Applications of Reinforcement Learning
RL has exciting and useful applications in many different contexts. Recently, the usage of deep neural networks has augmented the number of possible applications considerably.
When used in a deep learning context, RL can also be referred to as deep RL.
The applications vary from games and video games to real-world applications, such as robotics and autonomous driving. In each of these applications, RL is a game-changer, allowing you to solve tasks that are considered to be almost impossible (or, at least, very difficult) without these techniques.
In this section, we will present some RL applications, describe the challenges of each application, and begin to understand why RL is preferred among other methods, along with its advantages and its drawbacks.
Nowadays, RL is widely used in video games and board games.
Games are used to benchmark RL algorithms because, usually, they are very complex to solve yet easy to implement and to evaluate. Games also represent a simulated reality in which the agent can freely move and behave without affecting the real environment:

Figure 1.36: Breakout – one of the most famous Atari games
The preceding screenshot has been sourced from the official documentation of OpenAI Gym. Please refer to the following link for more examples:
Despite appearing to be secondary or relatively limited-use applications, games represent a useful benchmark for RL and, in general, artificial intelligence algorithms. Very often, artificial intelligence algorithms are tested on games due to the significant challenges that arise in these scenarios.
The two main characteristics required to play games are planning and real-time control.
An algorithm that is not able to plan won't be able to win strategic games. Having a long-term plan is also fundamental in the early stages of a game. Planning is also fundamental in real-world applications in which taken actions may have long-term consequences.
Real-time control is another fundamental challenge that requires an algorithm to be able to respond within a small timeframe. This challenge is similar to one an algorithm has to face when applied to real-world cases such as autonomous driving, robot control, and many others. In these cases, the algorithm can't evaluate all the possible actions or all the possible consequences of these actions; therefore, the algorithm should learn an efficient (and maybe compressed) state representation and should understand the consequences of its actions without simulating all of the possible scenarios.
Recently, RL has been able to exceed human performance in games such as Go, and in video games such as Dota II and StarCraft, thanks to work done by DeepMind and OpenAI.
Go is a very complex, highly strategic board game. In Go, two players are competing against each other. The aim is to use the game pieces, also called stones, to surround more territory than the opponent. At each turn, the player can place its stone in a vacant intersection on the board. At the end of the game, when no player can place a stone, the player surrounding more territories wins.
Go has been studied for many years to understand the strategies and moves necessary to lead a player to victory. Until recently, no algorithm succeeded in producing strong players – even algorithms working very well for similar games, such as chess. This difficulty is due to Go's huge search space, the variety of possible moves, and the average length (in terms of moves) of Go games, which, for example, is longer than the average length of chess games. RL, and in particular AlphaGo by DeepMind, succeeded recently in beating a human player on a standard dimension board. AlphaGo is actually a mix of RL, supervised learning, and tree search algorithms trained on an extensive set of games from both human and artificial players. AlphaGo denoted a real milestone in artificial intelligence history, which was made possible mainly due to the advances in RL algorithms and their improved efficiency.
The successor of AlphaGo is AlphaGo Zero. AlphaGo Zero has been trained fully in a self-play fashion, learning from itself completely with no human intervention (Zero comes from this characteristic). It is currently the world's top player at Go and Chess:

