Lesson 23 He's going through a little rebellious phase.他正处于叛逆期。

Part 1 Real Life Situation


You're talking to a friend about your teenage son.In the past few months,your son has been starting to listen to loud and aggressive music.He wears dark clothes and acts angry a lot.But you're not too worried because you think it's normal for his age.


You tell this your friend:


He's going through a little rebellious phase.他正处于叛逆期。

Part 2 Pronunciation and intonation


So,in the sentence,pay attention to the pro-nunciation of these parts.


1."Going" has a/w/sound in it:/ˈgəʊ-wiŋ/.

1.“going” 中 有 一 个/w/的音:/ˈgəʊ-wiŋ/。

2."Through" and "a" are linked by a/w/sound.

2.“through” 和 “a” 连读时由一个/w/音素连接。

3.The/t/in "little" is pronounced as/d/.

3.“little” 中的/t/发为/d/。

4.In"rebellious"/riˈbeljəs/,stress the second syllable,and please don't add the/r/sound after/ə/.

4.重读 “rebellious”/riˈbeljəs/中的第二个音节,请不要在/ə/后加上/r/。

5.It's "phase",not "face",so be sure to make the/z/sound.

5.确保 “phase” 尾音发/z/,不要读成 “face”。


Now,let's focus on tone and intonation.

1.重读 “he's” “rebellious”。

1.These words are stressed:"he's" "rebel-lious".


2.Say it without much concern because you don't think it's a big problem.


Now,practice,and you will learn to say this sentence like a native speaker.

Part 3 My explanation


The first expression we will learn is 我们要学习的第1个表达是

someoneis going through a/anadjectivephase某人正在经历一个……阶段/时期

When someone's behavior changes for a few years,you say that they are "going through a…phase".To understand "phases",you can think of the moon.Sometimes the moon is full,some-times it's half full,and sometimes it's completely dark.But you don't worry when the moon is dark because you know that it's a normal and natural e-vent which will change again soon.

当一个人的行为在几年中发生了变化时,你可以说他们是在经历一个……阶段/时期。你可以联想月亮来理解 “phases” (阶段/时期) 的意思。月有阴晴圆缺是正常的自然现象,不用担心它的光芒会消失,因为很快它又会发生新的变化。

We call the moon's appearance at different times.In the same way,people naturally change as they get older.When children are between 3 and 4,they enter an inquisitive phase (a time when they like to ask a lot of questions).

我们将月亮在不同时期出现的改变称为 “phases” (月相)。同样,人们随着年龄的增长也会经历一些变化。3~4岁之间的孩子会经历 “inquisitive phase” (好奇期),此阶段孩子对很多事物都会感到十分好奇。

Most kids between 11 and 14 go through an awkwarol phase,in which they don't seem com-fortable because they're not children anymore but not yet teenagers either.

多数 11~14 岁的孩子会经历“awkward phase” (尴尬期),他们会感到不自在,因为他们正处于儿童到青少年的过渡阶段。

许多15~25 岁的人会经历 “wild phase” (放纵期),这个时期他们喜欢喝酒、聚会、与不同的人约会。

And a lot of people between age 15 and 25 go through a wild phase when they like to drink,party,and date lots of different people.

If you say that someone is "going through a phase",it sounds like you think that they will soon stop acting the way that they're acting.

如 果 你 说 某 人 正 在 “going through a phase” (正在经历一个阶段/时期),听起来像是他很快就会不再进行当前所做的事情。

Don't worry about it.He's just going through a phase.He'll grow out of it.


The second expression we will learn is 我们要学习的第2个表达是

a littlesomething某物

People call a little things that they don't re-spect very much.For example,if someone who you go to school with threw a party but didn't invite you,you might angrily say:

人们把事情称为 “little” (小),表示他们对此事不太上心。例如,和你一起去学校的人举办了一个派对,但是你没有收到邀请。也许你会非常生气地说:

I guess I wasn't invited to her little party.我想,她没有邀请我去她的小派对。

Sorry,I've been in my own little world lately.抱歉,我最近一直沉浸在自己的小世界里。

The third expression we will learn is 我们要学习的第3个表达是

a rebellious teenager一个叛逆的少年

Teenagers often try to do the opposite of what their parents want.This is called "being rebel-lious".

青少年经常违背父母的意愿,这种行为人们称之为 “叛逆”。