- 中国图书馆转型风险研究
- 陈一
- 2052字
- 2025-02-27 23:21:35
Changes in social information and economic environment have brought both new opportunities and challenges to the development of libraries,which lead to drastic changes in global library operations.In order to deal with the new information environment and reserve the traditional value of libraries,transformation for libraries has been a common trend all over the world.However,there are many uncertainties in the process of transformation,including economy,policy,technology,culture etc,and these uncertainties have been ignored by both the theory and practice.Consequently,the library transformation will experience some risks,and even disasters.
This book claims that,in order to promote the healthy development of the library,people need to sort out the practice of library transformation in China,recognize the risks scientifically,identify and govern risks timely and prevent the disaster of transformation.This book employs multiple methodologies of literature analysis,case analysis,questionnaire surveys,and semantic intensity analysis to clarify the current situation of library transformation in China and to find out the source of risks.This book summarizes the main features of the risks of library transformation through the investigation of the library staff's cognition of the risks and the multi-dimensional analysis of the risk factors.The focus of the study is to highlight the main risks of library transformation in China,and to construct the evolution model of risks in library transformation.Based on this,the book summarizes the evolution path of library transformation risks and explores scientific strategies of risk governance.This study is divided into ten chapters:
Chapter One demonstrates the background and significance of this study,defines the relevant terms,expounds the theoretical basis of this study,and defines the objectives,methods and contents of this study.
Chapter Two analyzes the theoretical research studies and practical progress of library transformation both home and abroad.Previous research studies on the library transformation are abundant.They have the similar research interests:discuss the impact of the information environment on the development of the library from a macro perspective;analyze the social value of library transformation;explore the transformation strategy and discuss the typical cases of transformation.However,there is a lack of research on the overall risk of Library transformation,as well as the long-term and evolution of risk,and there is little research on Chinese practice.
Chapter Three explains that the library transformation is a natural response to the development of the time.With the high integration and interconnection of information technology,the way of life and work of the public have changed dramatically.All walks of life,including libraries,are facing the challenge of industrial transformation and upgrading.The overall development trend of library field in China is good,but there is a huge gap between the library services and the users' demands towards information.Libraries must adapt to the new normal and new types through transformation.In order to promote service economy,civic quality,a culturally-strong country,and to promote the social construction and ecological civilization construction,the society has put forward new requirements on the library.Therefore,libraries are facing severe challenges in investment,population size and structure,human resources and technology,competition from other industries,and internal governance.Only through the transformation,can the libraries optimize the work flow,save the operation cost and improve the service quality.Therefore,library transformation is imperative.The transformation of library is not a total negation of traditional library,but an upgrade based on the original,which is a gradual process.In this book,the library transformation in China is mainly summarized as follows:the transformation of service mode,the transformation of business process and the transformation of organizational structure.
Chapter Four analyzes the risk measurement and the sources of risk.Different libraries take different transformation measures,however,their evaluation criteria are consistent,that is,transformation can achieve the expected goal,improve user satisfaction,improve work efficiency,save work cost,further improve the cohesion of the library organization,highlight its key role in the development of public culture.We can specifically use transformation efficiency and transformation cost,transformation benefits and transformation culture to measure risk.We use transformation efficiency,transformation cost,transformation benefit and transformation culture to measure the risks.This book summarizes the uncertainties in library transformation through three aspects:transformation of service mode,business process and organization structure,which relate to the library funds,human resources,law,value orientation and other aspects.
Chapter Five screens the risk factors of library transformation in China.This book uses the principle of systematicness,integrity and importance to screen risk factors.On the basis of investigation of international organizations and the status quo of domestic library transformation,and according to the users' feedback on the social media platform and media reports,this book summarizes 40 risk factors,including library business,strategy,finance,human resources,law,operation,technology and value,and consult the views of the insiders in the library field.Using factor analysis and reducing dimension,this book sums up 6 major categories of risks,which are the operational risk,technical risk,environmental risk,legal risk,financial risk and value risk,totally 29 risk factors.
