Learning Paradigms
In this section, we will discuss the similarities and differences between the three main learning paradigms under the umbrella of machine learning. We will analyze some representative problems in order to understand the characteristics of these frameworks better.
Introduction to Learning Paradigms
For a learning paradigm, we implement a problem and a solution method. Usually, learning paradigms deal with data and rephrase the problem in a way that can be solved by finding parameters and maximizing an objective function. In these settings, the problem can be faced using mathematical and optimization tools, allowing a formal study. The term "learning" is often used to represent a dynamic process of adapting the algorithm's parameters in such a way as to optimize their performance (that is, to learn) on a given task. Tom Mitchell defined learning in a precise way, as follows:
"A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P, if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E."
Let's rephrase the preceding definition more intuitively. To define whether a program is learning, we need to set a task; that is the goal of the program. The task can be everything we want the program to do, that is, play a game of chess, do autonomous driving, or carry out image classification. The problem should be accompanied by a performance measure, that is, a function that returns how well the program is performing on that task. For the chess game, a performance function can simply be represented by the following:

Figure 1.1: A performance function for a game of chess
In this context, the experience is the amount of data collected by the program at a specific moment. For chess, the experience is represented by the set of games played by the program.
The same input presented at the beginning of the learning phase or the end of the learning phase can result in different responses (that is, outputs) from the algorithm; the differences are caused by the algorithm's parameters being updated during the process.
In the following table, we can see some examples of the experience, task, and performance tuples to better understand their concrete instantiations:

Figure 1.2: Table for instantiations
It is possible to classify the learning algorithms based on the input they have and on the feedback they receive. In the following section, we will look at the three main learning paradigms in the context of machine learning based on this classification.
Supervised versus Unsupervised versus RL
The three main learning paradigms are supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and RL. The following figure represents the general schema of each of these learning paradigms:

Figure 1.3: Representation of learning paradigms
From the preceding figure, we can derive the following information:
- Supervised learning minimizes the error of the output of the model with respect to a target specified in the training set.
- RL maximizes the reward signal of the actions.
- Unsupervised learning has no target and no reward; it tries to learn a data representation that can be useful.
Let's go more in-depth and elaborate on these concepts further, particularly from a mathematical perspective.
Supervised learning deals with learning a function by mapping an input to an output when the correspondences between the input and output (sample, label) are given by an external teacher (supervisor) and are contained in a training set. The objective of supervised learning is to generalize to unseen samples that are not included in the dataset, resulting in a system (for example, a function) that is able to respond correctly in new situations. Here, the correspondences between the sample and label are usually known (for example, in the training set) and given to the system. Examples of supervised learning tasks include regression and classification problems. In a regression task, the learner has to find a function, , of the input,
, producing a (or
, in general) real output,
. In mathematical notation, we have to find
such that:

Figure 1.4: Regression
Here, is known for the examples in the training set. In a classification task, the function to be learned is a discrete mapping;
belongs to a finite and discrete set. Formalizing the problem, we search for a discrete-valued function,
, such that:

Figure 1.5: Classification
Here, the set, , represents the set of possible classes or categories.
Unsupervised learning deals with learning patterns in the data when the target label is not present or is unknown. The objective of unsupervised learning is to find a new, usually smaller, representation of data. Examples of unsupervised learning algorithms include clustering and Principal Component Analysis (PCA).
In a clustering task, the learner should split the dataset into clusters (a group of elements) according to some similarity measure. At first glance, clustering may seem very similar to classification; however, as an unsupervised learning task, the labels, or classes, are not given to the algorithm inside the training set. Indeed, it is the algorithm itself that should make sense of its inputs, by learning a representation of the input space in such a way that similar samples are close to each other.
For example, in the following figure, we have the original data on the left; on the right, we have the possible output of a clustering algorithm. Different colors denote different clusters:

