a. 简明的,简要的。precise a. 精确的,准确的。

compress [kəm'pres] vt. 压缩,浓缩

【同】press, condense

【反】spread, stretch

【派】compressed, compressible, compression, compressor

【考题精解】It is impossible to_____the story of the First World War into a few pages.

A. compress

B. concentrate

C. diminish

D. minimize

【答案】A。compress vt.压紧,压缩(如:Cotton is compressed into bales. Wood cuttings and sawdust can be compressed into boards. Compress your speech into five minutes.)。concentrate (in) vt. 集中;聚集;浓缩。diminish v. 减少,缩小,降低。minimize vt. 使减少(或缩小)到最低限度;极力贬低,对……作最低估计。

【真题链接 1】When the air in a certain space is squeezed to occupy a smaller space,the air is said to be_____.(2004年清华大学考博试题)

A. commenced

B. compressed

C. compromised

D. compensated

【答案】B。本句空格处意为“空气被压缩”。compress的意思是压缩,如:Wood blocks may compress a great deal under pressure。(木块受压时可缩小很多。)其他三项“commence开始;compromise妥协,折中;compensate补偿”都不符合句意。因此正确答案为B。

【真题链接 2】An enlarged prostate may_____the bladder and pinch off the urethra, causing pain and difficulty with urination.(2003年西南财经大学考博试题)

A. collaborate

B. compress

C. bother

D. boil


【真题链接 3】When the air in a certain space is squeezed to occupy a smaller space,the air is said to be_____.(2007年中国人民大学考博试题)

A. commenced

B. compressed

C. compromised

D. compensated


comprise [kəm'praiz]vt.包括,包含,由……组成

【同】include, contain, be made up of, consist of, be composed of


【考题精解】Workers and peasants_____80to 90 percent of China's population.

A. consist

B. comprise

C. make

D. account

【答案】B。comprise vt. 组成,构成;包含,包括,由……组成(该词可称为双向动词,既可表示“部分构成整体”,也可表示“整体包括部分”,而不必用被动语态,如:England,Wales,Scotland and Northern Ireland comprise the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom comprises England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.)(但也可使用be comprised of句型,如:The United States is comprised of 50 states.)(注:consist of只表示“整体包括部分”,而相反的意思只能用make up表示“构成”;可以用account for表示“占……{部分}”)。

compromise ['kɔmprəmaiz] n./vi.①妥协,折中

【同】concession, settlement, trade-off, concede, negotiate



【习惯用语】①A bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit. (=A lean compromise is better than a fat lawsuit.) [谚]吃亏的和解强似胜利的诉讼(指诉讼消耗时间及金钱的麻烦)。

②be compromised by被……危害[连累]

③compromise with…on在……方面同……妥协

【考题精解】We should settle our differences by_____, not by war.

A. persuasion

B. compromise

C. effort

D. firmness

【答案】B。compromise n. 妥协,折中办法。persuasion n. 说服,劝说;信仰。effort n. 努力,艰难的尝试。firmness n. 坚定(性)。

compulsion [kəm'pʌlʃn] n. 强迫(无法克制的欲望)

compulsory [kəm'pʌlsəri] n.①强制的,必修的

【同】forced, compelled, required

【反】optional, unnecessary



compute [kəm'pjuːt] vt. ①计算

【同】calculate, count, figure



【派】computer, computation

computer [kəm'pjuːtə(r)] n. 计算机


comrade ['kɔmreid] n. 同志;伙伴;战友



conceal [kən'siːl] v. 隐藏,隐瞒

【同】hide, bury, cover

【反】reveal, expose, disclose

【习惯用语】①conceal from (sb.) 对(某人)隐瞒 ②conceal oneself潜伏,埋伏




【考题精解】He_____his sorrow beneath a cheerful appearance.

A. concealed

B. retained

C. kept

D. shielded

【答案】A。conceal vt. 隐瞒,隐藏。retain vt.保持,保留。keep vt. 保持,保有。shield vt.保护,防护 (from)。

【真题链接】Tom could hardly_____his excitement as he knew that he had made a real discovery.(2002年春季上海交通大学考博试题)

A. conceal

B. reveal

C. show

D. discover

【答案】A。本题空格处是说“无法隐藏他的兴奋之情”。A项的“conceal隐藏”符合题意。如:He concealed the sweets in his pocket.(他把糖果藏在口袋里。)其他三项“reveal揭示;show显示;discover发现”都不正确。

concede [kən'siːd] v. ①承认

【同】admit, confess, acknowledge


【同】give, yield

【派】concededly, concession, concessive

【考题精解】Without sufficient evidence, I had to_____that his statement was true.

A. concede

B. conceive

C. consider

D. contend

【答案】A。concede vt.(不情愿地)承认,承认……为真(或正确);(在结果确定前)承认失败(如:You must concede that I have tried hard. He conceded ten points to his opponent.)。conceive vt. 想象,设想。consider vt. 认为。contend vt. 声称,主张。

【真题链接】Since neither side was ready to_____what was necessary for peace, hostility was resumed in 1980.(2002年中国科学院考博试题)

A. precede

B. recede

C. concede

D. intercede

【答案】C。本题空格处是说双方都不准备让步。C项的“concede让步”符合题意,如:After the First World War Germany conceded its neighbours much valuable land.(第一次世界大战后,德国让与其邻国许多宝贵的领土。)其他三项“recede后退,撤销;precede在……前,先于;intercede仲裁,说情”都不正确。

conceive [kən'siːv] vt. 设想,构想出(主意、计划等)

【同】imagine, think of, formulate, speculate, envision, visualize

【派】concept, conception, conceivable

【词义辨析】conceive, fancy和imagine


concentrate ['kɔnsntreit] v. ①集中,专心;浓缩

【同】focus, centre, compact


concentrate rays of light into a focus



【习惯用语】concentrate on [upon] 集中在;专心于

concentration ['kɔnsn'treiʃn] n.(精神等)集中;浓度

【同】focus, gathering, accumulation


concept ['kɔnsept] n. 概念,观念

【同】notion, idea, thought

【长难例句1】That concept implies educational opportunity for all children the right of each child to receive help in learning to the limits of his or her capacity, whether that capacity be small or great.


【长难例句2】In the American economy, the concept of private property embraces not only the ownership of productive resources but also certain rights, including the right to determine the price of a product or to make a free contract with another private individual.


conception [kən'sepʃn] n. ①思想,观念,概念

【同】abstraction, conception, idea


【同】idea, notion, thought



【真题链接】In the final analysis, it is our_____of death which decides our answers to all the questions that life puts to us.(2013年3月中国科学院考博试题)

A. conception

B. deception

C. reception

D. presentation


concerning [kən'səːniŋ] prep. 关于,论及

【习惯用语】as concerning关于,至于,就……说

【词义辨析】be concerned about和be concerned with be concerned about表示“对……关心,忧虑”的意思,相当于be anxious about; be concerned with表示“与……有关,对……负责”的意思。

【考题精解】The speech which Mr. London made_____the project has bothered me greatly.

A. judging

B. concerning

C. viewing

D. considering

【答案】B。concerning prep. 关于(注:一般用在一个名词后面作定语,偶尔可以放句首:She said nothing concerning you. Then they drew up their declaration concerning the war. Concerning your letter I'm pleased to inform you that your plans are quite acceptable to us.)。judging from/by用……来衡量,从……判断。viewing是动词view的现在分词形式。considering prep. 考虑到,鉴于,由于。

concert ['kɔnsət] n. 音乐会

【同】performance, show

【习惯用语】in concert一致;共同

concession [kən'seʃn] n. 迁就,让步

【同】compromise, settlement

【考题精解】The firm's promise to increase our pay was a reluctant_____to union demands, because the union would otherwise not go back to work.

A. response

B. reply

C. reaction

D. concession

【答案】D。concession (to) n. 让步;特许,特许权(如:As a concession to the public outcry,the Government reduced the tax on petrol. The union was ready to make concessions at the bargaining table. Perhaps we should abandon our oil concessions.租借地)。response (to) n. 回答,答复;反应,响应。reply (to) n. 回答,答复。reaction (to) n. 反应;反作用。(注:虽然response,reply和reaction放在句中都说得通,但concession更符合句意)

concise [kən'sais] a. 简明的,简要的

【同】brief, short

【派】concisely, conciseness

【真题链接】The new secretary has written a remarkably_____report within a few hundred words but with all the important details included. (2004年湖北省考博试题)

A. concise

B. precise

C. brisk

D. elaborate


conclude [kən'kluːd] v. 下结论;结束;缔结

【同】finish, end, complete, close, infer, assume, stop

【习惯用语】①to be concluded(连载的文章)下期[次]登完 ②to conclude最后(一句话)

【派】conclusive (ly)

【词义辨析】conclude, deduce和infer


【考题精解】From his appearance we may safely_____that he is a heavy smoker.

A. conduct

B. conclude

C. condense

D. expect

【答案】B。conclude vt. 推断出,推论出,断定;结束(如:conclude sth. from the facts. conclude from sth. that…. We concluded the meeting at 8 o’clock. The meeting was concluded at 8.)。conduct vt. 处理,管理;指挥,引导;传导。condense v. 压缩,(使)缩短;(使)凝聚。expect vt. 预料;期待,等待。

conclusion [kən'kluːʒn] n. ①结论;终结;议定




I found the conclusion of her story very exciting.



conclusion of peace

【习惯用语】in conclusion最后,总之

【考题精解】I have come to the_____that it would be unwise to accept his proposal.

A. point

B. understanding

C. theory

D. conclusion

【答案】D。conclusion n. 结论,推论;结尾;缔结,议定(协议、条约等)come to/arrive at/reach the conclusion (that) 得出结论;jump to a conclusion匆忙得出结论;come to a conclusion结束;at the conclusion of在……结束时;in conclusion (用在讲话或文章的结尾)最后;the conclusion of a peace treaty缔结和平条约。come to the point谈正题,谈主要问题。come to/reach the understanding (that) 达成的谅解是……。theory n. 理论(没有come to the theory的说法)。

concrete ['kɔŋkriːt] a. 具体的,实在的

【同】specific, definite, particular, accurate


n. 混凝土

【习惯用语】in the concrete具体化,实际上

condemn [kən'dem] vt. ①谴责;宣判

【同】blame, criticize, convict, sentence



This house is condemned.


【习惯用语】be condemned to被宣告……

【派】condemnable, condemnation, condemnatory

【考题精解】The two men were found guilty of armed robbery, and_____to four years’imprisonment.

A. judged

B. condemned

C. convicted

D. found

【答案】B。condemn vt. 定罪,判处,宣告有罪;谴责(如:The judge condemned the criminal to ten years in jail/to the gallows/to a year of hard labour/to spend all his life in jail.)。judge vt. 审判,判决;作裁判(注:宾语多为case/competition等,如:Who is going to judge the next case/the competition?)。convict vt.(经审讯)证明……有罪,宣判犯有……罪(convict sb. of a crime)。find vt. 判定,断定(只用于表示find sb. guilty断定某人有罪;find that it was murder判断这是一起谋杀)。

【真题链接】The destruction of rainforests has been_____as a disaster for the environment.(2002年上海交通大学考博试题)

A. blamed

B. declared

C. condemned

D. appealed

【答案】C。本题中,C项的“condemned谴责,判刑”符合题意。如:condemn sb.'s behaviour(谴责某人的举动)。其他三项“blamed责备;declared宣布;appealed控诉”都不正确。

condense [kən'dens] v. ①凝结;压缩;精简

【同】thicken, concentrate

【反】expand, enlarge


A long story may be condensed into a few sentences. 一个长篇故事可缩写成几句话。

【考题精解】He_____his essay from 3,000 to1,500 words.

A. combined

B. condensed

C. concentrated

D. deleted

【答案】B。condense vt. 压缩,缩短;使凝聚(如:condense a long story into a few sentences. He condensed his letter to one page. Moisture in the atmosphere condenses into dew. to condense milk by taking water out)。combine vt. 结合,联合,化合(如:Two things combine;combine A and/with B)。concentrate (on) vt. 集中;聚集;浓缩。delete vt. 删除。

【真题链接】The mayor was asked to_____his speech in order to allow his audience to raise questions. (2015年北京航空航天大学考博试题)

A. constrain

B. conduct

C. condense

D. converge



condition [kən'diʃn] n. 条件;状况;(pl.)环境

【同】terms, requirement, state, case, situation, circumstances

【派】conditional, unconditional

conduct ['kɔndʌkt] n. 举止,行为

【同】behavior, manners


[kən'dʌkt] v. 处理;引导;导电,传热

【同】direct, guide, command, handle, manage


【派】conductive, conductivity, misconduct

【长难例句】They are the possessions of the autonomous man of traditional theory, and they are essential to practices in which a person is held responsible for his conduct and given credit for his achievements.


