- 塑造商铺之王:商业店面设计·饮食篇
- 深圳市海阅通文化传播有限公司
- 701字
- 2025-02-24 10:50:38
Bluetrain 蓝色列车餐厅

Design agency: Studio Equator
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Area: 700m2
Photography: Andrew Wuttke
Celebrating their 20th birthday, Bluetrain has discovered a new design direction with Melbourne based designers Studio Equator who have re-created“Melbourne's Meeting Place.”South Bank is part of the South Gate precinct overlooking Melbourne's energetic skyline and iconic Yarra River.
Defined as the“People's Café”, Bluetrain's concept of“Aussie Fusion”cuisine and non-pretentious aesthetic energy create an attractive dining option as well as a casual café environment for new and existing customers. The objective was to“create an emotional connection with our customers by manifesting our core values.”Studio Equator has combined eclectic and quirky materials and bespoke designs to support the core brand message and values and to reflect Australia and Melbourne's unique sense of style and humour in the indisputably best location of Melbourne.

The interior design divides an open plan space into separate offers. To describe the main dining room, imagine you've just walked down the alley of Degrave's Street, Melbourne, with graffiti art pillars individually painted by well-known street artists, industrial lighting, concrete walls and a fast paced dining experience. Once again, Studio Equator has managed to put their hint of "industrial chic" into their design incorporating a love of art, music, design and culture. Bluetrain has a perfect combination of classy structured architecture with an edgy and approachable atmosphere that encompasses the essence of the brand's longstanding spirit.

1F Plan 一楼平面图
蓝色列车被定义为“大众咖啡屋”,其多元化菜系和平民化审美为新老顾客创造出一种颇具吸引力的餐饮选择。项目计划“通过展示我们的核心价值来创造与顾客的情感联系”, Equator设计事务所结合了折中和奇异的材料,做出设计来支持品牌的核心理念与价值,也折射出澳大利亚和墨尔本独特的风格特点与幽默感,无可争议它处在墨尔本最好的位置上。

2F Plan 二楼平面图