- 阴—阳:为两架钢琴而作
- 张豪夫
- 1307字
- 2024-10-29 21:17:27

张豪夫(1952-),作曲家、自1997年任命为比利时布鲁塞尔皇家音乐学院教授及比利时文化部音乐评审委员会委员。毕业于西安音乐学院、比利时布鲁塞尔皇家音乐学院、巴黎高等师范音乐学院、巴黎现代声学/音乐研究院(I.R.C.A.M)。1991-1996年和俄罗斯作曲家杰尼索夫(Edison Denisov)的学习,深受其益和笃励。
1990年其作品《时间的移动》为大型管乐队与打击乐而作,荣获法国勒阿佛尔第四届国际作曲比赛第一名。同年12月他的作品《黄昏》为大提琴与交响乐队而作,荣获意大利罗马瓦朗迪努布施第十三届国际作曲比赛优秀奖。2002、2006年他的第二、第三《弦乐和四重奏》及钢琴曲《云林山水》分别两次荣获比利时皇家科学文学艺术研究院的作曲奖。2007年比利时布鲁塞尔皇家音乐学院授予他Prix Darche Frères创作奖,以奖励他在作曲领域的杰出贡献。2011年中央电视台“华人世界”制作为他个人专题片《张豪夫的音乐世界》。2014年11月他被评为比利时著作版权协会第一届Sabam Awards四位优秀作曲家之一。2016年由比利时第7届安德烈-迪茂尔蒂国际钢琴比赛,委约他为该比赛创作必弹钢琴作品《冷月无声》并专门设立此作品的单项演奏奖。
1982-1987年任中国广播艺术团专职作曲家,曾数次荣获全国专业作曲比赛奖和影视音乐创作奖。自1987年定居欧洲,他的作品已在欧洲、北美、亚洲等重要现代音乐节演出。如法国Presence、比利时ArsMusica、世界现代音乐联盟ISCM、北京现代音乐节等。更有如法国广播交响乐团、比利时国家交响乐团、比利时佛兰德尔交响乐团、北京和上海交响乐团、中央民族乐团等与他合作及委约作品。他的作品分别由比利时Cypres和Megadisc Classics两家唱片公司出版发行个人作品专辑《琴-箫》、《二人台》等。历年来多次应邀担任国际作曲比赛评委、主席以及艺术节筹委会委员、总监等。他的音乐结合了以东方综合性思维与西方分析性思维的两大文化互补的特点,灵活地运用了传统与现代的写作技法。他尊重世界一切人类先祖所创造的灿烂文化,但在创作上拒绝追随任何潮流。创造出他自己独有的音乐个性和思考:个人审美与普世关爱、抒情性与戏剧性的融会贯通,竭力追求艺术与精神的最高境界。
Zhang Haofu (1952-),composer,professor of the Royal Conservatory of Music of Brussels and member of the Belgian Ministry of Culture's Contemporary Music Review Committee since 1997. Graduated from the Xi'an Conservatory of Music, the Royal Conservatory of Music of Brussels, the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Paris and the Georges Pompidou Institute of Modern Music of Paris (IRCAM). From 1991 to 1996,he studied with the Russian composer, Edison Denisov, and was deeply encouraged by him.
In 1990,his work, "Le Cours du Temps-for wind and percussion orchestra" won the first prize at the 4th Havre International Composition Competition in France. In December of the same year, he was the first laureate with his work "Crépuscule-for cello and orchestra" at the 13th Valentino Bucchi International Composition Competition in Rome. In 2002 and 2006, he was awarded by the Belgian Royal Academy of Arts for three of his works,"Second String Quartet", "Third Siring Quartet" and "La Voûte Ethérée for piano". In 2007, the Royal Conservatoiy of Music of Brussels awarded him the Prix Darche Frères Award for his outstanding achievement in composition.In 2011,CCTV dedicated him the documentary "Zhang Haofu's Musical World" in the "Worldwide Overseas Chinese" programme. In November 2014,he was nominated for the SABAM awards as one out of four most outstanding composers in Belgium by the Belgian association of authors, composers and publishers. In 2016,the 7th edition of André Dumortier International Piano Competition commissioned his work"Lune solitaire et silencieuse" for piano solo as the set piece.
From 1982 to 1987, he was a composer in residence at the China Broadcast symphony orchestra and won several awards in national professional composition competitions and prizes for film and television music creations. Since he settled in Europe in 1987,his works have been performed in Europe, North America, Asia in important modern music festivals, such as Festival Présence,Ars Musica, ISCM and Beijing Modern Music Festival, etc. Among others, the Radio France Symphony Orchestra, the National Symphony Orchestra of Belgium,Symphony Orchestra of Flanders,the Beijing and Shanghai symphony orchestras, and the Central National Orchestra cooperated with him and commissioned works. Cypres Records and Megadisc Classics Records in Belgium published his works albums respectively, "Qin-Xiao","Théâtre pour Deux" etc. He has been regularly invited as chairman, member of jury or artistic director at international composition competitions or music events.
His music, on the one hand, combines the encompassing Eastern philosophy with the Western logico-analytical thinking; on the other hand, merges the traditional and modern writing techniques flexibly.He respects all the sages of human civilization but refuses to follow any tendency. He forms his own unique musical personality and thinking: personal aesthetic and universal love, lyrical and dramatic integration, strive to pursue the highest realm of artistic and spiritual.