更新时间:2020-09-18 18:08:02
最新章节:Lesson 100 I'm really sorry,but I won't be able to make it to New York next month.真的很抱歉,我下个月去不了纽约了。封面
Lesson 1 Do you still want to get together?你还想聚聚吗?
Lesson 2 By the end of the day,I was physically and mentally exhausted.那天结束的时候,我简直身心俱疲。
Lesson 3 Thanks,but no thanks.谢谢,但是不必了。
Lesson 4 Can you go grab a jar of pasta sauce from the next aisle?你能去旁边的通道拿一罐意大利面酱吗?
Lesson 5 The Earth's axis is tilted.地轴是倾斜的。
Lesson 6 He had a really great run for a few years there in the late'90 s.90 年代后期他火了好几年。
Lesson 7 All right man,take it easy!好了哥们,保重!
Lesson 8 You have to eat a lot of fiber when you're constipated.当你便秘时,必须多吃纤维素。
Lesson 9 I was in stitches the whole show!这场演出让我都笑破肚皮了。
Lesson 10 I guess I'll thaw this out.我想我会把它解冻。
Lesson 11 Come on.I didn't mean it that way.拜托,我不是那个意思!
Lesson 12 I'd go out and blow it all on a huge shopping spree!我会去疯狂购物!
Lesson 13 What's the point of even wearing a helmet if you're not going to buckle it?如果不把系带扣上,那你戴头盔有什么意义呢?
Lesson 14 Do you want me to take over?你想让我接手吗?
Lesson 15 No,I'm good.Thanks.不用,谢谢。
Lesson 16 I'm sorry if you felt excluded or ignored,but it's not my job to babysit you.很抱歉让你感到被排斥或被忽视了,但照顾你并不是我的职责。
Lesson 17 We're meeting up to sign the lease later this after-noon.我们今天下午晚些时候碰面签租约。
Lesson 18 She kind of perked up when I mentioned Hannah's name.每当我提起汉娜时,她就变得活跃起来。
Lesson 19 I'm willing to help you out,but you've got to put forth a little more effort.我愿意帮助你,但你得付出更多努力。
Lesson 20 Let's not jump to conclusions.我们不能妄下结论。
Lesson 21 Come to think of it,I can't even remember when the last time I hosted a party was.仔细想下,我甚至不记得上次是何时举办的派对了。
Lesson 22 If you keep plucking them,you'll end up with no eye-brows left.如果继续拔,你的眉毛就所剩无几了。
Lesson 23 He's going through a little rebellious phase.他正处于叛逆期。
Lesson 24 I ran into someone I haven't seen in years.我偶遇了一个多年未见的人。
Lesson 25 I walked quite a way out,but it was still only about waist deep.我已经走了很远了,(水)还只是齐腰深。
Lesson 26 I went straight to sleep as soon as I got home.我回家后就直接睡觉了。
Lesson 27 I get this sharp pain in my shoulder whenever I raise my arm.每当我抬起手臂,肩膀都会感到一阵剧痛。
Lesson 28 I need to work on my posture.我需要调整姿势。
Lesson 29 OK.Well,it was a pleasure meeting you.好的,很高兴见到你。
Lesson 30 We're about to take off.I'll call you when I land.飞机要起飞了,着陆时我再打给你。
Lesson 31 Looks like you'll have to fend for yourself for a few days.看来你得自己照顾自己几天了。
Lesson 32 I hate to say“I told you so”,but...我不想说“我告诉过你”,但……
Lesson 33 I'm just gonna kick back with a cold drink and watch the game.You?我要边喝冷饮边看比赛,你呢?
Lesson 34 Aiden,it's your turn to take the trash out.Aiden,轮到你倒垃圾了。
Lesson 35 I don't want to get all bulked up;I just want to get toned.我只希望身材有型一些就好,不想练得过于魁梧。
Lesson 36 Frugal?Cheap is more like it!节俭?小气才对吧!
Lesson 37 On that note,I think it's time for me to leave.说到这里,我想是时候离开了。
Lesson 38 What's wrong?Does your tummy hurt?你怎么了?肚子痛吗?
Lesson 39 I didn't want to put her in a nursing home.我不想把她送进养老院。
Lesson 40 The material seems durable and there is a good deal of padding along the back and straps for a comfortable fit.材质看起来很耐用,书包背部和背带加有衬垫,背起来很舒服。
Lesson 41 Remember guys,there's no“I”in “team”.记住,“团队”二字中,并无“自我”。
Lesson 42 I love that dry,deadpan style of humor he has.我喜欢他那不动声色的冷幽默。
Lesson 43 Don't you dare talk to me like that!你竟敢那样对我说话!
Lesson 44 I believe that everything happens for a reason.我相信任何事情都事出有因。
Lesson 45 That's not very environmentally conscious of me,is it?我不是一个有环保意识的人,是吗?
Lesson 46 Why would you go all the way downtown to get a haircut when there's a perfectly good place right across the street?街对面就有一家很棒的理发店,为什么要去市区(理发)?
Lesson 47 You and Lisa really seemed to hit it off.你和Lisa似乎很投缘。
Lesson 48 You think you can just go around spending money left and right?你觉得你能一直肆无忌惮地花钱吗?
