About the Author

John P. Doran is a technical game designer who has been creating games for over 10 years. He has worked on an assortment of games in teams with members ranging from just himself to over 70, in student, mod, and professional projects.

He previously worked at LucasArts on Star Wars: 1313 as a game design intern; the only junior designer on a team of seniors. He was also the lead instructor of DigiPen-Ubisoft Campus Game Programming Program, instructing graduate-level students in an intensive, advanced-level game programming curriculum.

John is currently a technical designer in DigiPen's Research and Development department. In addition to that, he also tutors and assists students on various subjects while giving lectures on game development, including C++, Unreal, Flash, Unity, and more.

In addition to this title, he has authored Getting Started with UDK and Mastering UDK Game Development, and co-authored UDK iOS Game Development Beginner's Guide; he is also the author of the UDK Game Development video—all available from Packt Publishing.

I want to thank my brother, Chris, and my wife, Hannah, for being supportive and patient with me as I spent my free time and weekends away from them to work on this book.

On that same note, as always, I also want to thank Samir Abou Samra and Elie Hosry for their support and encouragement while working on this book as well as the rest of the DigiPen Singapore staff.

Last but not least, I'd love to thank my family as well as my parents, Joseph and Sandra, who took me seriously when I told them I wanted to make games.