- GB50840-2012矿浆管线施工及验收规范(英文版)
- 中国冶金建设协会
- 466字
- 2025-02-18 02:13:20
2 Terms
2.0.1 slurry pipeline
A term which indicates that the pipeline transmitting mixed medium of solid granular material and liquid.
2.0.2 pipe laying with flexible bending
A term which indicates that the laying of pipeline generating elastic bending due to external force or self-gravity effect.
2.0.3 cold bendings
A term which indicates that the pipe bent into the angle needed by die or clamp under heating free conditions.
2.0.4 hot bendings
A term which indicates that Pipe with specific angles is manufactured from base pipe using bending clamps with heating method.
2.0.5 vertical slope change point
A term which indicates that grade change point of slope of longitudinal pipe trench.
2.0.6 multi-pass welding
A term which indicates that the welding conducted to complete the whole seam by more than two weld passes.
2.0.7 root pass
A term which indicates that the weld bead welded at root of joint during multi-pass welding.
2.0.8 hot bead
A term which indicates that the 2nd weld pass welded in time after completion of root welding in order to prevent root cold crack or root burn-through.
2.0.9 filler bead
A term which indicates that the pass after completion of root welding or hot welding and prior to cover welding.
2.0.10 stripper bead
A term which indicates that the filler bead conducted for compensation of insufficiency of welding passes thickness at vertical welding position upon adoption of downweld process.
2.0.11 cover pass
A term which indicates that the bead formed at the outermost pass.
2.0.12 repair welding
A term which indicates that the repair welding conducted for the out-of-limit defect discovered by outlook appearance inspection or non-destructive test.
2.0.13 tie-in
A term which indicates that the operation by which the crater of two neighboring fixed pipe sections is connected by a pipe or a short section.
2.0.14 interpass temperature
A term which indicates that the instantaneous temperature prior to welding of the next bead of multipass welding and neighboring parent materials.
2.0.15 100m post
A term which indicates that post point provided every 100m of straight line section of the line.
2.0.16 wall thickness change pile
A term which indicates that marker pile at the demarcation point where steel pipe wall thickness changes.
2.0.17 vertical slope change pile
A term which indicates that marker pile point provided at the position with longitudinal corner of more than 2°.
2.0.18 curve control point pile
When flexible bending and cold bending are adopted for treatment of horizontal or vertical corner,the stake point shall be provided at the starting point,midpoint and finishing point of curve as well as 5m-10m position in the middle of curve section.
2.0.19 crossing marker pile
A term which indicates that pile point provided at the position where various pipelines cross starting and end point.