Lesson 49 As I was riding the train home,I realized that I'd left my keys in the closet at work.乘火车回家的时候,我突然想到我把钥匙落在公司的衣柜里了。
Lesson 50 Make sure they're cooked all the way through.一定要把肉煮熟。
Lesson 51 You seem awfully young to have a son in his teens.你看起来如此年轻竟然儿子都已经十几岁了。
Lesson 52 The truth always comes out,one way or another.真相总会大白。
Lesson 53 I considered going into medicine,but I decided that I wan-ted to do something a little more creative.我有想过进军医学领域,但我最终决定尝试一些更具创造力的事业。
Lesson 54 Sir,I think we have an issue.长官,我认为我们有麻烦了。
Lesson 55 Guys,I have to talk to you.爸妈,我得和你们谈谈。
Lesson 56 You can't count on someone always being there to support you.你不能指望有人能一直支持你。
Lesson 57 Oh,my bad.Didn't realize you were saving it.噢,对不起。我不知道你还要用。
Lesson 58 My ideal guy is someone who is confident without be-ing cocky or arrogant.我理想中的男人是一个自信但不自大或傲慢的人。
Lesson 59 I've developed a rash of some kind on my upper back,between my shoulder blades.我的上背部,肩胛骨之间出现了一些皮疹。
Lesson 60 I didn't want to make her feel self-conscious.我不想让她感到难为情。
Lesson 61 I swear,I came this close to just slamming him right in his face.我发誓,我差点儿就打中他的脸了。
Lesson 62 I want to try to shed a few pounds and get back in shape.我想试着减肥,恢复身材。
Lesson 63 I've been meaning to ask you.Do you know what's up with Matt?我一直想问你,你知道Matt怎么了吗?
Lesson 64 It's imperative that you keep up with the reading.你们必须要跟上阅读的进程。
Lesson 65 It's not that long of a hike.并没有你想的那么远。
Lesson 66 She's talking up a storm these days.最近她总是滔滔不绝的。
Lesson 67 That look she gave him sent chills up my spine.她看他的眼神让我毛骨悚然。
Lesson 68 That's...quite a bold fashion statement...那是……非常大胆的时尚宣言……
Lesson 69 The video's pretty choppy on my end.我这边的视频信号很不稳定。
Lesson 70 There seems to be a bit of a lag.似乎有点儿延迟。
Lesson 71 What are you doing with your life?You're spinning out of control!你看看你现在生活成什么样子了?再这样下去就要失控了!
Lesson 72 Where's the next one being held?下一届举办地点在哪里?
Lesson 73 It had a huge impact on,not just television,but the en-tire entertainment industry.这不仅对电视行业,而且对整个娱乐业都产生了巨大影响。
Lesson 74 It's a quiet little suburban community about 30 minutes outside the city.那是一个小而安静的郊外社区,距离市区大概30 分钟路程。
Lesson 75 What an ego-maniac!真是个自大狂!
Lesson 76 Some folks are evacuating,but I'm staying put.一些人正在撤离,但我将留在原地。
Lesson 77 Just thinking about how enormous it all is...it blows my mind!想想这一切是多么浩瀚……简直颠覆了我的想象!
Lesson 78 Jeez,how awkward is this?It hurts to watch!天啊,真尴尬?看了真伤心!
Lesson 79 Well,one way or the other,I'd better figure something out soon.嗯,不管怎样,我最好早点儿想出办法。
Lesson 80 If you notice anything suspicious,please alert the au-thorities immediately.如果你发现有任何可疑的情况,请立即通知有关部门。
Lesson 81 You're going to want to have a nice,comfortable pair of sneakers to walk around in.你到时候就会想要穿一双好的、舒服的运动鞋散步了。
Lesson 82 I can't believe someone would do such a thing.不敢相信有人会做出这样的事。
Lesson 83 So,have you settled back into the routine?那么,你有没有重新回到正常的生活中?
Lesson 84 I think I have a pretty good shot at getting it.我认为我很有希望得到它。
Lesson 85 We could have just ordered one dish and split it.我们本可以只点一道菜,然后分着吃。
Lesson 86 You remember how you used to always play that song on your dad's stereo?你还记得当初你总是用你爸的音响放那首歌吗?
Lesson 87 Sorry to interrupt,but can I ask you something quickly?抱歉打扰一下,但是我能快速问你一件事吗?
Lesson 88 Can you give me just a minute to finish writing this?你可以给我一点儿时间写完这个吗?
Lesson 89 From now on,check with me before you do that.从现在开始,做事之前和我确认一下。
Lesson 90 I'm sure it's perfectly safe,but it has a funny taste.我确信它非常安全,但它有一种奇怪的味道。
Lesson 91 From a practical perspective,I don't see how that's possible.从实用的角度来看,我认为这是不可能的。
Lesson 92 I got mixed up and called my landlord by mistake.我搞混了,错打给房东。
Lesson 93 Feel free to ask questions at any point.任何时候都可以随意提问。
Lesson 94 Man!She is going to flip out when she hears about this.天呐!她听到这个消息一定会气疯的。
Lesson 95 You get to pick and choose when you work.你在工作时,有足够的选择权。
Lesson 96 Sorry,I've kind of been in my own little world lately.抱歉,我最近有点儿陷入了自己的小世界。
Lesson 97 She did tell some interesting anecdotes,though.不过,她也讲了一些有趣的轶事。
Lesson 98 Did you know that they're making a new Ghostbustersse-quel with the original cast?你知道他们正在用原班演员阵容拍新的《捉鬼敢死队》续集吗?
Lesson 99 She wasn't that engaging of a speaker.她不是一个很吸引人的演讲者。
Lesson 100 I'm really sorry,but I won't be able to make it to New York next month.真的很抱歉,我下个月去不了纽约了。
更新时间:2020-09-18 18:08:02