Figure 1.37: The Go board
Both AlphaGo and AlphaGo Zero used a deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to learn a suitable game representation starting from the "raw" board. This peculiarity shows that a deep CNN can also extract features starting from a sparse representation such as the Go board. One of the main strengths of RL is that it can use, in a transparent way, machine learning models that are widely studied in other fields or problems.
Deep convolutional networks are usually used for classification or segmentation problems that, at first glance, might seem very different from RL problems. Actually, the way CNNs are used in RL is very similar to a classification or a regression problem. The CNN of AlphaGo Zero, for example, takes the raw board representation and outputs the probabilities for each possible action together with the value of each action. It can be seen as a classification and regression problem at the same time. The difference is that the labels, or actions in the case of RL, are not given in the training set, rather it is the algorithm itself that has to discover the real labels through interaction. AlphaGo, the predecessor of AlphaGo Zero, used two different networks: one for action probabilities and another for value estimates. This technique is called actor-critic. The network tasked with predicting actions is called the actor, and the network that has to evaluate actions is called the critic.
Dota 2
Dota 2 is a complex, real-time strategy game in which there are two teams of five players competing, with each player controlling a "hero." The characteristics of Dota, from an RL perspective, are as follows:
- Long-Time Horizon: A Dota game can have around 20,000 moves and can last for 45 minutes. As a reference, a chess game ends before 40 moves and a Go game ends before 150 moves.
- Partially Observed State: In Dota, agents can only see a small portion of the full map, that is, only the portion around them. A strong player should make predictions about the position of the enemies and their actions. As a reference, Go and Chess are fully observable games where agents can see the whole situation and the actions taken by the opponents.
- High-Dimensional and Continuous Action Space: Dota has a vast number of actions available to each player at each step. The possible actions have been discretized by researchers in around 170,000 actions, with an average of 1,000 possible actions for each step. In comparison, the number of average actions in chess is 35, and in Go, it is 250. With a huge action space, learning becomes very difficult.
- High-Dimensional and Continuous Observation Space: While Chess and Go have a discretized observation space, Dota has a continuous state space with around 20,000 dimensions. The state space, as we will learn later in the book, includes all of the information available to players that must be taken into consideration when selecting an action. In a video game, the state space is represented by the characteristics and position of the enemies, the state of the current player, including its ability, its equipment, and its health status, and other domain-specific features.
OpenAI Five, the RL algorithm able to exceed human performance at Dota, is composed of five neural networks collaborating together. The algorithm learns to play by itself through self-play, playing an equivalent of 180 years per day. The algorithm used for training the five neural networks is called Proximal Policy Optimization, representing the current state of the art of RL algorithms.
To read more on OpenAI Five, refer to the following link:
StarCraft has characteristics that make it very similar to Dota, including a huge number of moves per play, imperfect information available to players, and highly dimensional state and action spaces. AlphaStar, the player developed by DeepMind, is the first artificial intelligence agent able to reach the top league without any game restrictions. AlphaStar uses machine learning techniques such as neural networks, self-play through RL, multi-agent learning methods, and imitation learning to learn from other human players in a supervised way.
For further reading on AlphaStar, refer to the following paper:
Robot Control
Robots are starting to become ubiquitous nowadays and are widely used in various industries because of their ability to perform repetitive tasks in a precise and efficient way. RL can be beneficial for robotics applications, by simplifying the development of complex behaviors. At the same time, robotics applications represent a set of benchmark and real-world validations for RL algorithms. Researchers test their algorithm on robotic tasks such as locomotion (for example, learning to move) or grasping (for example, learning how to grasp an object). Robotics offers unique challenges, such as the curse of dimensionality, the effective usage of samples (also called sample efficiency), the possibility of transferring knowledge from similar or simulated tasks, and the need for safety:

Figure 1.38: A robotic task from the Gym robotics suite
The preceding diagram has been sourced from the official documentation for OpenAI Gym:
Please refer to the link for more examples of robot control.
The curse of dimensionality is a challenge that can also be found in supervised learning applications. Still, in these cases, it is softened by restricting the space of possible solutions to a limited class of functions or by injecting prior knowledge elements in the models through architectural decisions. Robots usually have many degrees of freedom, making the space of possible states and possible actions very large.
Robots interact with the physical environment by definition. The interaction of a real robot with an environment is usually time-consuming, and it can be dangerous. Usually, RL algorithms require millions of samples (or episodes) in order to become efficient. Sample efficiency is a problem in this field, as the required time may be impractical. The usage of collected samples in a smart way is the key to successful RL-based robotics applications. A technique that can be used in these cases is the so-called sim2real, in which an initial learning phase is practiced in a simulated environment that is usually safer and faster than the real environment. After this phase, the learned behavior is transferred to the real robot in the real environment. This technique requires a simulated environment that is very similar to the real environment or the generalization capabilities of the algorithm.
Autonomous Driving
Autonomous driving is another exciting application of RL. The main challenge this task presents is the lack of precise specifications. In autonomous driving, it is challenging to formalize what it means to drive well, whether steering in a given situation is good or bad, or whether the driver should accelerate or break. As with robotic applications, autonomous driving can also be hazardous. Testing an RL algorithm, or, in general, a machine learning algorithm, on a driving task, is very problematic and raises many concerns.
Aside from the concerns, the autonomous driving scenario fits very well in the RL framework. As we will explore later in the book, we can think of the driver as the decision-maker. At each step, they receive an observation. The observation includes the road's state, the current velocity, the acceleration, and all of the car's characteristics. The driver, based on the current state, should make a decision corresponding to what to do with the car's commands, steering, brakes, and acceleration. Designing a rule-based system that is able to drive in real situations is complicated, due to the infinite number of different situations to confront. For this reason, a learning-based system would be far more efficient and effective in tasks such as this.
There are many simulated environments available for developing efficient algorithms in the context of autonomous driving, listed as follows:
Voyage Deepdrive:
AWS DeepRacer:
In this section, we analyzed some interesting RL applications, the main challenges of them, and the main techniques used by researchers. Games, robotics, and autonomous driving are just some examples of real-world RL applications, but there are many others. In the remainder of this book, we will deep pe into RL; we will understand its components and the techniques presented in this chapter.