【词义辨析】conduct, discharge, execute和perform conduct:意为“处理,管理,指挥,指导”,多指作为负责人而指挥人工作或强调多人或全体进行某一工作。discharge:有“卸下,流出,偿还”的意思。execute:意为“实行,施行,执行”,指让计划好的事得以实现或执行,有时也指完成某个需要高度技巧的过程。perform:意为“执行,进行,履行”,表示执行某种需长时间努力或技巧才能完成的工作,也指履行承担了责任或承诺了要做的事情。

【考题精解】Whether right or wrong, he has some new ideas about how the lesson should be_____.

A. conducted

B. deducted

C. concluded

D. deduced

【答案】A。conduct vt. 处理,管理,进行;指挥,引导;传导(热、电、声、光等)。deduct(from) vt. 减去,扣除。conclude vt. 推断出,推论出;结束。deduce vt. 推论,推断;演绎。

conductor [kən'dʌktə(r)] n. 乐队指挥;导体;(公共汽车、电车)售票员;列车员

【同】guide, leader, carrier, wiring

confer [kən'fəː(r)] vi. 商谈,商议

【同】talk, discuss, consult

vt. 授予,赋予

【同】award, present, give, grant



conference ['kɔnfərəns] n.(正式的)会议

【同】meeting, convention, assembly, congress, session

confess [kən'fes] v. ①承认,坦白

【同】admit, acknowledge, concede



Mr. Foster confessed that he’d broken the speed limit. 福斯特先生承认自己超速了。


【习惯用语】①I confess (that)…[口]得承认,这实在是…… ②confess and avoid [律]承认所控告事实而又主张法律上不能成立诉讼③confess to承认

【派】confessor, confession

【考题精解】He_____taking part in a plot to free the prisoner.

A. confessed

B. claimed

C. confined

D. recognized

【答案】A。confess vt. 坦白,供认;承认(confess one's error/doing sth. wrong/that…. confess to a weakness / to having done sth.. confess oneself [to be] guilty)。claim vt. 声称,主张 (claim to be/that…/to have done sth.)。confine (to) vt. 限制,把……局限于。recognizevt. 认出,识别;(政治或外交上的)承认。

【真题链接】Those persons whose religious_____heavily relied on rituals, such as infant baptism, were more likely to support the Democrats. (2015年北京航空航天大学考博试题)

A. confession

B. condemnation

C. establishment

D. acknowledgement



confidence ['kɔnfidəns] n. ①信任,信心

【同】conviction, belief, trust, faith

【反】disbelief, distrust


【习惯用语】①exchange confidences互谈心事 ②gain sb.'s confidence取得某人的信任③give one's confidence to sb. [place confidence in sb.] 信任 [赖] 某人

【长难例句】“I have great confidence that by the end of the decade we’ll know in vast detail how cancer cells arise,” says microbiologist Robert Weinberg, an expert on cancer.


【考题精解】He said he had great_____in his secretary;she would do the right thing.

A. confidence

B. knowledge

C. acquaintance

D. information

【答案】A。confidence n. 信任,信心(have/lack/put confidence in sb./sth.;do/say sth. with confidence)。have (a) knowledge of对……懂,知道,了解。have (an) acquaintance with认识,熟悉 (make sb.'s acquaintance / make the acquaintance of sb. 结识,认识某人)。have information about/as to对……了解,知道。

【真题链接】I was most favorably struck by the assurance with which the boy answered all my questions.(2004年秋季电子科技大学考博试题)

A. insurance

B. confidence

C. reluctance

D. independence

【答案】B。本题中,assurance的意思是“确信,断言,保证,担保”。四个选项中, confidence的意思是“信心”,如:We have full confidence that we shall succeed.(我们完全有把握取得成功。)insurance的意思是“保险(业)”;reluctance的意思是“勉强”;independence的意思是“独立”。只有B项符合题意。

confident ['kɔnfidənt] a. 有信心的,自信的

【同】certain, assured, positive, convinced

confidential ['kɔnfi'denʃl] a. ①秘密的,机密的

【同】secret, private, restricted



【同】trusted, faithful, intimate

【真题链接 1】Now, don't tell anyone else what I've just told you. Remember, it’s_____.(2002年中国科学院考博试题)

A. controversial

B. secretive

C. confidential

D. sacred

【答案】C。本题中,confidential的意思是“机密的,秘密的”,常用作系表结构。如:confidential clerk(机要秘书)。其他三项“controversial有争议的;secretive隐瞒的,不可告人的;sacred神圣的”都不正确。

【真题链接 2】During an international crisis,many_____messages will generally emanate from the president's office.(2002年复旦大学考博试题)

A. confidential

B. abstruse

C. appalling

D. compelling


confine [kən'fain] vt. ①限制,限于

【同】limit, bind


【同】release, liberate


【长难例句】If its message were confined merely to information and that in itself would be difficult if not impossible to achieve, for even a detail such as the choice of the colour of a shirt is subtly persuasive—advertising would be so boring that no one would pay any attention.


【考题精解】We tried to_____our conversation to arguments relevant to the topic.

A. confirm

B. confine

C. restrain

D. determine

【答案】B。confine (to) vt. 把……限制在,使……局限于(如:Confine your remark to the main issue. confine yourself to the matter under discussion. Her illness confined her to bed.)。confirm vt. 证实,肯定;进一步确认;批准,确认 (confirm the theory/my belief/me in my belief that…)。restrain vt. 抑制,遏制(情感、情绪);阻止,控制(使不做from+动词ing形式)。determine vt. 决定;查明,确定;决心。

confirm [kən'fəːm] vt. ①进一步证实(确定);批准

【同】make certain, verify, approve, sanction, strengthen, reinforce



【派】confirmed, confirmation, reconfirm

【考题精解】I don't know whether what she said is true, but I'll try to_____it.

A. confine

B. conform

C. testify

D. confirm

【答案】D。confirm vt. 证实,肯定;进一步确定(如:The experiment confirmed his theory. The hotel confirmed our reservations by telegram.)。confine (to) vt. 限制,使局限于(如:Confine your remarks to the main issue. Her illness confined her to bed.)。conform (to/with) vi. 遵照,适应。testify vt. 作证,证明;表明,说明。

【真题链接 1】New data has_____that the damage to the ozone layer is not confined to the southern hemisphere.(2002年武汉大学考博试题)

A. ratified

B. confirmed

C. assured

D. approved

【答案】B。本题意为“新的数据证实臭氧成层的破坏并不限于南半球”。B项的“confirm证实”符合题意。如:Please confirm your telephone message by writing to me.(请给我来封信,好进一步证实你在电话中传达的消息。)其他三项“ratify批准,许可;assure保证;approve同意,赞成”都不正确。

【真题链接 2】The teacher's behavior and the student's response_____what many people have said about language learning.(2004年西南财经大学考博试题)

A. confine

B. confirm

C. consent

D. conform

【答案】D。本题中,D项的“conform使一致,使遵守,使顺从”符合题意,如:A coat must conform to the figure of the wearer.(衣服必须与身材相配。)其他三项“confine限制,禁闭;consent同意,赞成;confirm确定,证实,使巩固,使有效”都不正确。

【真题链接 3】The news you told me the other day has yet to be_____.(2003年西南财经大学考博试题)

A. affirmed

B. informed

C. conformed

D. confirmed

【答案】D。本题是说前几天你告诉我的消息已经被证实了。D项的“confirmed证实”符合题意,如:The hotel confirmed our reservations by telegram.(旅馆给我们来电确认所订膳宿不作变动。)其他三项“affirmed断言,确认;informed通知;conformed使遵守,使一致”都不正确。

conflict ['kɔnflikt] n. 冲突;抵触;争执

【同】hostility, disharmony, fight, controversy

【反】harmony, peace

[kɔn'flikt]vi. 冲突,抵触

【同】clash, oppose, fight, disagree

【习惯用语】①come into conflict with和……冲突 ②in conflict with…同……相冲突[有抵触,有矛盾]

【长难例句1】Those who support the“nature”side of the conflict believe that our personalities and behavior patterns are largely determined by biological factors.


【长难例句2】Proper, scientific study of the impacts of dams and of the cost and benefits of controlling water can help to resolve these conflicts.


【考题精解】She suffered from a_____of feelings about her career.

A. confrontation

B. difference

C. pain

D. conflict

【答案】D。conflict n./vi. 冲突,抵触(如:settle differences by armed conflict. stir up conflicts between two persons. A conflict of opinion arose over what food was best for the rabbit. to be in conflict with each other)。confrontation (between) n. 对抗。difference n. 差别,差异;差额;(意见)分歧。pain n. 痛,疼痛;痛苦,悲痛。

【真题链接 1】He said it would not be all that difficult to reach a peaceful conclusion to the_____.(2010年四川大学考博试题)

A. paradox

B. dilemma

C. prejudice

D. conflict


【真题链接 2】If the world is to remain peaceful the utmost effort must be made by nations to limit local_____.(2011年四川大学考博试题)

A. collisions

B. combats

C. contradictions

D. conflicts


conform [kən'fɔːm] vi. 依照,遵守,符合

【同】comply with, abide by, obey, observe


vt. 使一致,使符合,使遵守

【同】match, agree with, correspond


【派】conformable, conformably, conformability, conformist, conformity

【真题链接 1】On the first day when a pupil enters school, he is asked to_____to the school rules.(2003年上海交通大学考博试题)

A. concede

B. conform

C. comply

D. confront

【答案】B。本题空格处是说要求遵守校规。B项的“conform(to)遵守”符合题意,如:conform to the customs of society(遵守社会习俗)。其他三项“concede让步;comply(with)遵从;confront使面对,对抗”都不正确。

【真题链接 2】In many societies, the person who fails to_____to conventional behavior is likely to be avoided by others.(2006年中国矿业大学考博试题)

A. concede

B. conform

C. confine

D. confer

【答案】B。四个选项中,A项concede的意思是“让给,给予;容许;承认失败”, B项conform的意思是“遵照,遵守,适应 (+to/with)”,C项confine的意思是“限制;使局限”,D项confer的意思是“商谈,协商;授予(学位等)”。根据题意,B项为正确答案。

【真题链接 3】All individuals are required to_____to the laws made by their governments.(2011年四川大学考博试题)

A. obey

B. conform

C. concede

D. observe

【答案】B。在给出的选项中:obey“遵守”,后直接加名词;conform“遵守,遵从”,conform to为固定搭配;concede“承认,出让”;observe“观察”。根据句意和各个选项的意思可知,正确答案是B。

confront [kən'frʌnt] v. 面对,(使)面临

【同】encounter, face

【习惯用语】be confronted with [by] 面临,面对,碰上


【长难例句】In order to grow, to travel new roads, people need to have a willingness to take risks, to confront the unknown, and to accept the possibility that they may“fail”at first.


【考题精解】When_____with the evidence of his guilt, he confessed at once.

A. brought

B. encountered

C. confronted

D. exposed

【答案】C。confront vt. 使对质,使当面对证;使面临,使遇到;迎面遇到(如:The boy confronted his accuser. Difficulties confront him. be confronted with/by sth.)。encounter vt. 遇到,遭遇 (encounter an old friend/an enemy;encounter difficulties)。expose (to) vt. 揭露,暴露;使处于……的作用(或影响)之下。

confuse [kən'fjuːz] vt. ①使混乱,混淆

【同】disturb, puzzle, mystify, mix up, mistake, mislead



to confuse Mr. A with Mr. B分不清甲先生和乙先生

【派】confused, confusing

【长难例句】What seems confusing or fragmented at first might well become clear and organic a third time.




confusion [kən'fjuːʒn] n. ①混乱,混淆②疑惑(状态)

【习惯用语】①be a confusion of是一片混乱的 ②covered with confusion非常慌张 ③in confusion乱七八糟,处于混乱状态

【考题精解】His unexpected arrival threw everything into_____.

A. mess

B. anarchy

C. confusion

D. panic

【答案】C。confusion n. 一片混乱,骚乱(如:Lanny Budd was in a state of mental confusion. The news threw our plans into confusion. A man may keep calm amid confusion.)。mess n. (多与不定冠词连用)混乱的局面,困境(get in/into a mess;be in a mess;make a mess of)。anarchy n. 无政府状态。panic n. (众人的)惊慌,恐慌,慌乱(只用于形容人)。

congratulate [kən'ɡrætʃuleit] vt. ①祝贺②庆幸(自己)

You really should congratulate yourself on your appearance. 你真该为自己的外表而庆幸。

【习惯用语】congratulate oneself on庆幸,感到幸运


【考题精解】I am writing to_____you most sincerely on your appointment as Headmaster of the Grammar School.

A. salute

B. applaud

C. hail

D. congratulate

【答案】D。congratulate(sb. on sth.)vt. 祝贺,向……道喜。salute v.(向……)敬礼;向……表示敬意。applaud v.(向……)鼓掌,(向……)喝彩;称赞,赞许。hail vt. 欢迎,向……欢呼。(注:salute,applaud和hail三个动词的宾语后面都不跟介词on短语)

congratulation [kən'ɡrætʃu'leiʃn] n. 祝贺,祝贺词

congress ['kɔŋɡres] n. 国会;(代表)大会

【同】conference, convention, meeting, assembly, session

【派】congressional, congressionally

conjunction [kən'dʒʌŋkʃn] n. 连接,连接词

【同】connection, combination, incorporation, association, connection, conjunctive

connect [kə'nekt] v. ①(常to, with与连用)连接;结合;联结

【同】combine, link, join, couple


Will you connect this wire to the television.


