- Effective Amazon Machine Learning
- Alexis Perrier
- 208字
- 2021-07-03 00:17:54
Creating a user
Let's start by creating your user. Go to the IAM dashboard at https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/ and click on Users on the left sidebar. The user creation process is straightforward:
- Click Create New Users.
- Enter your user name. Keep the Generate an access key for each user checkbox selected.
At that point, your user is created and you can choose to view and download the user security credentials. One of these two keys, the Secret Access Key, will no longer be available once you move away from this page. Be sure to copy or download the two keys now. If you lose the keys, you can always recreate a pair of new keys for that user from the IAM > Users dashboard. This screenshot is an example of the two user keys for the AML@Packt user we just created. Your keys will obviously be different than these ones:

And that's it! Your AML@Packt user has been created. You can use AML@Packt's access keys to access and manage AWS services via APIs and the command line. At this point, the AML@Packt user has unlimited access to all AWS services. In order to restrict the access scope of that user, you will need to attach policies to the user.