What this book covers

Chapter 1, Responsive Web Design, looks at the basic principle behind responsive web design, explains the basic technicalities to build a responsive website and features a couple of responsive frameworks as well as the advantages of using one.

Chapter 2, Web Development Tools, helps you to prepare, install, and set up the software to run projects and build responsive websites.

Chapter 3, Constructing a Simple Responsive Blog with Responsive.gs, introduces the Responsive.gs framework and builds the HTML structure of a blog using several HTML5 elements and the Responsive.gs grid system.

Chapter 4, Enhancing the Blog Appearance, composes CSS style rules to enhance the blog's look and feel. You will also learn how to manage blog styles modularly with partial style sheets and to compile them together into a single style sheet with a compiler.

Chapter 5, Developing a Portfolio Website with Bootstrap, builds a portfolio website with the Bootstrap framework components, including the grid system, button, and form as the base. We also learn how to use Bower to manage project libraries.

Chapter 6, Polishing the Responsive Portfolio Website with LESS, explores and teaches us the use of several LESS features, such as nesting, variables, and mixins, to write leaner and reusable style rules and eventually to polish the responsive portfolio website.

Chapter 7, A Responsive Website for Business with Foundation, builds a responsive website for a startup business using the Foundation framework grid system and components.

Chapter 8, Extending Foundation, teaches how to use Sass and SCSS syntax, such as variables, mixins, and function, to write maintainable and reusable styles for the responsive startup website.

Appendix, Pop Quiz Answers, contains answers to the multiple choice pop quizzes you will find throughout the book.