②(与with连用)接驳(火车、汽车、飞机 等联运),换车;衔接

This flight connects with New York one.



【同】associate, contact

Connect me with Beijing University.


【习惯用语】①connect up连起来,接上②connect with和……有联系,和……有关

【派】connector (er), connective (ly), disconnect

【词义辨析】connect, join和unite


connection/-nexion [kə'nekʃn] n. ①连接,联系;关系

【同】combination, link



She's English but has Scottish connections.



【习惯用语】①stoop to conquer忍辱取胜;降低身份以达到目的 ②To conquer or to die. 非胜即死,不成功便成仁。

【考题精解】She was afraid that unless the train speeded up she would lose her_____to Scotland.

A. place

B. seat

C. connection

D. change

【答案】C。connection/connexion n. 连接,关系;(交通工具班次的)衔接。lose one's place (读书)忘记了上次停读的地方。seat n. 座位。change n. 改变,变动,变化。

conquer ['kɔŋkə(r)] v. ①征服,占领

【同】defeat, occupy, take over

【反】yield, give in



【派】conquerable, conqueror, conquest



【考题精解】We must learn to_____erroneous ideas through debate and reasoning.

A. win

B. prevail

C. conquer

D. triumph

【答案】C。conquer vt. 破除,克服;攻克,征服(to conquer fear/shyness/the flood/the weather/one's enemy)。win vt. 赢得,获得;在……中获胜 (to win a victory/a prize/the war/the match/a reputation/praises)。prevail (over)vt. 获胜,占优势 (over);流行,盛行。triumph (over) vi. 获胜,得胜,成功。

conquest ['kɔŋkwest] n. 进取,征服

【词义辨析】conquest, triumph和victory


【考题精解】The basic aim of this Institution is the_____of cancer.

A. treatment

B. fight

C. conquest

D. study

【答案】C。conquestn.攻取,征服,克服。treatment n. 治疗,疗法;对待,待遇。a fight for/against/over (为争取/反对/就……所进行的)战斗,斗争。study (of) n. (对……所作的)研究。

conscience ['kɔnʃəns] n. 良心


【习惯用语】in all conscience凭良心,公道地

【派】conscientious, conscious (ly)

conscientious ['kɔnʃi'enʃəs]a. ①认真的,勤勤恳恳的


【同】exacting, particular, faithful

【真题链接】I have to say this, but this coat you’ve just bought is made of_____fur; it's not real mink.(2006年清华大学考博试题)

A. coarse

B. genuine

C. slippery

D. conscientious


conscious ['kɔnʃəs] a. ①有意识的;头脑清醒的 ②了解的;察觉的

【同】aware, mindful, voluntary, purposeful, intentional

【反】unconscious, unaware, insensible, unfeeling

She was not conscious of his presence in the room.


【派】(un) consciously, consciousness

【考题精解】The trouble is that he is not_____of what his fellow workers think of him.

A. confident

B. conscious

C. conscientious

D. worthy

【答案】B。conscious (of) a.意识到的,自觉的;有意的;神志清醒的(如:He was conscious that he was being watched. He was conscious of being watched. The old man was conscious to the last. His rudeness was conscious, not accidental.)。confident a.(表语或定语)确信的,自信的(句型:confident of sth./of+动词ing形式/that…)。conscientious a.认真的,勤勤恳恳的。worthy (of) a. 值得的,配得上的;有价值的,可尊敬的。

consecutive [kən'sekjətiv] a. 连续的

【同】following, successive, continuous

consensus [kən'sensəs] n.(意见等)一致,一致同意

【同】agreement, accord, harmony, compromise, consent


【真题链接】The attempt and offer to carry out cloning experiment on human being is blameworthy and can hardly find any_____among the public not only in our country but also in most of the countries in the world.(2004年厦门大学考博试题)

A. conscience

B. consensus

C. sensation

D. discord

【答案】B。本题空格处是说得不到公众的赞同。B项“consensus一致同意”符合题意,如:What is the consensus of opinion at the afternoon meeting?(下午会议上一致的意见是什么?)其他三项“conscience良心;sensation感觉,感情,discord不一致”都不正确。

consent [kən'sent] vi./n. 同意;答应

【同】approve, allow, assent, agree, grant, permit, agreement, approval, permission

【反】dissent, disapproval

【习惯用语】①age of consent [律]承诺年龄(尤指少女法律上达到可以自主的年龄)②by common consent (=with one consent) 经一致同意,公认 ③by mutual consent双方同意

【考题精解】The boy slipped out of the room and headed for the swimming pool without his parents’ .

A. command

B. conviction

C. consent

D. compromise

【答案】C。consent n./vi. 同意,赞成(with/without sb.'s consent得到/没有争得……的同意;by common consent公认;作动词有以下句型:consent to+动词原形;consent to sth./to sb.’s+动词ing形式)。command n.命令,指挥;控制。conviction n. 定罪,判罪;深信,确信;说服,信服。compromise n. 妥协,折中办法。

【真题链接 1】I asked my mother if I could go out, and she_____.(2003年上海交通大学考博试题)

A. descended

B. contented

C. consented

D. ascended

【答案】C。本题是说我问妈妈我是否能出去,她同意了。C项的“consented同意”符合题意,如:Has the minister consented to have his speech printed?(部长已同意印发他的讲话了吗?)其他三项“descended下降,遗传;contented满足的;ascended攀登,上升”都不正确。

【真题链接 2】Diana made a lot of effort to persuade her parents into_____to her going to the United States to study business administration in MIT.(2004年西南财经大学考博试题)

A. contending

B. contesting

C. contenting

D. consenting

【答案】D。本题的空格处是说同意她去美国学习。短语consent to意思是“同意”;contend意思是“斗争,竞争,主张”;contest意思是“争论,争辩,竞赛”;content意思是“使满足”。四个选项中只有D项符合题意。

consequence ['kɔnsikwəns] n. ①后果,影响

【同】result, outcome, effect

【反】cause, origin


Is it of any consequence to you? 对你重要吗?

【习惯用语】①in consequence因此,由此②take the consequences (of) 承担……后果

【长难例句】He failed to carry out some of the provisions of the contract, and now he has to answer for the consequences.


【考题精解】Any government that refuses to meet the needs of its people must be prepared to accept the_____.

A. results

B. outcome

C. consequences

D. endings

【答案】C。consequence n.(多数情况下指不好的)结果,后果(如:Such a mistake would perhaps lead to disastrous consequences. Nobody can tell what the consequences may be.)。result n.(事情发展的)结果;成果,成绩。outcome (=result) n. 结果。ending n. 结尾,结局。

consequently ['kɔnsikwəntli] ad. 因此

【同】accordingly, therefore, thus, so, hence

【考题精解】The rain was heavy and_____the land was flooded.

A. constantly

B. ultimately

C. consequently

D. frequently

【答案】C。consequently ad. 因此,所以。constantly ad. 经常地,不断地。ultimately ad.最终,最后。frequently ad.时常,经常地。

conservation ['kɔnsə'veiʃn] n.①保存,保护

【同】preservation, maintenance, protection



conservative [kən'səːvətiv] a. 保守的

【同】traditional, conventional, unchanging, careful, cautious, preservative

n. 保守的人

【同】traditionalist, conventionalist, preservative

【派】conservatively, conservatism

【真题链接】Although Asian countries are generally more_____in social customs than western countries, there have been several notable examples of women leaders in both China and India.(2007年中国矿业大学考博试题)

A. comprehensible

B. conspicuous

C. conservative

D. conscientious


consider [kən'sidə(r)] v. 考虑,细想;认为

【同】think about, reflect, care, concern, regard, view, reckon, reflect

【派】considerably, considerate, inconsiderate



【考题精解】In this factory, suggestions often have to wait for months before they are fully_____.

A. admitted

B. acknowledged

C. absorbed

D. considered

【答案】D。consider vt. 考虑,细想;认为,把……看作;关心,顾及(注:该词后面不能跟不定式,如果跟动词必须跟动词ing形式)。admit vt. 承认,供认;准许加入。acknowledge vt. 承认,认为……属实;告知(信函、礼物等)已经收到;对……表示感谢。absorb vt. 吸收;使全神贯注于。

【真题链接】He wasn't appointed chairman of the committee,_____not very popular with all its members.(2014年厦门大学考博试题)

A. to be considered

B. considering

C. being considered

D. having considered


considerable [kən'sidərəbl] a. 相当大的,可观的

【同】weighty, important, large, sizeable

【考题精解】Writing is a slow process, requiring_____thought, time, and effort.

A. significant

B. considerable

C. enormous

D. numerous

【答案】B。considerable a. 相当大的,相当多的。significant a. 重要的,意义重大的;意味深长的。enormous a. 巨大的,庞大的。numerous a. 众多的,许多的。

considerate [kən'sidərət] a. 考虑周到的;体谅的

【同】thoughtful, understanding, caring

【反】inconsiderate, thoughtless


【考题精解】The nurses in this hospital are most_____of the patients.

A. considerable

B. considerate

C. attentive

D. careful

【答案】B。considerate (of/to) a. 考虑周到的,体贴人的(注:considerate of表示一种惯常的对人体贴,如:He is always considerate of others. considerate to/towards更多地表示某次具体场合下的对某人体贴,如:He is always considerate to his employees whenever they are in difficulty.)。considerable a. 相当大的,相当多的。attentive (to) a. 注意的,照顾的,关心的。careful (of) a. 小心的,仔细的。

consist [kən'sist] vi. ①由……组成;存在于

【同】lie in, include, contain, be made up of, comprise, be composed of


Theory should consist with practice.


【考题精解】The atmosphere_____of certain gases mixed together in definite proportions.

A. composes

B. comprises

C. consists

D. constitutes

【答案】C。consist of由……组成(或构成)(作此意解时该短语只有主动态,没有被动态,不能说be consisted of)。compose vt.(若干部分)构成(整体)(其被动态be composed of与consist of同义)。comprise vt. 包括,包含,由……组成;组成,构成(该词相当于compose和be composed of两个意思)。constitute vt. 组成,构成,形成。

consistent [kən'sistənt] a. ①一致的,符合的

【同】invariable, constant, uniform


②坚持的 (=insistent, persistent)

③相容的 (=accommodating, compatible)


【派】consistently, consistency, inconsistent

【长难例句】This is no flash in the pan;over the past couple of years, inflation has been consistently lower than expected in Britain and America.


【考题精解】What a_____person says or does today agrees with what he said or did yesterday.

A. harmonious

B. consistent

C. constant

D. sensible

【答案】B。consistent (with) a. 坚持的,一贯的,始终如一的;前后一致的,符合的(如:a consistent friend; consistent policies; The story is consistent with the facts. His behavior is consistent with his teaching. )。harmonious a. 协调的,和睦的。constant a. 不断的;始终如一的,恒定的,不变的;忠实的。sensible a. 明智的,合情合理的。

【真题链接】It is our_____policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means.(2002年上海交通大学考博试题)

A. consistent

B. considerate

C. certain

D. decisive

【答案】A。本题空格处是说这是我们一贯的政策。A项“consistent一贯的,始终如一的”符合题意。如:a consistent pattern of behavior(一贯的行为方式)。其他三项“considerate考虑周到的;certain确定的;decisive决定性的”都不正确。

console [kən'səul] vt. 安慰,慰问

【同】cheer up, comfort, calm, relieve


【派】consolable, consolation, consolatory

consolidate [kən'sɔlideit] v. ①(使)坚固, (使)巩固

【同】strengthen, combine, unite

【反】weaken, separate


【派】consolidator, consolidation

conspicuous [kən'spikjuəs] a. 显眼的,明显的

【真题链接 1】The discrepancy in the company accounts is so_____that no auditor could have failed to notice it.(2003年中国人民大学考博试题)

A. spontaneous

B. conspicuous

C. notorious

D. superfluous

【答案】B。本题意为“该公司的账目差异如此明显,没有哪个审计员会看不出这一点的”。conspicuous的意思是“显著的”,如:She's always conspicuous because of her bright clothes and queer hair style。(因为她衣着鲜艳、发型古怪,所以总是惹人注目。)其他三项“spontaneous自发的,自然产生的;notorious声名狼藉的;superfluous过剩的”都与句意不符,因此正确答案为B。

【真题链接 2】You were_____by your absence yesterday.(2002年武汉大学考博试题)

A. merciful

B. conscientious

C. conspicuous

D. impartial

【答案】C。本题意为“你昨天缺席格外引人注目”。C项的“conspicuous明显的,引人注目的”符合题意。如:hang a picture in a conspicuous place(把画挂在一个显眼的地方)。其他三项“merciful仁慈的;conscientious认真的;impartial公正的,无偏见的”都不正确。

【真题链接 3】He didn't notice me in the crowd, but he spotted my sister who was_____because of her red hair.(2004年上海理工大学考博试题)

A. conscious

B. conspicuous

C. dim

D. conscientious

【答案】B。本题是说他没在人群中发现我,但发现了我姐姐,因为她的红发非常惹人注目。B项的“conspicuous显著的”符合题意。如:He was conspicuous for his bravery. (他因勇敢而出名。)其他三项“conscious有意识的;dim暗淡的,模糊的;conscientious尽责的”都不正确。

conspiracy [kən'spirəsi] n. 阴谋,密谋,共谋

【同】intrigue, trickery, plot, scheme

constant ['kɔnstənt] a. ①不变的;固定的

【同】consistent, unchanging, invariable, fixed

【反】inconstant, inconsistent

constant speed固定速度



constant rain绵绵不断的雨


【同】faithful, loyal


a constant friend忠实的朋友

n. 不变的事物,常数,恒量,系数


【派】constantly, constancy, inconstant

【长难例句】As long as poor people, who in general are colored, are in conflict with richer people, who in general are lighter skin, there’ s going to be a constant racial conflict in the world.


