- Practical Site Reliability Engineering
- Pethuru Raj Chelliah Shreyash Naithani Shailender Singh
- 1481字
- 2021-06-10 19:08:03
Kubernetes for container orchestration
A MSA requires the creating and clubbing together of several fine-grained and easily manageable services that are lightweight, independently deployable, horizontally scalable, extremely portable, and so on. Containers provides an ideal hosting and run time environment for the accelerated building, packaging, shipping, deployment, and delivery of microservices. Other benefits include workload isolation and automated life-cycle management. With a greater number of containers (microservices and their instances) being stuffed into every physical machine, the operational and management complexities of containerized cloud environments are on the higher side. Also, the number of multi-container applications is increasing quickly. Thus, we need a standardized orchestration platform along with container cluster management capability. Kubernetes is the popular container cluster manager, and it consists of several architectural components, including pods, labels, replication controllers, and services. Let's take a look at them:
- As mentioned elsewhere, there are several important ingredients in the Kubernetes architecture. Pods are the most visible, viable, and ephemeral units that comprise one or more tightly coupled containers. That means containers within a pod sail and sink together. There is no possibility of monitoring, measuring, and managing individual containers within a pod. In other words, pods are the base unit of operation for Kubernetes. Kubernetes does not operate at the level of containers. There can be multiple pods in a single server node and data sharing easily happens in between pods. Kubernetes automatically provision and allocate pods for various services. Each pod has its own IP address and shares the localhost and volumes. Based on the faults and failures, additional pods can be quickly provisioned and scheduled to ensure the continuity of services. Similarly, under heightened loads, Kubernetes adds additional resources in the form of pods to ensure system and service performance. Depending on the traffic, resources can be added and removed to fulfil the goal of elasticity.
- Labels are typically the metadata that is attached to objects, including pods.
- Replication controllers, as articulated previously, have the capability to create new pods leveraging a pod template. That is, as per the configuration, Kubernetes is able to run the sufficient number of pods at any point in time. Replication controllers accomplish this unique demand by continuously polling the container cluster. If there is any pod going down, this controller software immediately jumps into action to incorporate an additional pod to ensure that the specified number of pods with a given set of labels are running within the container cluster.
- Services is another capability that embedded into Kubernetes architecture. This functionality and facility offers a low-overhead way to route all kinds of service requests to a set of pods to accomplish the requests. Labels is the way forward for selecting the most appropriate pods. Services provide methods to externalize legacy components, such as databases, with a cluster. They also provide stable endpoints as clusters shrink and grow and become configured and reconfigured across new nodes within the cluster manager. Their job is to remove the pain of keeping track of application components that exist within a cluster instance.
The fast proliferation of application and data containers in producing composite services is facilitated through the leveraging of Kubernetes, and it fastening the era of containerization. Both traditional and modern IT environments are embracing this compartmentalization technology to surmount some of the crucial challenges and concerns of the virtualization technology.
API Gateways and management suite: This is another platform for bringing in reliable client and service interactions. The various features and functionalities of API tools include the following:
- It acts as a router. It is the only entry point to our collection of microservices. This way, microservices are not needed to be public anymore but are behind an internal network. An API Gateway is responsible for making requests against a service or another one (service discovery).
- It acts as a data aggregator. API Gateway fetches data from several services and aggregates it to return a single rich response. Depending on the API consumer, data representation may change according to the needs, and here is where backend for frontend (BFF) comes into play.
- It is a protocol abstraction layer. The API Gateway can be exposed as a REST API or a GraphQL or whatever, no matter what protocol or technology is being used internally to communicate with the microservices.
- Error management is centralized. When a service is not available, is getting too slow, and so on, the API Gateway can provide data from the cache, default responses or make smart decisions to avoid bottlenecks or fatal errors propagation. This keeps the circuit closed (circuit breaker) and makes the system more resilient and reliable.
- The granularity of APIs provided by microservices is often different than what a client needs. Microservices typically provide fine-grained APIs, which means that clients need to interact with multiple services. The API Gateway can combine these multiple fine-grained services into a single combined API that clients can use, thereby simplifying the client application and improving performance.
- Network performance is different for different types of clients. The API Gateway can define device-specific APIs that reduce the number of calls required to be made over slower WAN or mobile networks. The API Gateway being a server-side application makes it more efficient to make multiple calls to backend services over LAN.
- The number of service instances and their locations (host and port) changes dynamically. The API Gateway can incorporate these backend changes without requiring frontend client applications by determining backend service locations.
- Different clients may need different levels of security. For example, external applications may need a higher level of security to access the same APIs that internal applications may access without the additional security layer.
Service mesh solutions for microservice resiliency: Distributed computing is the way forward for running web-scale applications and big-data analytics. By the horizontal scalability and individual life cycle of management of various application modules (microservices) of customer-facing applications, the aspect of distributed deployment of IT resources (highly programmable and configurable bare metal servers, virtual machines, and containers) is being insisted. That is, the goal of the centralized management of distributed deployment of IT resources and applications has to be fulfilled. Such kinds of monitoring, measurement, and management is required for ensuring proactive, preemptive, and prompt failure anticipation and correction of all sorts of participating and contributing constituents. In other words, accomplishing the resiliency target is given much importance with the era of distributed computing. Policy establishment and enforcement is a proven way for bringing in a few specific automations. There are programming language-specific frameworks to add additional code and configuration into application code for implementing highly available and fault-tolerant applications.
It is therefore paramount to have a programming-agnostic resiliency and fault-tolerance framework in the microservices world. Service mesh is the appropriate way forward for creating and sustaining resilient microservices. Istio, an industry-strength open source framework, provides an easy way to create this service mesh. The following diagram conveys the difference between the traditional ESB tool-based and service-oriented application integration and the lightweight and elastic microservices-based application interactions:

A service mesh is a software solution for establishing a mesh out of all kinds of participating and contributing services. This mesh software enables the setting up and sustaining of inter-service communication. The service mesh is a kind of infrastructure solution. Consider the following:
- A given microservice does not directly communicate with the other microservices.
- Instead, all service-to-service communications take place on a service mesh software solution, which is a kind of sidecar proxy. Sidecar is a famous software integration pattern.
- Service mesh provides the built-in support for some of the critical network functions such as microservice resiliency and discovery.
That is, the core and common network services are being identified, abstracted, and delivered through the service mesh solution. This enables service developers to focus on business capabilities alone. That is, business-specific features are with services, whereas all the horizontal (technical, network communication, security, enrichment, intermediation, routing, and filtering) services are being implemented in the service mesh software. For instance, today, the circuit-breaking pattern is being implemented and inscribed in the service code. Now, this pattern is being accomplished through a service mesh solution.
The service mesh software works across multiple languages. That is, services can be coded using any programming and script languages. Also, there are several text and binary data transmission protocols. Microservices, to talk to other microservices, have to interact with the service mesh for initiating service communication. This service-to-service mesh communication can happen over all the standard protocols, such as HTTP1.x/2.x, gRPC, and so on. We can write microservices using any technology, and they still work with the service mesh. The following diagram illustrates the contributions of the service mesh in making microservices resilient:

Finally, when resilient services get composed, we can produce reliable applications. Thus, the resiliency of all participating microservices leads to applications that are highly dependable.