Virtualization-based platform deployment
Virtual environments may be losing momentum in the microservice domain after the entrance of Docker and Rocket entrance in the market, but many companies are still invested in them. Virtual machines keep all the microservice design principles intact, so fundamentally, we can't remove them from the microservice platform list. The tools for deployment include the following:
- Traditional scripts (such as Windows PowerShell or Linux Bash): These are very handy, but I wouldn't recommend them, as easier options are available. For example, we can use the Serverless tool for FaaS deployment or Ansible for any package or code deployment on VMs, Kubernetes, or OpenShift. Learning those tools is likely to be more helpful.
- Traditional Makefiles: People are using it in inventive way, and they are deploying using it. These are often thought of as dominating the build world, but they can be easily used in the deployment world as well.
- Capistrano: This is an open source tool used to run scripts on many servers at the same time.
- CI/CD: This is based on traditional tools, such as Jenkins or TeamCity.
There are also a variety of enterprise products available, which are often built for monolithic or SOA-based applications. Vendors are extending their functionalities so that they support container platforms as well:
- HP HPSA (previously known as Opsware)