【词义辨析】constant, continual和continuous constant:意为“不变的,固定的,经常的”,指以同样方式不断出现,即习惯性的重点或不变的持续,常作定语,也可作表语,表示稳定的、不断的。continual:意为“不断的,频繁的”,强调时断时续的重复发生或指某事持续一段时间,但中间有短暂中断,有时用于描述令人不愉快的事情,常用作定语。continuous:意为“连续的,持续的”,指某事连续发生且其过程不间断,也指在空间或时间上的不间断。

【考题精解】It is important in scientific experiments that the chemicals should be kept at a(n)_____temperature of 40 degrees.

A. constant

B. equal

C. same

D. definite

【答案】A。constant a. 始终如一的,不变的;不断的,连续发生的;忠实的(朋友)(如:He's been constant in his devotion to scientific studies. Throughout the experiment the pressure of the gas must be kept constant. I dislike these constant quarrels. one's constant companion/friends)。equal (to) a. 相等的,同样的;平等的;胜任的。same a. 相同的,一样的(same必须与the连用)。definite a.明确的,确切的;肯定的。

constituent [kən'stitjuənt] a. 形成的,组成的;有权制定或修改宪法的

n. 成分,要素

【同】voter, citizen, ingredient, part, element, component


constitute ['kɔnstitjuːt] vt. ①构成

【同】comprise, compose, form


【同】institute, establish

【长难例句】There is an incorrect assumption among scientists and medical people that everyone agrees on what constitutes a benefit to an individual.译文:科学家和医务人员中普遍存有一种错误的假设,即人们对什么构成一个个体的利益都持一致的观点。

【考题精解】Peasants_____over 80 percent of the Chinese population.

A. make

B. consist

C. constitute

D. account

【答案】C。constitute vt. 组成,构成,形成(如:Seven days constitute a week. U.S. interference in the internal affairs of other countries constitutes a real threat to world peace.)。make up构成,占(多大比例)。consist of由……组成,由……构成(consist是不及物动词,后面不能直接跟宾语;consist of只表示“由……组成”,不能表示“构成……”)。account for构成,占(多大部分)。

【真题链接】According to the recent census,under-18s_____nearly 95% of the single children in Chinese families.(2004年厦门大学考博试题)

A. compose

B. institute

C. prescribe

D. constitute

【答案】D。本题中,constitute意思是“组成、构成”,constitute的主语可以是复数名词,也可以是单数名词,所“构成”的事物在属性和特征上或者在组织上,与组成成分是一致的。如:England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland constitute the United Kingdom. (英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰组成联合王国。)compose在表示“由……材料构成”时,见于被动语态;在用于主动语态时,一般它所表示的“构成”或“组成”总包含着融合为一,而且主语或者是复数名词或者是集体名词。institute的意思是“创立”;prescribe的意思是“规定”。四个选项中,只有D项符合题意。

constitution ['kɔnsti'tjuːʃn]

n. ①宪法;体质;构成

【同】law, regulation, code, charter, organization, structure



【同】health, nature

He has a weak constitution. 他体质弱。

【习惯用语】①by constitution天性,体质上②have a good [poor] constitution体质好[差]③suit [agree with] sb.'s constitution适合某人体质[性格]

【考题精解】Only men with strong_____should climb in the Himalayas.

A. will

B. constitutions

C. muscles

D. limbs

【答案】B。constitution n. 体质,素质;结构;章程,宪法(如:John has a very healthy constitution. the constitution of a primitive society. the American constitution)。will n.(可加不定冠词)意志,决心;遗嘱。muscle n. 肌肉;力量,实力。limb n. (四)肢,臂,腿;树枝。

constrain [kən'strein] vt. ①强制,约束

【同】limit, restrict, confine, curb


【同】hold back


construct [kən'strʌkt] n. 构筑物,建筑物;构想

【同】building, design

vt. ①建造,建设

【同】build, fabricate, fashion



to construct a hexagon within a circle


【派】construction, constructor, constructive (ly)

construction [kən'strʌkʃn] n. 建设,建筑;建筑物,结构;意义,释义

【习惯用语】①put a construction on sth. 对某事物作某种解释(一般指对言语、行为等)②put the best [worst] construction on sth.往最好[最坏]的方面去解释 ③put a false construction on故意曲解

consult [kən'sʌlt] vt. 商量;咨询;查阅

【同】ask, refer to, discuss

【反】direct, instruct, teach

【派】consultant, consultation, consultative

【考题精解】You can_____different kinds of people, dictionaries or maps, to find out what you wish to know.

A. contact

B. consult

C. refer

D. request

【答案】B。consult vt. 请教,向……咨询;查阅,查看 vi. 交换意见,商议 (consult sb.about sth./on some questions. consult a doctor about one's illness. consult a dictionary/reference books. consult with sb. about/on sth.)。contact vt.接触,联系。refer (to) v. 提到;参考,查阅;让……去找(某人);让……去参考(或查阅) (某资料)(refer to sth.;refer sb. to sb./sth.)。request vt. 请求,要求。

contact ['kɔntækt] vt. 接触,联系


n. 接触,联系

【同】connection, touch, association, correspondent

The two wires were in contact.这两根电线接通了。

【习惯用语】①be in [out of] contact with和……接触,有联系[脱离接触,失去联系]②bring into [throw in] contact with使接触,使与……联系 ③come into (in) contact with接触,碰上

【考题精解】There I came into_____with some of the finest craftsmen I have ever met.

A. awareness

B. knowledge

C. operation

D. contact

【答案】D。contact n./vt. 接触,联系(establish/get into/keep in contact with sb.;make contact [s] with sb.;bring…/come in [to] contact with sb.;lose contact with sb.;be in/out of contact with sb.)。awareness n. 意识到,觉悟。knowledge n. 知识,学问;知道,了解(注:有成语bring sth. to the knowledge of sb. 让……知道;sth. comes to the knowledge of sb. 被……知道,被……获悉;没有成语come into knowledge with)。come into operation(以法规而不以人作主语)开始生效。

contain [kən'tein] vt. ①包含,容纳

【同】accommodate, involve, include, keep back, check


How big is the angle contained by these 2 sides?这两个边的夹角是多大?

【习惯用语】①be contained between [within]含于……间,(夹)在……之间[中] ②contain oneself自制

【词义辨析】contain, embrace, include和involve contain:意为“包含,容纳”,表示实际包含某一成分或部分。embrace:意为“包括,包含”,表示伸展出去,囊括所有应包容之物。include:意为“包括”,表示所包括的事物构成了整体的一个要素、一个成分或一个从属部分。involve:意为“包含,含有,涉及”,指整体性质方面的包括,这种包括可能是自然的后果或必然的结果,也指对某一必不可少的部分或有限定意义要素的包括或指对某一必要条件的涉及。

【考题精解】The suggestion was_____in a memorandum published here today.

A. composed

B. merged

C. contained

D. absorbed

【答案】C。contain vt. 包含,容纳,里面装有(如:Pig iron may contain 4% of carbon. The room contained far too much furniture.)。compose vt. 组成,构成;创作(音乐、文学作品等)。merge v. (使)结合,(使)合为一体。be absorbed in被……吸引住,专注于,聚精会神于。

contemporary [kən'temprəri] a.当代的;同时代的

【同】present, current, modern, up-to-date, coexisting

n. 同时代人,同辈

【同】peer, equal, fellow

contempt [kən'tempt] n. 轻视,蔑视

【反】respect, regard

【同】shame, dishonor, indignity

contend [kən'tend] vi. ①竞争

【同】compete, contest


【同】fight, struggle, argue

vt. 坚决主张

【同】maintain, argue

content ['kɔntent] n. (pl.) 内容,目录;含量,满足,满意

【同】catalog, capacity, volume, satisfaction, gratification, contentment

[kən'tent] a. ①满足的,满意的

【同】satisfied, contented, pleased, gratified


vt. 使满意

【同】please, satisfy, gratify

The old couple seem content to sit in front of the television all night.


【习惯用语】to one's heart's content心满意足

【考题精解】The_____of his speech was good, but the form was not.

A. content

B. essence

C. point

D. subject

【答案】A。content n. 内容;含量(注:该词作不可数名词只有在提到“内容与形式”[form and content]比的时候才用;一般情况下在谈到“……的内容”和“书的目录”时要用复数形式)。essence n. 本质,实质,要素。point n. (讲话等的)要点。subject n. 主题,题目;学科,科目。

contest ['kɔntest] n./[kən'test]v. ①比赛,竞争


【同】competition, rival, compete, debate, dispute

【派】contestable, contestant

【真题链接】The two countries were fighting severely to_____every inch of the land.(2009年北京航空航天大学考博试题)

A. intervene

B. contest

C. imperil

D. inhabit

【答案】B。四个选项的意思分别是:intervene干涉,干预;contest竞争,争夺;imperil危机,使陷入危险;inhabit居住,占据。根据句子意思可知,正确答案是B选项。如:The seat was being hotly contested among the politicians.(政客们正在激烈地争夺那个席位。)

context ['kɔntekst] n. ①上下文,语境


【同】connection, relation

【考题精解】In some_____“mad” means“foolish”, in some“angry”, and in others“insane”.

A. conditions

B. contexts

C. circumstances

D. environments

【答案】B。context n. 上下文,语境(如:You can often tell the meaning of a word from its context. An idiom is best learned in context. We should try to see the matter in its historical context.)。condition n.(先决)条件;(pl.) 环境。circumstance n.(与某个人物或事件相联系的)条件,情况;(pl.) 境遇,经济状况。environment n. 环境,自然环境,周围状况。

continent ['kɔntinənt] n. ①洲;大陆

②[Continent] 欧洲大陆(以别于英伦三岛)

The Whites have gone for a holiday on the Continent. 怀特一家去欧洲大陆度假了。

【长难例句】The relative motion of the plates carrying these continents has been constructed in detail, but the motion of one plate with respect to another cannot readily be translated into motion with respect to the earth's interior.


continual [kən'tinjuəl] a. 连续不断的/频繁的

【同】repeated, constant, frequent, regular

【考题精解】Our journey was very slow because the train stopped_____at different villages.

A. continually

B. continuously

C. gradually

D. unceasingly

【答案】A。continually ad. 不断地,频频地。continuously ad. 连续不间断地(注:continually可表示“不间断地”或者“虽有间断但是老是频频发生地”;continuously表示“中间没有间断地,一直持续发生地”)。gradually ad. 渐渐地,逐步地。unceasingly ad. (=continuously) 不停地。

continue [kən'tinjuː] v.(使)继续;(使)连续


【反】stop, halt

【习惯用语】to be continued待续(用于报刊上连载的文章等)

【同】continuance, continuity

【真题链接】Love is love and death is death, for a South African Bushman and a French surrealist alike. So the themes of literature have at once an infinite variety and an abiding constancy.(2013年社科院考博试题)

A. continuing

B. refraining

C. interchanging

D. corresponding


continuous [kən'tinjuəs] a. 连续不断的

【同】continual, constant, lasting

【习惯用语】be continuous with与……相连,是……的延续部分



【考题精解】A_____steelmaking process is now being developed.

A. continual

B. continuous

C. successive

D. consecutive

【答案】B。continuous a. 连续不断的;不断延伸的(如:The brain needs a continuous supply of blood. There was a continuous noise of hammering next door.)。continual a. 不停的,频频的。successive a. 相连接的,连续的,一个接一个的。consecutive a. 连续的,一个接一个的(中间不间断的)。

contrary ['kɔntrəri] a. 相反的

【同】opposite, contradictory

n. 相反,对立面

【同】opposite, contrast, reverse

【习惯用语】①be contrary to与……相反②by contraries相反地;出乎预料地 ③on the contrary(与此)相反,(不是……)而是,反之

【词义辨析】contradictory, contrary和opposite contradictory:指两个事物相互排斥,即一方正确或成立,另一方就必然不正确或不成立,因而语气较强,用介词to, of。contrary:指分歧极深、无法调和或相互冲突的事物,如:设想、动机和见解等。当指事物的两个极端时,不具有互斥性,即可以有其他可能性。opposite:指两个彼此对立的抽象事物,如:观点、性质等;也可指两者在方向、位置、趋势方面不同,而不强调相互排斥,常用介词to。

contrast ['kɔntrɑːst] n. 对照

【同】comparison, opposite, contrary

【反】similarity, uniformity

[kən'trɑːst] v. 使对照


There is a great contrast between good and evil.




