第9章 Of Cunning——Francis Bacon





We take cunning for asinister or crooked wisdom.And certainly there is agreat difference,between acunning man,and awise man;not only in point of honesty,but in point of ability.There be,that can pack the cards,and yet cannot play well;so there are some that are good in canvasses and factions,that are otherwise weak men.Again,it is one thing to understand persons,and another thing to understand matters;for many are perfect in men's humors,that are not greatly capable of the real part of business;which is the constitution of one that hath studied men,more than books.Such men are fitter for practice,than for counsel;and they are good,but in their own alley:turn them to new men,and they have lost their aim;so as the old rule,to know afool from awise man,Mitte ambos nudos ad ignotos,et videbis[10],doth scarce hold for them.And because these cunning men,are like haberdashers of small wares,it is not amiss to set forth their shop.

It is apoint of cunning,to wait upon him with whom you speak,with your eye;for there be many wise men,that have secret hearts,and transparent countenances.Yet this would be done with ademure abasing of your eye.

Another is,that when you have anything to obtain of present dispatch,you entertain and amuse the party,with whom you deal,with some other discourse;that he be not too much awake to make objections.

The like surprise may be made by moving things,when the party is in haste,and cannot stay to consider advisedly of that is moved.

If aman would cross abusiness,that he doubts some other would handsomely and effectually move,let him pretend to wish it well,and move it himself in such sort as may foil it.

The breaking off,in the midst of that one was about to say,as if he took himself up,breeds agreater appetite in him with whom you confer,to know more.

And because it works better,when anything seemeth to be gotten from you by question,than if you offer it of yourself,you may lay abait for aquestion,by showing another visage,and countenance,than you are wont;to the end to give occasion,for the party to ask,what the matter is of the change?

In things that are tender and unpleasing,it is good to break the ice,by some whose words are of less weight,and to reserve the more weighty voice,to come in as by chance,so that he may be asked the question upon the other's speech.

In things that aman would not be seen in himself,it is apoint of cunning,to borrow the name of the world;as to say,the world says,or there is aspeech abroad.

I knew one that,when he wrote aletter,he would put that,which was most material,in the postscript,as if it had been aby-matter.

I knew another that,when he came to have speech,he would pass over that,that he intended most,and go forth,and come back again,and speak of it as of athing,that he had almost forgot.

Some procure themselves,to be surprised,at such times as it is like the party that they work upon,will suddenly come upon them;and to be found with aletter in their hand,or doing somewhat which they are not accustomed;to the end,they may be apposed of those things,which of themselves they are desirous to utter.

But these small wares,and petty points,of cunning,are infinite;and it were agood deed to make alist of them;for that nothing doth more hurt in astate,than that cunning men pass for wise.

But certainly some there are that know the resorts and falls of business,that cannot sink into the main of it;like ahouse that hath convenient stairs and entries,but never afair room.Therefore,you shall see them find out pretty looses in the conclusion,but are no ways able to examine or debate matters.And yet commonly they take advantage of their inability,and would be thought wits of direction.Some build rather upon the abusing of others,and(as we now say)putting tricks upon them,than upon soundness of their own proceedings.But Solomon saith,Prudens advertit ad gressus suos;stultus divertit ad dolos.

















(水天同 译)


haberdasher n. 小贩;杂货商

amiss adj. 不恰当的;出差错的

demure adj. 端庄的;严肃的

appetite n. 食欲;嗜好

postscript n. 附言

procure v. 获得,取得


① It is one thing to understand persons,and another thing to understand matters.懂得人的性格习惯是一回事,而明白事理又是另外一回事。

② Such men are fitter for practice,than for counsel;and they are good,but in their own alley.这样的人较适于阴谋而不适于议论;而且他们唯有在他们熟悉的方面是好的。