- DL/T5161.7-2002电气装置安装工程质量检验及评定规程第7部分:旋转电机施工质量检验(英文版)
- 中国电力企业联合会
- 349字
- 2025-02-24 21:29:00
Specification for construction quality checkout and evaluation of electric equipment installation is a series of standards for construction quality checkout,acceptance and evaluation of electric equipment installation.
The set of standards is comprised of the following 17 parts:
—Part 1:General rules;
—Part 2:High-voltage electric equipments;
—Part 3:Power transformers,oil-immersed type reactors and instrument transformers;
—Part 4:Busbar equipments;
—Part 5:Power cable lines;
—Part 6:Grounding devices;
—Part 7:Rotating electrical machines;
—Part 8:Panels,cabinets and secondary circuit wirings;
—Part 9:Batteries;
—Part 10:35kV and below over-head power line installation;
—Part 11:Elevator;
—Part 12:Low-voltage apparatus;
—Part 13:Power converter equipments;
—Part 14:Cranes;
—Part 15:Electric equipments in explosive or inflammable hazardous environment;
—Part 16:1kV and under feeder cable engineering;
—Part 17:Electric lighting devices.
This part is the seventh part of the series standards,which is established according to the notice of issuing the plan of Establishment and Revise Power Industrial Standards in 1997 issued by the original ministry of electric power industry(Zong Kejiao[1998]No.28).
This part is the tabular form of GB 50170 Electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of rotating electrical machines as well as related national standard and professional standard.
This part is proposed by and under the jurisdiction of China Electric Power Construction Research Institute.
Chief Development Organization:
China Electric Power Construction Research Institute
Participating Development Organizations:
No3.Engineering Construction Company of Northeast Electric Power Administrative Bureau
Liaoning No1.Electric Power Construction company
JiLin Electric Power Construction Company
Chief Drafting Staff:
Zhao Dianlin Liu Qiang Chen Guiying Chen Fayu Zhang Anrong
Wu Lifeng Dong Gang
China Electric Power Construction Research Institute is responsible for the explanation of this part.