【考题精解】In sharp_____to John, who is frank, Henry is too sophisticated.

A. contrast

B. conflict

C. comparison

D. contradiction

【答案】A。contrast n. 对比,对照 (in contrast to/ with与……形成对比;by contrast with与……比较起来)。conflict n. 争论;抵触;冲突 (a conflict of feelings;a conflict between A and B;in conflict with)。comparison n. 对照,比较;比拟。contradiction n. 矛盾,不一致;否认,反驳。

contribute [kən'tribjuːt] v. 贡献出;有助于;投稿

【同】donate, present, commit, submit, furnish, provide

【派】contributor, contribution, contributive

【考题精解】The Chinese Red Cross_____a generous sum to the relief fund for the physically disabled.

A. assigned

B. endowed

C. allocated

D. contributed

【答案】D。contribute (to) vt. 捐献,捐助,贡献;(向报刊)投稿(如:He contributed$50 to the charity fund every payday. He did not contribute one idea to the discussion. I contribute to magazines sometimes. Fresh air contributes to good health.)。assign vt. 分配,布置(作、比、任务等);指派,选派(句型:assign sb. sth.;assign sth. to sb.;assign sb. to +动词原形)。endow vt. 资助,向……捐赠;(天然)给予;赋予(注:endow表示“资助、捐赠”时后面以医院、学校作宾语,不以钱作宾语;表示“给予、赋予”时一般指“使具有某种天赋”)。allocate vt. 分配,分派,把……拨给。

contribution ['kɔntri'bjuːʃn] n. 贡献;捐款;所捐之款,捐助物

【习惯用语】①lay under contribution强制派捐,勒派军税 ②make a contribution to [towards]捐赠;作出贡献

【长难例句】New ways of organizing the workplace—all that re-engineering and downsizing—are only one contribution to the overall productivity of an economy, which is driven by many other factors such as joint investment in equipment and machinery, new technology, and investment in education and training.


【考题精解】That he failed to make any appreciable_____to the cause at the time was due to his youth.

A. effort

B. attempt

C. contribution

D. propagation

【答案】C。contribution (to) n. 贡献;促成作用;投稿文章(如:The invention of the typewriter was a great contribution to communication and printing. This proved an important contribution toward the public health.)。effort n. 努力,艰难的尝试(句型:make an effort to+动词原形)。attempt n. 企图,试图(句型:make an attempt to+动词原形/at)。propagation n. 传播,宣传,普及;繁殖。

control [kən'trəul] vt. ①控制力;影响力

【同】govern, rule, command, dominate, hold back


He was in control of the car. 他负责这辆小汽车。


n. 控制,抑制,支配

【同】command, domination

controllable [kən'trəuləbl] a. 可管理的

controversial ['kɔntrə'vəːʃl] a. 引起争论的,有争议的

【同】contentious, debatable, disputatious, argumentative

【考题精解】Abortion(堕胎)in Britain is a highly_____matter:some are strongly for it,some are bitterly against it.

A. different

B. preferable

C. controversial

D. troublesome

【答案】C。controversial a. 引起争论的,有争议的 (a controversial matter/person/speech/decision)。different (from) a. 不同的。preferable (to) a. 更可取的,更好的,更合意的。troublesome a. 讨厌的,麻烦的,令人烦恼的。

controversy ['kɔntrəvəːsi] n. 争论,争议

【同】conflict, disharmony


【考题精解】A fierce_____was under way over the question of self-government for this small Pacific island.

A. struggle

B. controversy

C. discussion

D. difference

【答案】B。controversy (on/about/over) n.(尤指文字形式上的就重大社会、道德、政治问题所进行的)争论,辩论(如:engage in [a] controversy with/against sb. on/about sth.. a question that has given rise to much controversy. facts that are beyond controversy. They had/There was a bitter controversy over the question of self government. The point in controversy is whether…)。struggle (for/against) n. 斗争,奋斗。discussion (of/about/on/over sth.) n. 讨论,谈论。difference (of/in sth./between/with sb.) n. (意见)分歧;差别,差异;差额。

【真题链接】After several nuclear disasters, a_____has raged over the safety of nuclear energy.(2005年电子科技大学考博试题)

A. quarrel

B. suspicion

C. verdict

D. controversy

【答案】D。本题空格处是说展开了一场关于核能源安全性的辩论。D项“controversy论争,辩论,论战”符合题意,如:give rise to much controversy(引起许多争论)。其他三项“quarrel吵架,反目,怨言;suspicion猜疑,怀疑;verdict(陪审团的)裁决,判决,判断”都不正确。

convenience [kən'viːniəns] n. ①便利,方便

【同】fitness, suitability


Please come at your convenience.



Gas is one of the moder n conveniences the newly-built apartment building provides.


【习惯用语】①as a matter of convenience为了方便 ②at one's (own) convenience在方便时③at your earliest convenience得便务请……从速【考题精解】Shopping bags are provided for the customers’_____.

A. facility

B. duty

C. convenience

D. comfort

【答案】C。convenience n. 方便,便利;方便条件,便利条件(如:He thinks only of his own convenience. Will the time / place suit your convenience? at sb.'s convenience在某人方便的时候;to sb.'s convenience对某人合适)。facility n. 便利,容易;(pl.) 设备,设施。duty n. 职责;责任,义务。comfort n. 舒适;安慰。

convenient [kən'viːniənt] a. ①便利的,方便的

【同】suitable, appropriate



Our house is convenient for the shops.


【考题精解】Our new house is very_____for me as I can get to the school in five minutes.

A. convenient

B. comfortable

C. available

D. practical

【答案】A。convenient (to/for) a. 方便的(注:该词只能用于修饰时间或地点是方便的,而不能以人作主语,如可以说The time/place is very convenient to/for me;而不能说I'm very convenient to work here.)。comfortable a. 舒适的,舒服的。available (to) a. 可利用的,可获得的;可(与某人)联系上的。practical a. 实际的,实用的。

convention [kən'venʃn] n. ①公约;习俗;大会

【同】assembly, conference, congress, session, agreement, contract, treaty


【同】custom, practice

Convention now allows women to smoke in public. 现在习俗允许妇女在公共场所吸烟。

【习惯用语】①the National Convention [法]【史】国民议会(1792-1795)[英]【史】宪章党员大会 [美](政党决定总统候选人的)全国代表大会②convention money (两国以上协定发行的)同本位货币

【派】(un) conventional (ly), conventionalist

【长难例句】The city is an important railroad junction, and industrial and convention center.


conventional [kən'venʃənl] a. 常规的,习惯的,传统的

【同】ordinary, common, traditional, customary, regular

【反】unconventional, uncommon, extraordinary

【长难例句】Reporters tend to be part of a broadly defined social and cultural elite, so their work tends to reflect the conventional values of this elite.


【考题精解】White is the_____color of a wedding gown.

A. normal

B. ordinary

C. common

D. conventional

【答案】D。conventional a. 普通的,常见的;习惯的,常规的(如:“Good morning” is a conventional greeting. conventional rules/weapon)。normal a.正常的,平常的;正规的。ordinary a. 通常的,普通的;平庸的,平淡的。common a. 平常的,普通的;共同的。

conversation ['kɔnvə'seiʃn] n. 会话,谈话

【同】talk, dialogue, chat

【习惯用语】①get [enter] into conversation with和……攀谈(起来)②have [hold] a conversation with和……交谈[会谈] ③in conversation with(在)和……谈话

converse [kən'vəːs] v.交谈;谈话 [kənvəːs] a.相反的;颠倒的,如:~opinion(意见相反) n.逆、相反的事物,反面说法

conversely ['kɔnvəːsli] ad. 相反地


conversion [kən'vəːʃn] n. 转化,转换,转变

【同】transformation, alteration

【真题链接】The_____of electrical energy into thermal energy is a process that is easily carried out at 100%efficiency.(2006年中国矿业大学考博试题)

A. conversion

B. convention

C. conversation

D. version


convey [kən'vei] vt. ①运送;传达

【同】communicate, pass on, express, transport, carry, move, bear, transfer


I will convey the information to him.


【派】conveyable, conveyer (or), conveyance

【长难例句】Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed—and perhaps never before has it served so much to connect different peoples and nations as in the recent events in Europe.


【考题精解】A good teacher must know how to_____his ideas.

A. convey

B. display

C. conceive

D. disclose

【答案】A。convey vt. 传达,表达;传送,运送,输送(如:I can't convey my feelings in words. His tone conveyed his real feelings. Wires convey electricity from power stations to the user.)。display vt. 陈列,展览;显示。conceive v. 构想出,设想 (of);认为 (that);怀孕。disclose vt. 揭露,泄露,透露。

【真题链接 1】These pollutants can be_____hundreds and even thousands of kilometers by large air masses.(2003年中国科学院考博试题)

A. contained

B. conveyed

C. contaminated

D. conserved

【答案】B。本题是说这些污染物可以被大风带走上百甚至上千公里。B项的“convey运载,传送”符合题意,如:convey the supplies to the warehouse(把物资运送到仓库)。其他三项“contain包含,含有;contaminate使……受污染;conserve使……不变质,不受损或保护”都不正确。

【真题链接 2】It's very difficult to_____the exact meaning of an idiom in a foreign language. (2013年10月中国科学院考博试题)

A. exchange

B. transfer

C. convert

D. convey


convict [kən'vikt] vt. ①证明……有罪,宣判……有罪

【同】sentence, condemn


['kɔnvikt] n. 罪犯

【同】criminal, captive

conviction [kən'vikʃn] n. 确信,信服

【同】belief, faith, confidence, sentence, penalty, condemnation

【考题精解】From the way she spoke you could tell she was speaking from_____.

A. decision

B. prediction

C. deliberation

D. conviction

【答案】D。conviction n. 确信,深信(如:I said it with conviction. I speak in the full conviction that our cause is just. I don't really think that you did the work,but I'm open to conviction. 愿意听取不同意见)decision n.决定;果断。prediction n. 预言,预测。deliberation n. 考虑,商讨,研究。

【真题链接】Without Bob's testimony, evidence of bribery is lacking and_____in the case will be impossible.(2002年中国科学院考博试题)

A. verdict

B. sentence

C. conviction

D. acquittal

【答案】C。本题空格处是。C项的“conviction判有罪,定罪”符合题意,如:This was her third conviction for cheating.(这是她第三次被判犯有欺诈罪。)其他三项中,verdict一般指陪审团的裁决或决断当事人是否有罪;sentence的意思是“宣判,判决,发生在认定有罪之后”;acquittal的意思是“宣判无罪”,都与题意不符。

convince [kən'vins] vt. 使信服,使确信

【同】persuade, assure

【习惯用语】①be convinced of [that] 确信,承认 ②be fully [half]convinced充分相信[半信] ③convince sb. of使某人承认,使某人信服

【派】convincing, convinced, convincible

【长难例句】Odd though it sounds, cosmic inflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of some respected ideas in elementary particle physics, and many astrophysicists have been convinced for the better part of a decade that it is true.


【词义辨析】convince, induce, persuade和prevail convince:以理智、理解或用事实来证明或辩证某事,从而使人消除反对意见或对某事、某人心悦诚服,常与of连用,表示“相信”。induce:指对某人许以丰厚的报酬或收益,从而促使他放弃冷漠、犹豫或抵制的心理,并决心不去争取这些好处。persuade:衷心地劝告、殷切地督促、恳求来感动或触动对方,从而赢得信赖或使其参与某种行为。常后接不定式或与等连用,表示“劝服人们去做他们都渴望做的事”。prevail:表示面临对方强烈的反对或充足论据的挑战时的“劝说”。

【考题精解】Another argument with his boss_____him that he should find a new job.

A. realized

B. reminded

C. convinced

D. confirmed

【答案】C。convince vt. 使确信,使信服(如:He convinced me of the difficulty of the work/convinced me that the work was difficult;可用被动态,如:I was convinced of the difficulty of the work/that the work was difficult.)。realize vt.(以人作主语)认识到。Remind (sb. of/to+动词原形/that…) vt. 提醒,使回忆起。confirm vt. 证实,肯定;进一步确定(句型:confirm my belief;confirm me in my belief that…; confirm that…;没有confirm sb. that…)。

【真题链接】She sounded so_____that everyone present believed her story.(2011年华东师范大学试题)

A. persuading

B. convincing

C. influencing

D. actual


cook [kuk] v. 烹调,煮,烧(饭、菜)n. 厨师,炊事员


cooker ['kukə(r)] n. ①炊事用具(尤指炉、锅等)②烹饪用水果;菜果

cool [kuːl] a. 凉爽的;冷静的;冷淡的;好极了的,了不起的

【同】cold, icy, calm, indifferent

【反】warm, hot, excited

v. 使变凉,使冷却

【同】freeze, calm

【习惯用语】cool it冷静下来

cooperate [kəu'ɔpəreit] vt. 合作,协作,相配合

【同】unite, ally

【派】cooperation, cooperative

cooperation [kəu'ɔpə'reiʃn] n. 合作,协作

【同】concert, teamwork

cooperative [kəu'ɔpərətiv] a. 合作的,协力的

coordinate [kəu'ɔːdineit] vt. 协调,调节

【同】equal, correspondent, counterpart, cooperate, match

【派】coordination, coordinator

【考题精解】A swim-learner must first learn how to_____the movements of his limbs before he can swim properly.

