
I would like to thank my wife, Rita, for all her help and support during moments when I wasn't around due to writing this book. I would like to dedicate this book to my little girl, Alice, who has inspired me to do it. I also want to express my gratitude and thanks to Vinay Argekar for giving me the opportunity to author this book and all his patience with me; without him, this book wouldn't have been here.

I also want to thank all my mentors and dear friends who helped me improve over the years: Adalberto Aguiar, Pedro Almeida, Jaime Pocinho, Alberto Nunes, and last but not least, Paulo Lopes. Without these gentlemen, I wouldn't have reached the point of excellence I am at today. Also, a word to my dear friends who kept pushing me to finish the book (you're too many to be listed): a big thank you!