Lesson 27 I get this sharp pain in my shoulder whenever I raise my arm.每当我抬起手臂,肩膀都会感到一阵剧痛。

Part 1 Real Life Situation


Your shoulder hurts sometimes.It hurts badly when you raise your arms up.You say this to describe the pain to your doctor.


I get this sharp pain in my shoulder whenever I raise my arm.


Part 2 Pronunciation and intonation


So,in the sentence,pay attention to the pro-nunciation of these parts.


1.Omit these sounds:/t/in"get",and one/p/in "sharp pain".

1.“get” 中 的/t/不 发 音,“sharp pain” 中的两个/p/只用发一次音。

2.Link these words:"pain in" "whenever I""my arm".

2.“pain in” “whenever I” “my arm” 连读。

3.Reduce "in",so it sounds like/n/.

3.“in” 弱读为/n/。

Now,let's focus on tone and intonation.


Stress these words:"sharp" "pain" "shoul-der" "arm".

重读 “sharp” “pain” “shoul-der” “arm”。

Say it with a painful tone,because you want the doctor to know that it's really a problem.


Now,practice,and you will learn to say this sentence like a native speaker.


Part 3 My explanation


The first expression we will learn is 我们要学习的第1个表达是

sharp pain剧痛

"Pain" can describe any time a part of your body hurts,but there are different kinds of"pain".A "sharp pain" doesn't last a long time,but it is quite painful.You might feel a sharp pain if you break a bone,or if someone punches you in your face.

任何一个身体部位受伤的时候都可以用 “pain” 来形容。“pain” (疼痛) 也分为不同的种类和程度,“sharp pain” 的持续时间不长,但是痛感非常强烈。当骨折时,或某人朝你脸上打了一拳时,你可能会有这种痛感。

Other kinds of pain include:a "dull pain" is not as strong as a sharp pain.You might feel this if you have a tooth ache,for example.


A "burning pain" is strong but might be spread out over a large area.

“dull pain” “隐痛” 没有 “sharp pain” “剧痛” 那么强烈,如:牙痛的感觉。

A "throbbing pain" is what you feel when something hurts really badly and you can feel the blood pumping through it.You might feel this right after you have badly hurt yourself.

“burning pain” “灼痛” 的痛感非常强烈,但是痛感的分布比较分散。

“throbbing pain” “绞痛” 痛感剧烈,甚至可以感受到血液的流动,受伤很严重时会有这种感受。

"Soreness" is a light kind of pain that you feel in your muscles.You might feel this after you exer-cise too hard.

“soreness” “酸痛” 是指肌肉感到轻微疼痛,通常发生在过度运动之后。

The second expression we will learn is 我们要学习的第2个表达是

a pain ina body part疼痛身体部位

When you want to explain where you feel pain,you say that you have "a pain in…".For example:

你想说明身体的某个部位疼痛时可以说 “a pain in…”,例如:

I had a horrible pain in my lower back.我的下背部痛得厉害。

I have a pain in my ankle.我的脚踝痛得厉害。

Of course,you can also say "my…hurts".

当然,你也可以说 “my…hurts”。

My head hurts.我的头痛。

This is a more casual way to explain your pain.


The third expression we will learn is 我们要学习的第3个表达是

something happenswheneversomeone doessomething) (某事发生每当有人做某事

Use "whenever" to talk about something that happens again and again in similar situations.For example:

使用 “whenever” 谈论在类似情况下反复发生的事情。例如:

He likes to stop by our office whenever he's in New York.


Individuals should be supported to make their own decisions whenever possible.


You could use"when" in each of these situa-tions,but when you use"whenever" it sounds like it happens almost every time.If you use"when",it sounds like something might happen in that situ-ation,or might not.So,for example:

你可以在很多 情 况 下 使 用“when”,但是当你使用 “whenever”时,表达的含义是几乎每次都会发生。如果你使用 “when”,听起来就像在某种情况下某件事会发生,或者可能不会发生。例如:

I get a sharp pain in my shoulder when I raise my arm.


If you say this,the doctor might ask,"Does it hurt every time?" But if you used"whenever",the doctor would already know that it was every time.

如果你这样说,医生可能会问:“每次都疼吗?” 但如果使用 “whenev-er”,医生就会知道每次都是这样。