A. regulate

B. coordinate

C. conduct

D. direct

【答案】B。coordinate vt. 协调,调节,使相互配合(如:A baby cannot easily coordinate his movements. If we coordinate our efforts we should be able to defeat the enemy.)。regulate vt.调整,调节;控制,管理。conduct vt. 指挥,引导;处理,管理。direct vt. 管理,指导;把……对准 (at)。

cop [kɔp] n. 警察

cope [kəup] vi. 对付;妥善处理

【同】compete, rival, handle, deal with, tackle, manage

【习惯用语】①the cope of heaven苍穹天空②the cope of night夜的笼罩,夜幕

copper ['kɔpə(r)] n. ①铜;铜币;铜制品②紫铜色

【习惯用语】cool one's coppers [俚]茶水解渴,喝解酒饮料润喉

hot copper酒醉后的口干舌燥

copy ['kɔpi] n. ①抄本,复制品;一本②原稿;要付印的东西


v. 模仿;抄写;复制(印)

【同】rewrite, duplicate, reproduce

【习惯用语】①acting copy演出本(专给演员排演用的脚本)②advance copy预赠本(图书正式出版前送给有关方面作推广、书评之用)③approval copy(图书)送审本;试销书(不合意可退还)

cordial ['kɔːdjəl] a. ①热情的;友好的;衷心的;真挚的 ②强心的;刺激的 n. ①水果汁 ②甘露酒

core [ kɔː(r)] n. ①果核;核;中心

【同】center, focus, heart, essence



【习惯用语】①be rotten at the core烂透;[喻]糟糕透顶;坏透了 ②get to the core of触及……的核心 ③hard core[英](垫路基等的)碎石;(组织或运动中)斗志最坚定的核心;铁杆分子

【真题链接】When a system is unjust to the_____, abolition, not reform, is what respect for justice demands.(2002年中国科学院考博试题)

A. end

B. excess

C. core

D. bottom

【答案】C。本题是说如果一种体制已经彻底不公正了,那么废除它而不仅是改变它,这是尊重公正所必需的。四个选项中,to the core是固定用法,意思是“彻底地,完全地”;to the end意思是“到底”;excess意思是“过度,过分”;bottom指事物的最底层,最低部分。只有C项符合题意。

corn [kɔːn] n. 玉米;谷物

【同】grain, maize, oat, wheat

【习惯用语】tread on sb.'s corns触犯某人的痛处,犯某人的禁忌,伤某人的感情

corner ['kɔːnə(r)] n. ①角;拐角;街角

【同】difficulty, trouble


【考题精解】Christmas is coming. It's just round the_____.

A. bend

B. turn

C. curve

D. corner

【答案】D。be (a)round the corner(本义)在拐过街角处,很近;(引申)(节日等)临近(如:There is a shop over there,round the corner. National Day is just round the corner.)。bend n.弯曲(处)。turn n. 拐弯(处)。curve n. 曲线;弯曲。

correct [kə'rekt] vt. 改进,纠正

【同】adjust, right

a. 正确的;合适的

【同】right, sound, suitable, proper

【反】incorrect, wrong, false

【习惯用语】①stand corrected接受指正;承认有错(通常用于第一人称)②certified correct证明无误 ③verified correct核对无误

【派】corrector, correction

correction [kə'rekʃn] n. ①纠正,改正

②被改正的东西 ③惩罚

【习惯用语】①house of correction感化院,改造所;[古]监狱 ②saving correction [罕] 难保无误,尚待修订 ③under correction有待指正,请予匡正

correlate ['kɔrəleit] n. 相互关联的事物

v. (with, to)(使)相互关联


【派】correlative, correlation

【真题链接 1】Chemistry is closely_____with other studies: physics, biology and so on. (2002年春季上海交通大学考博试题)

A. corresponded

B. concerned

C. correlated

D. cooperated

【答案】C。本题空格处是说化学与其他学科紧密相连。C项的“correlated使相关联”符合题意。如:Research workers find it hard to correlate the two sets of figures.(研究人员发现很难使这两组数字相互关联。)其他三项“corresponded通信,协调;concerned参与,干预;cooperated合作,协作”都不正确。

【真题链接 2】It is not enough to observe behaviors and_____them with physiological events that occur at the same time.(2004年西南财经大学考博试题)

A. correlate

B. comply

C. correspond

D. pertain

【答案】A。本题空格处是说把这些行为与生理现象联系起来。A项的“correlate…with把……与……联系起来”符合题意。如:Research workers find it hard to correlate the two sets of figures.(研究人员发现很难使这两组数字相互关联。)其他三项中,comply的意思是“顺从,答应,遵守”;correspond的意思是“相似、相同”;pertain的意思是“适合,属于,常与to连用”,而且这三个单词为不及物动词。

correspond ['kɔrə'spɔnd] vi. 符合;相当于;通信

【同】equal, be like, conform, accord, contact, exchange letters

【习惯用语】①correspond to (= correspond with) 与……一致,符合;等于,相当于,与……相似 ②correspond with (= correspond to)与……一致,符合;与……通信

【考题精解】The witness's account_____closely to the policeman's observations.

A. responded

B. corresponded

C. agreed

D. consented

【答案】B。correspond (to) vi. 相符合,相一致(with/to);相当,相类似 (to);通信 (with) (如:His actions do not correspond with his words. His job corresponds with his interest. The wing of a bird corresponds to the arm of a man.)。respond (to) vi. 回答,答复;响应,对……有反应。agree to同意,赞成。consent (to) vi. 同意,赞成。

correspondence ['kɔrə'spɔndəns] n.

①(+with) 通信,信件

②(+with, to) 符合,一致

【真题链接】Being the manager of a large corporation, he has a great deal of_____to deal with every day.(2003年西南财经大学考博试题)

A. correspondents

B. correspondence

C. incidence

D. dependence


correspondent ['kɔrə'spɔndənt] n. ①通信者



【同】journalist, reporter, contributor



【考题精解】The New York Times has_____in France, Germany, and other countries.

A. reporters

B. journalists

C. correspondents

D. writers

【答案】C。correspondent n.(报社、期刊等)驻外地通讯员,记者。reporter n. 记者;新闻广播员。journalist n. 新闻工作者,新闻记者。writer n. 作家,作者。

corresponding ['kɔrə'spɔndiŋ] a. 一致的;对应的

corridor ['kɔridɔː(r)] n. 走廊

【同】hallway, passage

【习惯用语】①air corridor空中走廊 ②open corridor [classroom]开放的课室,自由学习的课室 ③corridors of power势力走廊,政府机构外围势力圈(幕后企图左右政权散播非官方消息的场所)

corrode [kə'rəud] vi. 受腐蚀

vt. 腐蚀,侵蚀

corrupt [kə'rʌpt] v. 腐蚀;使堕落

【同】damage, harm

a. 腐败的,贪赃舞弊的

【同】degenerate, dishonest


【派】corruption, corruptible, corruptibility

cosmetic [kɔz'metik] a. 化妆用的,美发的n.(复)化妆品

【同】paint, makeup


cosmic ['kɔzmik] a. 宇宙的

【同】space, vast, enormous, huge, immense, global


costly ['kɔstli] a. 昂贵的,代价高的

【同】dear, expensive, high-priced

【反】cheap, inexpensive

【考题精解】Your suggestion is feasible, though it might be rather_____.

A. expensive

B. disputable

C. costly

D. infinite

【答案】C。costly a. 费时的,费力的,昂贵的,费钱的,代价高昂的(可用于本义或引申意义,如:The house is too costly for us to buy. The general's decision to invade was a costly mistake.)。expensive a. 昂贵的,花钱多的。disputable a. 值得争议的,不能肯定的。infinite a. 无限的,无穷的,无边无际的。

costume ['kɔstjuːm] n. ①服装

【同】clothing, dress


cosy/cozy ['kəuzi] a. 暖和舒服的,(感觉)舒适的

【同】comfortable, warm, friendly, close, safe

【反】uncomfortable, impersonal, unfriendly

【派】coziness, cozily

cottage ['kɔtidʒ] n. ①农舍,小屋

【同】cabin, hut



cotton ['kɔtn] n. ①棉属植物

②棉状物;棉花 ③棉布;棉纱

a cotton dress棉布衣服

couch [kautʃ] n. 长沙发,睡椅

【同】sofa, arm chair

vt. 表达,隐含

【同】express, communicate

cough [kɔf] v./n. ①咳嗽 ②咳出

She coughed up the bone. 她咳出了那块骨头。


【习惯用语】①churchyard cough临死的咳嗽(通常指肺结核病患者)②backing cough剧烈的干咳 ③cough down(听众)用咳嗽声炮轰演讲者

could [kəd] aux. v.(can的过去式)能,可能,可以

【习惯用语】①could not (help) but不能不②who [nobody] could have谁[没人]会

council ['kaunsl] n. 理事会;(地方)议会

【同】commission, committee

【习惯用语】①district council(英国市或乡的)区自治会 ②executive council咨询会议;参政会议;最高行政会议 ③in council在会议室里;在商讨中

council(l)or ['kaunsələ(r)] n. ①顾问,(使馆)参赞②(州、市、镇)议员

【同】adviser, consultant

counsel ['kaunsl] n. ①忠告,劝告(advise, recommend, instruct)

【同】advice, suggestion, recommendation


v. 劝告,建议

【同】advise, suggest, recommend

【考题精解】The mother_____her daughter on how to behave at the ball.

A. warned

B. counseled

C. reproved

D. congratulated

【答案】B。counsel (sb. on) vt. 劝告,提议(如:The teacher counseled the student to study harder/counseled the students on the importance of matching aptitude to career.)。warn (of / against / that) vt. 警告,告诫reprove (sb. for) vt. 责备congratulate (sb. on) vt. 祝贺,向……道喜。

count [kaunt] v. 数;计算;值得考虑

【同】number, compute, calculate, consider, regard n. 计算,合计

【同】number, expect

【派】(un) countable, counter, discount

【真题链接 1】Proper clothes_____for much in business. That's why you see most business people dress formally.(2002年上海交通大学考博试题)

A. count

B. account

C. allow

D. care

【答案】A。本题的前半句是说适宜的服装在商业中关系重大。count for的意思是“有价值”;count for much的意思是“关系重大”;account for的意思是“解释,说明”;allow for的意思是“顾及,考虑”;care for的意思是“照顾,关心”。四个选项中只有A项符合题意。

【真题链接 2】In a market economy, it is impractical to_____big banks to reduce the qualification to provide financial support for small and medium-sized enterprises.(2013年3月中国科学院考博试题)

A. take on

B. bear on

C. hold on

D. count on

【答案】D。A项“take on”意为“穿上;采用,采纳”;B项“bear on”意为“压在……上,使难以承受负荷”;C项“hold on”意为“抓牢,继续、坚持”;D项“count on”意为“依靠,指望”,由句意可知,“依靠大银行降低资质”,因此选择D。

counter ['kauntə(r)] n. 柜台;计数器

【同】table, booth, stand, stall, opposite, reverse

a./ad. 相反的(地),反对的(地)

【同】opposite, reverse

v. 反对,对抗

【同】oppose, object

【习惯用语】under the counter秘密地;私下地;走“后门”

【考题精解】My employer_____my request for more money by threatening to dismiss me.

A. objected

B. countered

C. refused

D. rejected

【答案】B。counter vt. 提出……与……抗衡,提出反措施(如:He countered my proposal with one of his own. The debater countered with another argument.)。object (to) vi. 反对,不赞成。refuse vt. 拒绝。reject vt. 拒绝,驳回;拒纳,退回,舍弃。

counterpart ['kauntəpɑːt] n. 与对方地位相当的人,与另一方作用相当的物

【同】correspondent, copy, script

【长难例句】Above all, like their female human counterparts, they tend to pay much closer attention to the value of “goods and services”than males.


country ['kʌntri] n. ①国家;农村

【同】nation, state, countryside, farmland


The country is opposed to war.



mining country采矿区

a. 国家的,农村的

【同】national, rural


【习惯用语】①across country越过田野,不沿着大路 ②appeal [go] to the country [英] 解散议会重新选举下议院 ③back country穷乡僻壤

【词义辨析】country, state和nation


countryside ['kʌntrisaid] n. 农村

【同】country, farmland

county ['kaunti] n. 县,郡

the home counties


couple ['kʌpl] n. ①一对,一双;夫妇

【同】pair, several


vt. 连接,结合

【同】connect, link, join

【反】separate, divorce

I have a couple of things to do.


