Preface 3
For those of us in the international community who work as pediatric clinical pharmacologists it is exciting to see the publication of the second edition of Prof.Li Wang’s textbook.The need for a comprehensive volume of this kind is great in any country but this is particularly so in China where such a large proportion of the world’s children reside.
As the world population has now passed 7 billion,the number of children is likely close to 2.5 billion,with particular concentrations in China,India and Africa.These children deserve the best evidence based therapy achievable and yet there are relatively few clinical specialists,scientists and dedicated pharmacists,pharmacologists and toxicologists who have knowledge in the evaluation of therapies used in the treatment of infants,children and youth.A volume such as this will help immeasurably in extending access to the knowledge required for optimal decision making in drug therapy.
The establishment three years ago of a Pediatric Clinical Pharmacology sub-section of the Chinese Pediatric Society was a milestone for the progress of pediatric clinical pharmacology as a discipline in China.The publishing of this book represents another symbol of the progress being made.
As a pioneer in Chinese pediatric clinical pharmacology Dr Wang is to be commended for the enormous effort required to complete a publication of this scope.She has assured coverage of all of the critical topics in pediatric clinical pharmacology and therapeutic choice.This publication includes the latest evidence based recommendations and will help all clinicians in the pursuit of the best possible clinical outcomes in conditions affecting infants,children and youth.
Stuart MacLeod,MD,PhD,FRCPC
Professor,Department of Pediatrics
Past Vice President,Academic Liaison&
Research Coordination
University of British Columbia
Child&Family Research Institute
March 20,2014