Chapter Six,through questionnaire survey with application of five-level Likert Scale,conducts an investigation on the knowledge and awareness of library insiders of transformation risk and the underlying consequences.This book has found that the awareness level of library insiders to library transformation risk is almost unanimous.The average values of possibility of most risks and their consequences are above grade 3.It is acknowledged by the insiders that there is a great potential to risks brought about by transformation,but they are not sure about the underlying consequences.This book makes a detailed and thorough explanation on transformation risks by analysis from different natures of library,different occupational levels and backgrounds of subjects,different development levels of library.It is found that,in terms of the nature of the library,environmental risk is considered to be the highest risk factor for all types of libraries.It can be seen that it is the consensus of the industry that the external environment will have a huge impact on the value of the library.Value risk is considered to be a lower risk category for all types of libraries;from the perspective of the professional level of the library industry,the practitioners in charge of professional and business work have a relatively objective understanding of the risk,and the leaders have a stronger sense of risk Knowledge,the overall risk awareness level is significantly higher than that of the professionals engaged in technology,business work and teaching work,and they show more concern about the impact of external factors on the status of the library.From the perspective of the professional background of the practitioners,the risk perception of those who only have the background of non library and information science is significantly lower than that of those who have the background of library and information science.From the perspective of development level,the risk perception of Library practitioners in the western region is much higher than the overall data.This book further analyzes the transformation risk from the three dimensions(subjectivity-objectivity,within and beyond the industry,and leadership and management),so as to understand the nature of risk more comprehensively.
Chapter Seven summarizes the main transformation risks of Chinese libraries.Environmental risk,which objectively exists outside the industry,is caused by the change of external information environment,technical environment and user environment.These risks cannot be well controlled in the industry,once they happen,they will cause a great impact on the library.The external objective information environment and economic environment directly affect the transformation trend of the library to a large extent.With the emergence of subversive information technology and the ever-changing information needs of users,the library should adjust its operation strategies at any time.Operational risk is a type of factors that co-ordinate the overall development direction of library transformation and controls the transformation process.The clear transformation direction is the key factor to ensure the smooth progress of the transformation,but there are still risks such as uncertain transformation development models and difficulties in adjusting the organizational structure.Financial risk,funding is the lifeblood of the library and the foundation of the library,while,the shortage of funding has become a common problem in the world library industry.Insufficient funding is the key factor restricting transformation.At present,Chinese libraries face inadequate investment guarantees,insufficient financial investment sustainability,and low enthusiasm for investing in social forces.Legal risks,it specifically means the lack of relevant policy support during the library transformation process.At present,the legal status of libraries in China is obscure,libraries ignore responsibilities and obligations,and library privilege policies are lacking.Technical risks,it means some “breakthrough technologies” and “disruptive technologies” have caused a great impact on the library's traditional information technology.The adoption of library technology is relatively slow,and the technology integration effect is not good.Value risk refers specifically to the impact of transformation on the social value status of libraries,which mainly includes the social visibility of library values and the weakening of traditional services.
Chapter Eight concludes the law of the variation of libraries transformation risks in China.It is found out that the transformation risks are universal,predictable,variable and relative.Transformation is a must for the enhancement of library social status and value.Meanwhile,uncertainties such as investment,financial support,technology update and support from laws and policies may bring risks to the transformation,thus impeding further development of library.Development and uncertainties do exist and these two opposing factors interact with each other,causing risks in the process of transformation.Also the differences of perception between library staff and customers may act as a “catalyst” for risks that may induce greater risks.
Chapter Nine discusses the strategies of governing library transformation risks.Adhering to the principles of risk identification in a forward-looking way,professional risk management,legitimate risk migration and socialized risk governance,this book proposes to control risks through environment observation,optimize governance and migration risks,reduces risks through business innovation and to build systems to avoid risks.
Chapter Ten summarizes the research of the book,points out the limitations of the study,and puts forward the areas for future research.This book believes that,(1)we should use the risk measurement of Library transformation,realize the risk foresight through certain theories or technical means,deal with the uncertainty of decision-making with systematic methods,monitor the transformation risk in time,improve the controllability of risk,and ensure the smooth progress of Library transformation;(2)Library transformation should face up to risks and prevent transformation disasters.Development and risks are inseparable.The essence of the choice of development path is risk-based decision-making.We should face up to the nature of risks and make scientific decisions to prevent transformation risks from evolving into disasters;(3)insiders ignore the cognition of Library transformation.Although risks exist objectively,in terms of a specific risk,risk accidents The occurrence of risk is accidental,or random,that is to say,some risks have not caused great losses,which may cause the insiders to ignore some risks with fluke psychology or cognition,make clear the existence of risks,identify risks is the first step to realize risk management,and the neglect of risks undoubtedly increases the potential damage degree of risks;(4)establish a sense of risk culture,build a theory of library risk governance based on the perspective of uncertainty,and promote the healthy development of Chinese library.
Key Words:Library;Transformation;Risk;Uncertainty.