【习惯用语】①a couple of两三个,(少数)几个 ②be coupled with和……联合,结合③go [hunt, run] in couples总是成双成对;协力



coupon ['kuːpɔn] n. ①公债,证券



courage ['kʌridʒ] n. 勇气,胆量

【同】bravery, boldness

【反】timidity, fear, cowardice

【习惯用语】①have the courage of one's convictions有勇气去做自己认为正确的事

②take one's courage in both hands勇往直前;敢作敢为

【派】encourage, encouragement, encouraging (ly), discourage, discouragement, discouraging (ly), courageous



course [kɔːs] n. ①课程;过程;一道菜

【同】process, procedure, sequence, dish, program, lectures


The ship was blown off course.那船被吹离了航线。


【习惯用语】①in course of在过程中 ②in due course在适当的时候;不久以后 ③in the course of在期间

【考题精解】In the_____of their investigation they made a discovery that helped to solve a six-year-old mystery.

A. light

B. course

C. face

D. event

【答案】B。course n. 过程,进程(in/during [the] course of在……期间,在……过程中,如:In the course of one year her hair turned completely gray. In the course of our journey I told him everything.)。in (the) light of鉴于,由于,根据,按照,考虑到。in the face of面对着(困难、危险),不顾。in the event of如果(发生……),万一。

【真题链接】The Committee pronounced four members expelled for failure to provide information in the_____of investigations. (2002年中国科学院考博试题)

A. case

B. chase

C. cause

D. course

【答案】D。本题空格处是说“在调查过程中没能提供信息”。in the course of的意思是“在……的过程中”,符合题意,因此D项正确。其他三项“in case of万一;cause原因;chase追赶”都不正确。

court [kɔːt] n. ①法院;院子;球场

【同】law, tribunal, courtroom, playground, palace, yard, square, enclosure

②审判庭;(开)庭 ③宫廷;宫院

【习惯用语】①be out of court被驳回,不值得注意,没有理由[根据] ②bring into [to] court诉诸法律,[转]引为证据 ③circuit court [美]巡回法庭

courtesy ['kəːtəsi] n. 礼貌,周到

【同】politeness, good manners

courtyard ['kɔːtjɑːd] n. 庭院,院子

cousin ['kʌzn] n. ①堂(表)兄弟姊妹②同族者;同类者;同辈

【习惯用语】①call cousins with攀亲戚;称兄道弟 ②country cousin乡下亲戚,乡下人③double first cousin双重亲表兄妹,双重亲堂兄妹

cow [kau] n. ①母牛,奶牛


【习惯用语】①as good luck as had the cow that stuck herself with her own horn. [罕]倒霉极了。②Curst cows have curt horns. [谚]恶牛角短(指有心伤害人的人常常能力有限)。③Holy cow [cats]![口]哎呀!好家伙!

coward ['kauəd] n. 懦夫

【同】cad, chicken, dastard

a. 胆小的


【派】cowardly, cowardice

crab [kræb] n. 蟹,蟹肉;起重机;绞机

【习惯用语】①cut[catch] a crab划桨时失手向后倒 ②turn out [come off] crabs终于失败③turn[bend] the crab [美] [体]作“桥式”动作(身体向后弯,直弯到两手着地的姿势)

crack [kræk] n. ①爆裂声,噼啪声

【同】bang, split, gap

②裂缝,裂口 vt. ①使破裂



【同】burst, blast, explode

【考题精解】The glass will_____if you pour boiling water into it.

A. split

B. crash

C. crack

D. spoil

【答案】C。crack vi. (硬而脆的东西)爆裂,破裂;发出爆裂声。split vi.(一般指顺纹路)劈裂,裂开;被撕裂。crash vi. 碰撞;坠落,坠毁。spoil vt. 损坏,破坏……的性质;宠坏,溺爱。

cradle ['kreidl] n. ①摇篮

【同】rocker, bed



v. ①抱着 ②放入摇篮

【同】support, hold, carry

craft [krɑːft] n. ①工艺,手艺



【同】boat, vessel, aircraft


crane [krein] n. ①起重机

【同】hoist, lift


crash [kræʃ] v. ①猛撞;撞毁

【同】bump, shatter, collide, collapse

The elephant crashed through the forest.




The cars crashed into each other. 小汽车轰然相撞。

【习惯用语】①on a crash basis紧[应]急地

②with a crash轰隆[哗啦,咔嚓]一声

【考题精解】He was afraid that the branch might bend over and break, and he would be sent_____to the ground.

A. crashing

B. dropping

C. falling

D. flying

【答案】A。crash vi. 坠落,坠毁;碰撞(如:The plane crashed. The bus crashed into a tree. The cup crashed to the floor.)。drop v. 投下,落下,下降。fall vi. 落下,降落,下降,跌倒。fly vi.飞翔,使飘扬,逃脱。

crawl [krɔːl] n./vi. 爬行,伏地行进

【同】creep, climb



【考题精解】They lay almost flat and_____through the tube-like underground passage.

A. scrambled

B. slid

C. glided

D. crawled

【答案】D。crawl vi. 爬行,匍匐行进。scramble vi. 快速攀爬;争抢。slide vi.(在平滑的表面上)(使)滑动,(使)滑行。glide vi. 滑行,滑移;滑翔。

crazy ['kreizi] a. 疯狂的;荒唐的;着迷的

【同】wild, mad, absurd, frantic, fascinated, keen

【习惯用语】①be crazy about [over] 热衷于;醉心于;爱上,迷恋着 ②be crazy for渴望,痴想 ③be crazy with (pain) (痛苦)得发狂



【考题精解】I don't like football, but some people are_____about it, which is beyond my comprehension.

A. fond

B. anxious

C. crazy

D. curious

【答案】C。crazy (about) a. 狂热爱好的,着迷的;发疯的,荒唐的(如:She was crazy about her baby. John's crazy about/over/for that girl. She's crazy about dancing.)。fond (of) a. 喜爱的,喜欢的;溺爱的,痴情的。anxious a. 渴望的,热切的;焦虑的,发愁的(句型:anxious for/to+动词原形/for sb. to+动词原形/that…)。curious (about) a. 好奇的。

cream [kriːm] n. ①奶油;奶油色



create [kriː'eit] vt. ①创造;引起

【同】generate, produce, make, compose


He was created Prince of Wales.



You needn't create about it. 对此你不必大惊小怪。

【习惯用语】①create about nothing无事自扰②create the part of初次扮演……角色

【派】creator, creation, creative (ly), creativity, creature

【长难例句】Our modern civilization must not be thought of as having been created in a short period of time.


creative [kriː'eitiv] a. 创造性的

【同】inventive, original, innovative


【习惯用语】be creative of产生

【长难例句】It is believed that today's pop music can serve as a creative force by stimulating the thinking of its listeners.


【考题精解】Some studies indicate that young children stop being_____as soon as they reach school age because the classroom is a place where facts rather than imagination predominate.

A. productive

B. creative

C. curious

D. doubtful

【答案】B。creative a. 创造性的;有创造力的(如:The masses have boundless creative power. creative application of principles. Laws and customs cannot be creative of virtue.)。productive (of) a. 多产的,富饶的;富有成效的 (of)。curious (about) a. 好奇的 (curious about/to know/to hear)。doubtful (of) a. 怀疑的;可疑的;难以预测的,未定的。

creature ['kriːtʃə(r)] n. ①生物;人

【同】animal, beast


credential [krə'denʃl] n. 凭证,(pl.)国书,证明书,信任状

【同】certificate, receipt, testimonial

credible ['kredəbl] a. 可信的,可靠的

【同】believable, trustworthy


credulous ['kredjələs] ①轻信的;易受骗的②因轻信而引起的

crew [kruː] n. 全体船员(乘务员);同事们


cricket ['krikit] n. ①板球 ②蟋蟀

crime [kraim] n. 犯罪,罪行

【同】guilt, misdeed, offence, evil


criminal ['kriminl] a. 犯罪的,刑事的

【同】unlawful, illegal, wrong


n. 罪犯,刑事犯

【同】convict, lawbreaker, offender, outlaw

【习惯用语】①bring a crime home to sb. 证实某人有罪 ②a capital crime死罪 ③commit [perpetrate] a crime犯罪



cripple ['kripl] n. 跛子,瘫子

vt. 使跛,使丧失生活能力

【同】fold, ridge, crinkle

crisis ['kraisis] n. 危机;紧急关头

【同】emergency, climax, turning point

【长难例句】Crisis would be the right term to describe the decline in many animal species.


【真题链接】Giorgio, now fifteen, and Lucia,also in her teens, were reaching the_____of their adolescence.(2005年中国科学院考博试题)

A. crisis

B. criterion

C. causality

D. credibility


crisp [krisp] a. ①脆的,易碎的

【同】fragile, breakable, brittle





【同】quick, efficient


criterion [krai'tiəriən] n. 标准,准则

【同】standard, measure, yardstick, principle

critic ['kritik] n. 批评家,评论家

【同】commentator, reviewer, analyst

critical ['kritikl] a. ①危急的,关键性的;批判的

【同】faultfinding, strict, important, decisive, crucial, acute, strategic


a critical thinker有判断力的思想家


【习惯用语】①at critical在临界状态下 ②be critical about爱挑剔 ③below critical在“次临界”状态下

【词义辨析】critical, crucial和vital


【考题精解】John did not have to write the composition if he didn't want to. It was_____.

A. imperative

B. optional

C. critical

D. unnecessary

【答案】B。optional a. 可作选择的,非强制的。imperative a. 必要的,极重要的;命令式的,必须做的。critical a. 决定性的,关键性的,危急的;批评的,批判的。unnecessary a. 不必要的。

【真题链接】The none of students in the class likes the mistress, who is used to being_____of everything they do.(2002年清华大学考博试题)

A. emotional

B. optimistic

C. interested

D. critical


criticism ['kritisizəm] n. ①批评;评论

【同】comment, note, review, analysis


【习惯用语】①be beyond [above] criticism无可指责 ②be beneath criticism无评论价值③be open to criticism有待批评

criticize/-ise ['kritisaiz] vt. 批评;评论

【同】comment, review, blame, scold, condemn【真题链接 1】I can't understand how he can feel that his colleagues are always ready to denounce him.(2003年中国人民大学考博试题)

A. compliment

B. criticize

C. flatter

D. challenge

【答案】B。题中的denounce的意思是“公开指责,谴责”;criticize的意思是“批评,责备”,与之相符,如:His policies were severely criticized.(他的政策受到了严厉批评。)其他三项“compliment恭维,称赞;flatter奉承,过分夸赞;challenge挑战”都不正确。

crop [krɔp] n. ①收成;庄稼,作物;一批

【同】output, product, yield, harvest, group, pack, crowd


③鞭梢有圈的短柄鞭(=hurting crop, riding crop)

vt. 收割,播种

【同】harvest, sow, cut

vi. 收成,耕种


【习惯用语】①a close crop(剪着)平头,(留着)短发 ②a crop of一大堆,一批,一组,许许多多 ③in [under] crop在耕种,种有庄稼

【词义辨析】crop, harvest和yield



cross [krɔs] v. 穿过,越过;(使)交叉成十字形,叉形

【同】pass through, meet, span, delete

n. ①十字架,十字形的东西,各种装饰用的十字形物,十字勋章



【同】frustration, torture

【习惯用语】on the cross沿对角线

【考题精解】A narrow path_____the stream to the other side of the park.

A. joins

B. crosses

C. unites

D. passes

【答案】B。cross v. 穿过,越过;(使)交叉, (使)相交。join vt. 加入,参加;连接,联合。unite v.(使)联合,(使)结合,(使)团结。pass v. 经过,穿过,通过。

crow [krəu] n. ①乌鸦 ②鸡啼 vi. 啼叫

crowd [kraud] n. ①群众,人群

【同】group, company, gang, masses


v. 拥挤,挤满

【同】jam, squeeze, press, pack, assemble, get together

【习惯用语】①a crowd of一群,一堆 ②be crowded with满是…… ③come crowding in一拥而入

【考题精解】In the week before Christmas,shoppers_____the stores.

A. crammed

B. stuffed

C. crowded

D. jammed

【答案】C。crowd v. 聚集,群集,拥挤(如:They had managed to crowd into a train. The eager spectators crowded into the stadium. Swimmers crowded the beaches.)。cram vt. 挤,塞;把……塞满。stuff vt. 填装。jam v. 堵塞,挤满(注:crowd主要指人挤满,虽然也可指物;cram/jam主要指物挤满,虽然也可指人)。

crowded ['kraudid] a. ①拥挤的

【同】jammed, packed


crown [kraun] n. ①王冠




vt. 为……加冕


【习惯用语】①keep the crown of the causeway在街道的中间行走;堂堂正正地出现②take the crown [the throne]加冕[登基]为王;获冠军称号 ③the crown of the year秋季;收获季节

crucial ['kruːʃl] a. 关键的,决定性的

【同】critical, decisive, cruel, fierce, unkind, brutal

【反】kind, humane

【考题精解】The decision was made at the_____moment when the country's fate was at stake.