Figure 1.6: An example of a clustering application
In the preceding example, the input space is composed of two dimensions, that is, , and the algorithm found three clusters or three groups of similar elements.
PCA is an unsupervised algorithm used for dimensionality reduction and feature extraction. PCA tries to make sense of data by searching for a representation that contains most of the information from the given data.
RL is different from both supervised and unsupervised learning. RL deals with learning control actions in a sequential decision-making problem. The sequential structure of the problem makes RL challenging and different from the two other paradigms. Moreover, in supervised and unsupervised learning, the dataset is fixed. In RL, the dataset is continuously changing, and dataset creation is itself the agent's task. In RL, different from supervised learning, no teacher provides the correct value for a given sample or the right action for a given situation. RL is based on a different form of feedback, which is the environment's feedback evaluating the behavior of the agent. It is precisely the presence of feedback that also makes RL different from unsupervised learning.
We will explore these concepts in more detail in future sections:

Figure 1.7: Machine learning paradigms and their relationships
RL and supervised learning can also be mixed up. A common technique (also used by AlphaGo Zero) is called imitation learning (or behavioral cloning). Instead of learning a task from scratch, we teach the agent in a supervised way how to behave (or which action to take) in a given situation. In this context, we have an expert (or multiple experts) demonstrating to the agent the desired behavior. In this way, the agent can start building its internal representation and its initial knowledge. Its actions won't be random at all when the RL part begins, and its behavior will be more focused on the actions shown by the expert.
Let's now look at a few scenarios that will help us to classify the problems in a better manner.
Classifying Common Problems into Learning Scenarios
In this section, we will understand how it is possible to frame some common real-world problems into a learning framework by defining the required elements.
Predicting Whether an Image Contains a Dog or a Cat
Predicting the content of an image is a standard classification example; therefore, it lies under the umbrella of supervised learning. Here, we are given a picture, and the algorithm should decide whether the image contains a dog or a cat. The input is the image, and the associated label can be 0 for cats and 1 for dogs.
For a human, this is a straightforward task, as we have an internal representation of dogs and cats (as well as an internal representation of the world), and we are trained extensively in our life to recognize dogs and cats. Despite this, writing an algorithm that is able to identify whether an image contains a dog or a cat is a difficult task without machine learning techniques. For a human, it is elementary to know whether the image is of a dog or cat; it is also easy to create a simple dataset of images of cats and dogs.
Why Not Unsupervised Learning?
Unsupervised learning is not suited to this type of task as we have a defined output we need to obtain from an input. Of course, supervised learning methods build an internal representation of the input data in which similarities are better exploited. This representation is only implicit; it is not the output of the algorithm as is the case in unsupervised learning.
Why Not RL?
RL, by definition, considers sequential decision-making problems. Predicting the content of an image is not a sequential problem, but instead a one-shot task.
Detecting and Classifying All Dogs and Cats in an Image
Detection and classification are two examples of supervised learning problems. However, this task is more complicated than the previous one. The detection part can be seen as both a regression and classification problem at the same time. The input is always the image we want to analyze, and the output is the coordinate of the bounding boxes for each dog or cat in the picture. Associated with each bounding box, we have a label to classify the content in the region of interest as a dog or a cat:

Figure 1.8: Cat and dog detection and classification
Why Not Unsupervised Learning?
As in the previous example, here, we have a determined output given an input (an image). We do not want to extract unknown patterns in the data.
Why Not RL?
Detection and classification are not tasks that are suited to the RL framework. We do not have a set of actions the agent should take to solve a problem. Also, in this case, the sequential structure is absent.
Playing Chess
Playing chess can be seen as an RL problem. The program can perceive the current state of the board (for example, the positions and types of pawns), and, based on that, it should decide which action to take. Here, the number of possible actions is vast. Selecting an action means to understand and anticipate the consequences of the move to defeat the opponent:

Figure 1.9: Chess as an RL problem
Why Not Supervised?
We can think of playing chess as a supervised learning problem, but we would need to have a dataset, and we should incorporate the sequential structure of the game into the supervised learning problem. In RL, there is no need to have a dataset; it is the algorithm itself that builds up a dataset through interaction and, possibly, self-play.
Why Not Unsupervised?
Unsupervised learning does not fit in this problem as we are not dealing with learning a representation of the data; we have a defined objective, which is winning the game.
In this section, we compared the three main learning paradigms. We saw the kind of data they have at their disposal, the type of interaction each algorithm has with the external world, and we analyzed some particular problems to understand which learning paradigm is best suited.
When facing a real-world problem, we always have to remember the distinction between these techniques, selecting the best one based on our goals, our data, and on the problem structure.