Working with ROS actionlib

In ROS services, the user implements a request/reply interaction between two nodes, but if the reply takes too much time or the server is not finished with the given work, we have to wait until it completes, blocking the main application while waiting for the termination of the requested action. In addition, the calling client could be implemented to monitor the execution of the remote process. In these cases, we should implement our application using actionlib. This is another method in ROS in which we can preempt the running request and start sending another one if the request is not finished on time as we expected. Actionlib packages provide a standard way to implement these kinds of preemptive tasks. Actionlib is highly used in robot arm navigation and mobile robot navigation. We can see how to implement an action server and action client implementation.

There is another method in ROS in which we can preempt the running request and start sending another one if the request is not finished on time as we expected. Actionlib packages provide a standard way to implement these kinds of preemptive tasks. Actionlib is highly used in robot arm navigation and mobile robot navigation. We can see how to implement an action server and action client implementation.

Like ROS services, in actionlib, we have to specify the action specification. The action specification is stored inside the action file having an extension of .action. This file must be kept inside the action folder, which is inside the ROS package. The action file has the following parts:

  • Goal: The action client can send a goal that has to be executed by the action server. This is similar to the request in the ROS service. For example, if a robot arm joint wants to move from 45 degrees to 90 degrees, the goal here is 90 degrees.
  • Feedback: When an action client sends a goal to the action server, it will start executing a callback function. Feedback is simply giving the progress of the current operation inside the callback function. Using the feedback definition, we can get the current progress. In the preceding case, the robot arm joint has to move to 90 degrees; in this case, the feedback can be the intermediate value between 45 and 90 degrees in which the arm is moving.
  • Result: After completing the goal, the action server will send a final result of completion, it can be the computational result or an acknowledgment. In the preceding example, if the joint reaches 90 degrees it achieves the goal and the result can be anything indicating it finished the goal.

We can discuss a demo action server and action client here. The demo action client will send a number as the goal. When an action server receives the goal, it will count from 0 to the goal number with a step size of 1 and with a 1 second delay. If it completes before the given time, it will send the result; otherwise, the task will be preempted by the client. The feedback here is the progress of counting. The action file of this task is as follows. The action file is named Demo_action.action:

#goal definition 
int32 count 
#result definition 
int32 final_count 
int32 current_number 

Here, the count value is the goal in which the server has to count from zero to this number. final_count is the result, in which the final value after completion of a task and current_number is the feedback value. It will specify how much the progress is.

Navigate to mastering_ros_demo_pkg/src and you can find the action server node as demo_action_server.cpp and action client node as demo_action_client.cpp.