A. optimum

B. opportune

C. crucial

D. reckless

【答案】B。crucial a. 至关重要的,决定性的(the crucial test/question;at the crucial moment)。optimum a. 最合适的,最优的,最佳的。opportune a. 适当的,适时的。reckless a. 鲁莽的,不顾后果的。

【真题链接】The_____question in this case is whether the accused had a motive for this crime or not.(2004年西南财经大学考博试题)

A. crucial

B. forcible

C. supreme

D. valuable

【答案】A。本题的空格处是说这个案子的关键问题。A项的“crucial关键的”符合题意,如:at the crucial moment(在关键时刻、重要关头)。其他三项“forcible强制的,暴力的,有说服力的;supreme极度的,极大的,最高的,valuable贵重的,有价值的”都不正确。

crude [kruːd] a. ①简陋的;天然的;粗野的

【同】rude, coarse, unrefined


【派】crudity, crudeness

【考题精解】Gasoline is processed from_____oil.

A. crude

B. raw

C. rough

D. tough

【答案】A。crude a. 天然的,未加工的(crude oil;crude sugar;crude salt;crude materials) (crude的另外两个四级意思是:“简陋的,粗糙的;粗鲁的,粗俗的”:a crude shelter in the forest:a crude drawing;a crude theory;crude people;crude behavior)。raw a. 未加工过的;未煮过的,生的;未经训练的,没有经验的。rough a. 粗糙的;粗野的,粗暴的;粗略的,大致的。tough a.(食物等)老的,难嚼的;(人)强壮的,坚强的;能吃苦耐劳的;困难的,艰苦的。

cruel ['kruːəl] a. ①残酷的


a cruel wind无情的风

cruelty ['kruːəlti] n. ①残酷,残忍,残暴



cruise [kruːz] vi. 巡航,巡游


n. 巡游,巡航

【同】voyage, journey, tour

【考题精解】The liner is making a round-the-world_____this year. All the passengers are making the voyage for pleasure.

A. voyage

B. cruise

C. journey

D. excursion

【答案】B。cruise n. 航行,航游。voyage n.航海,航行,旅行。journey n.(一般指陆地上的长途)旅行,行程。excursion n. 远足,短途旅行,(集体)游览。

【真题链接】Satellite communications are so up-to-date that even when_____in the middle of the Pacific, businessmen can contact their offices as if they were next door.(2011年四川大学考博试题)

A. gliding

B. cruising

C. piloting

D. patrolling


crush [krʌʃ] v. 压碎;压垮,镇压

【同】break, smash, shatter, press, pound

n. 压碎,榨


【考题精解】The few remaining pockets of resistance were finally_____into submission by the ruthless methods of the conquering army.

A. crashed

B. crushed

C. smashed

D. defeated

【答案】B。crush vt. 镇压,压倒;压碎,碾碎(如:The army quickly crushed the uprising. The military government has successfully crushed all opposition. Our hopes have been crushed. To make wine you first crush grapes.)。crash vt. 坠落,坠毁;碰撞。smash vt. 打碎,粉碎;推翻;猛力冲击。defeat vt.打败,击败,战胜;挫败,使落空。

crust [krʌst] n. ①面包皮,硬外皮 ②地壳

cry [krai] v. ①哭;叫喊;大声地说


n. ②哭声;叫喊声




to crush all opposition镇压一切反对派

【习惯用语】①have [get] a crush on sb.[俚]迷恋某人,深深 地爱上某人 ②crush down砸碎,镇压;压倒 ③crush into [in] 挤进;把……塞进;压[碾]成

【词义辨析】cry, scream和shout


crystal ['kristl] n. 水晶,石英晶体,晶粒

a. ①水晶的 ②透明的


cube [kjuːb] n. 立方;立方体

cubic ['kjuːbik] a. ①立方体的


cucumber ['kjuːkʌmbə(r)] n. 黄瓜

cue [kjuː] n. ①提示 ②暗示,信号

【同】hint, suggestion, clue

【考题精解】When there were guests in the house,the deaf and dumb boy took his_____from his parents so that he knew how to behave.

A. instruction

B. advice

C. cue

D. clue

【答案】C。cue n. 提示;暗示,信号(take one's cue from sb. 学……的样;听……的劝告;follow sb.'s cue按某人的指点行事;on cue恰在这个时候)。instructions n. (pl.) 命令,指示,用法说明。advice n. 劝告,意见。clue (to) n. 线索,提示(注:instruction和advice均是通过口授的方式给予劝告或指示,而一个聋哑的孩子是不会知道他父母在说什么的,因此只能是take his cue from his parents才是正确答案)。

cultivate ['kʌltiveit] vt. ①耕作;栽培;培养

【同】farm, grow, plant, plow, develop, nurture


【派】cultivated, cultivation, cultivator


【考题精解】How can you best_____in your students the speech habits of the English language?

A. instill

B. sustain

C. cultivate

D. inspire

【答案】C。cultivate (in) vt. 培养,养成,陶冶(精神、习惯、情操等);耕作,种植 (to cultivate the habit of+动词ing形式;cultivate one's mind by reading books;cultivate a love of art)。instil (1) (into) vt. 逐渐灌输(思想)。sustain vt. 保持,使……持续不息;支持;维持(生命)。inspire vt.鼓舞,激励;给……以灵感。

culture ['kʌltʃə(r)] n. ①文化;修养





【习惯用语】①beauty culture [美]美容术[业]

②the two cultures人文科学和自然科学

【派】cultural (ly), cultivate

【长难例句】Language, culture and personality may be considered independently of each other in thought, but they are inseparable in fact.


cunning ['kʌniŋ] a. 狡猾的,狡诈的

cup [kʌp] n. ①杯子;奖杯;一杯的量


be too fond of the cup贪杯

【习惯用语】①A full cup must be carried steadily. [谚]器满则溢。(指人在得意时,不要忘乎所以) ②be a cup too low无精打采 ③be fond of the cup好酒贪杯

cupboard ['kʌbəd] n. 碗橱


【习惯用语】①cry cupboard喊饿,想吃东西

②cupboard love企图得到某物而表示的亲热

cure [kjuə(r)] n. 治愈;纠正

【同】heal, treat

vt. ①治愈;疗法



I hope the doctor can cure the pain in my shoulder.




【习惯用语】①beyond [past] cure不可救药②faith cure信仰疗法;以信仰疗法治愈疾病③What can't be cured must be endured. [谚]没办法的事就得忍耐。

【派】curative, cureless

【词义辨析】cure, heal和remedy


【考题精解】No doctors could_____the patient of his strange disease.

A. restore

B. cure

C. treat

D. recover

【答案】B。cure vt. 治愈,治好;消除,改正(坏毛病)(句型:cure sb. 为某人治好病;cure an illness治好病;cure sb. of an illness治好某人的病;cure sb. of a bad habit使某人改掉坏习惯)。restore vt. 归还,交还;恢复,修复。treat vt. 治疗,医治(句型:treat sb.为某人治病;treat an illness治病;treat sb. for an illness为某人治病)。recover (from) vi. 恢复,痊愈。

curiosity ['kjuəri'ɔsəti] n. ①好奇(心)

【同】interest, concern, regard




【习惯用语】①be on tiptoe with curiosity充满好奇心 ②from curiosity (=out of curiosity) 在好奇心驱使下 ③in open curiosity公然出头过问与自己无关的事

【考题精解】The boy burned with_____to know what was in the letter addressed to his sister.

A. interest

B. curiosity

C. desire

D. wish

【答案】B。curiosity n. 好奇(心)(如:He looked at her in/with curiosity.)。interest n. 兴趣。desire n. 愿望,欲望(desire for/to+动词原形/that sb. do)。wish n. 愿望,希望。

curious ['kjuəriəs] a. ①好奇的

【同】inquisitive, interested

【反】dull, indifferent




【习惯用语】①be curious about (sth.)对(某事物)感到好奇②be curious to (do) 很想(做);渴望(做)③(be) curious to say说来稀奇

【考题精解】The old woman is too_____about other people's business.

A. fond

B. eager

C. interested

D. curious

【答案】D。curious (about) a. 好奇的,爱打听他人私事的。fond (of) a. 喜爱的,喜欢的。eager(for/to+动词原形) a. 热切的,渴望的。interested (in) a. 对……感兴趣的。

curl [kəːl] n. ①卷曲



【同】twisted hair


【同】roll, loop, ring, convolution, corkscrew

v. ①转动,绞

【同】turn, screw, wring, spin, swivel


【同】churn, agitate, spin, twirl, whirl


【同】coil, ware


【同】wind, spiral, convolute

【考题精解】I don't like my hair straight so I'm going to have it_____.

A. sheared

B. twisted

C. deformed

D. curled

【答案】D。curl v. 卷,(使)卷曲;(使)蜷曲;(烟)缭绕,盘绕(如:She curls her hair. Her hair curls naturally. Tim curled up in bed. She curled her lips. Smoke curls slowly up from the chimney.)。shear vt. 剪,剪断;削减。twist v. 搓,捻;旋转;扭歪,扭伤;歪曲。deform vt. 损坏……的形状;(使)变扭,(使)变形。

current ['kʌrənt] a. 流行的;当今的;通用的

【同】contemporary, present, modern, up to date, common, general, popular, widespread


n. 水(气)流;电流;趋势

【同】stream, flow, trend, tendency

【习惯用语】①against the current逆流而行;不同流俗 ②breast the current逆流而行 ③go [pass, run] current流行,通用;流传,见信于世

【长难例句】Because current federal law already forbids the use of federal funds to create embryos for research or to knowingly endanger an embryo's life, NBAC will remain silent on embryo research.


【词义辨析】contemporary, current和modern这组词均含有“现代的”之意。contemporary:意为“当代的,现代的”,指一个包括目前的历史时期,但可指的时间通常比modern较晚些;它也表示目前存在的事实或状态,不包含“新奇,生动”之意,另外,还有“同时代的、同时期的”之意。current:意为“现时的,当前的,现行的”,强调最近才产生而且目前仍然存在的事物,通常只用作定语,作表语时译为“流行的,流传的”。modern:意为“现代的,时髦的”,表示历史上的一个时代,包括现在或距现代较近的时代,时间跨度可能相当长,也可能较短;也可指时髦、新奇或生动的事物。

【考题精解】David is the_____holder of the5,000-meter race world record, but there is no guarantee that he will win in the Olympic Games.

A. prevalent

B. dominant

C. current

D. prominent

【答案】C。current a. 现实的,当前的;通行的,流行的(如:the current fashions;This view is current in the capital.)。prevalent a.(某种思想、现象、东西)流行的,普遍的,常见的,经常出现的。dominant a. 支配的,统治的,占优势的。prominent a. 突出的,杰出的;突起的。

curriculum [kə'rikjələm] n. ①(学校、专业的)全部课程


②(取得毕业资格的)课程 (= compulsory courses)

【考题精解】This subject is not included in the_____of the school.

A. course

B. discipline

C. curriculum

D. outline

【答案】C。curriculum n. 课程,(学校的)全部课程。course n.(一门)课程,教程。discipline n. 学科。outline n. 提纲,概要。

curse [kəːs] v. 咒骂,诅咒,咒语

【同】swear, abuse

n. ①咒骂,诅咒,咒语 ②祸害,祸根


curtain ['kəːtn] n. ①窗(门)帘

【同】blind, shade




a curtain of smoke帘幕

【习惯用语】①behind the curtain在幕后,秘密②call before the curtain叫幕(观众要求演员接受他们的祝贺) ③draw the curtain (on, over)掀开帘幕(显露帘幕后的东西);放下帘幕(掩盖起来,隐讳不提);落幕,剧终

curve [kəːv] n. ①曲线


a curve in the road道路的拐弯处


v. 使成曲线

【同】arch, bend

【习惯用语】curve ball(棒球)曲线球

cushion ['kuʃn] n. 垫子

【同】mat, pad, pillow

custom ['kʌstəm]




a. 定制的

customary ['kʌstəməri] a. 习惯的

customer ['kʌstəmə(r)] n. ①顾客,用户

【同】client, consumer

②家伙an odd customer古怪的家伙

【习惯用语】①a cool customer [口] 又大胆又冷静的家伙;厚脸皮的人 ②a queer customer怪人 ③a tough customer粗暴的 [难对付的]家伙,坚强的人,身体结实健壮的人

cut [kʌt] v. 切,剪,削;削减

n. 切,割;伤口;削减

【同】slice, reduce (reduction)

【习惯用语】cut and run逃跑

【长难例句】As families move away from their stable community, their friends of many years, their extended family relationships, the informal flow of information is cut off, and with it the confidence that information will be available when needed and will be trustworthy and reliable.


cute [kjuːt] ①聪明的,伶俐的,可爱的,小巧玲珑的 ②[美]做作的

cyberspace ['saibəspeis] n. 虚拟信息空间,网络空间