1 General
In 2012,the average precipitation in China was 688.0 mm,equivalent to 6,515.01 billion m3in volume,7.1%more than normal.The quantity of surface water resources was 2,837.33 billion m3,6.2%more than normal;the quantity of groundwater resources was 829.64 billion m3,2.8%more than normal;and the quantity of groundwater resources non-overlapping with surface water was 115.55 billion m3.The total quantity of water resources was 2,952.88 billion m3,6.6%more than normal.
In 2012,20.45 billion m3 of water flowed from abroad into China;532.02 billion m3flowed out of China;107.13 billion m3 flowed from China into the boundary rivers between China and other countries;and the total quantity of water flowing from China into the sea was 1,829.42 billion m3,or 609.88 billion m3 more than that in 2011.
The total water storage of 583 large-sized reservoirs and 3,271 medium-sized reservoirs in the country was increased by 29.76 billion m3in 2012.The year-end storage of shallow groundwater(unconfined water)was 3.41 billion m3 more than the year-beginning value in the groundwater exploitation areas of the northern plains.
In 2012,the national water supply/use in China was 613.12 billion m3,of which surface water accounted for 80.8%,groundwater 18.5%,and other water sources 0.7%;and domestic use accounted for 12.1%,industrial use 22.5%,agricultural use 63.6%,and ecological and environmental use(referred to artificial water supply for urban ecology and environment and part of water supplement to rivers,lakes and wetlands)1.8%.The national water consumption was 324.45 billion m3 with a consumption rate(proportion of consumption to use)of 53%.The national waste water discharge was 78.5 billion tons(not including those of once-through cooling water for thermal power generation and mining drainage).
In2012,thepercapitawateruseinthecountrywas454m3andthewateruseper10,000yuanofGDP(at currentprice)was118m3.Theirrigationwaterusepermu[1]offarmlandwas404m3withtheirrigationefficiency being0.516;thewateruseper10,000yuanofindustrialaddedvalue(atcurrentprice)69m 3;andthepercapita domesticwateruseinurbanareas216L/d(includingpublicwateruse)andthatinruralareas79L/d.Based oncomparableprice,thewaterusesper10,000yuanofGDPandindustrialaddedvaluedecreasedby14%and 20%onthe2010basis,respectively.
Water quality was evaluated for 201,000 km of river reaches in 2012.General water quality was medium.On the yearly basis,water quality of 67.0%of the total evaluated river reaches was Classes Ⅰ~Ⅲ,which was 2.8 percentage points higher than that in the last year.Water quality was evaluated for 112 lakes,28.6%of which or 44.2%by surface area was Classes Ⅰ~Ⅲ;and 65.2%of lakes were eutrophic state.Water quality were evaluated for 540 reservoirs,88.7%of which was Classes Ⅰ~Ⅲ;and trophic state was evaluated for 521 reservoirs and 32.6%were eutrophic state.3,277 areas under‘Important rivers and lakes water function area'catalog were evaluated,2,082 of which were conformed with requirement of key control indicators of limit pollutant redline in water function areas;and compliance rate was 63.5%.For provincial-border water bodies,water quality was evaluated for 494 cross-sections,and water quality of 63.6%was Classes Ⅰ~Ⅲ.
In 2012,drought,flood disasters and typhoon frequently occurred in the country.For the Yangtze River and the Yellow River,five peaks and four peaks passed rivers in upstream,respectively.Three Gorges reservoir confronted the greatest flood ever since it was built.Six violent or regular typhoons landed in a month.
Serious spring drought occurred in southwest area.The State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters(SFCDRH)and the Ministry of Water Resources(MWR)made responses scientifically.With relevant departments worked together,10.01 million people were distracted urgently and 870 thousand people trapped by flood were rescued.Number of deaths caused by flood disasters had decreased by 50%than normal years.Completed 259 million mu of anti-drought irrigation areas.Temporary drinking water difficulties were solved for 13.03 million people in the drought hit areas,having maximized protection of people's life,property and drinking water safety.
2012 is a year that development of water reform had momentum and achieved outstanding results.With the wise leadership by CPC Central Committee and the State Council,along with strong support by all localities and departments,water administrative departments at all levels have implemented the policies and arrangements conscientiously.Water-work has presented with rapid development momentum;policies from Central Committee have been implemented better and faster.Fundament construction conditions for rural water were continually improved.Key water project constructions were fully accelerated.The strictest system for water resources management was gradual implemented.Decomposed control indicators of‘The Three Red Lines'were confirmed for Provincial Administrative Regions(PARs).The systems of water resources justification and water abstraction permit were continued to strengthen.Water allocation for inter-provincial river regions were solid progressed.Deeply launched construction of water-saving society,and 30 national-level experimental sites were passed acceptance.Master plan for national water resource protection had established.‘Opinions for pollutant capacity checking and phased limit of total discharge for major rivers and lakes in China'were prepared.Evaluation for groundwater overdraft zones was conducted and normalized building on water sources zones has progressed.Water-ecology civilization building in pilot cities at national wide had initiated.Emergency of water pollution were properly handled.Unified dispatch for water quantity in rivers and lakes were organized.
Geographical Areas of Eastern China,Central China and Western China
Eastern China:Beijing,Tianjin,Hebei,Liaoning,Shanghai,Jiangsu,Zhejiang,Fujian,Shandong,
Guangdong and Hainan
Central China:Shanxi,Jilin,Heilongjiang,Anhui,Jiangxi,Henan,Hubei and Hunan
Western China:Inner Mongolia,Guangxi,Chongqing,Sichuan,Guizhou,Yunnan,Tibet,Shaanxi,Gansu,Qinghai,Ningxia and Xinjiang

[1]:① 1 mu=1/15 hm2.